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199. Bornyakov V.G. Finite Temperature Phase Transition with Two Flavors of Improved  Wilson Fermions. - Hamburg. 2011. - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-026) (Edinburgh ;  2011/10) (ITEP-LAT ; 2011-02 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / V.G. Bornyakov  [a.o.] - [802623 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.4461v1.pdf


200. Buchmueller O. Implications of Initial LHC Searches for Supersymmetry. – Hamburg. 2011. -  17p. : il. - (DESY ; 10-249) Bibliogr.:p.13-17 / O. Buchmueller  [et  al.] - [802628 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.4585v1.pdf


201. Diehl M. Theoretical Considerations on Multiparton Interactions in QCD. -  Hamburg. 2011. -  18p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-021) Bibliogr.:p.17-18 / M. Diehl è A. Schafer  - [802619 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.3081v2.pdf


202. Drach V. Low Lying Baryon Spectrum with N f =2+1+1 Dynamical Twisted Quarks. - Hamburg. 2010. - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 10-188) (SFB/CPP ; 10-104) Bibliogr.:p.7/V. Drach  [a.o.] -  [802625 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1012/1012.3861v1.pdf


203. Gockeler M. Baryon Axial Charges and Momentum Fractions with N f =2+1 Dynamical Fermions.- Hamburg. 2011. - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-024) Bibliogr.:p.7 / M. Gockeler  [a.o.] -  [802622 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.3407v1.pdf


204. Kalaydzhyan T. Fluid/Gravity Model for the Chiral Magnetic Effect. - Hamburg. 2011. - 4p. - (DESY ; 11-022) Bibliogr.:p.4 / T. Kalaydzhyan è I. Kirsch  - [802620 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.4334v2.pdf


205. Kansal A.K. Velocity Field Measurements Using Digital Particle Image  Velocimetric System. - Bombay. 2010. - 11p. : il. - (BARC ; 2010/E/013) Bibliogr.:p.11 / A.K. Kansal  [a.o.] - [802632 - ÇÈË]


206. March M.C. Improved Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from SNIa Data. -  Hamburg. 2011. - 23p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-023) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / M.C. March   [a.o.] - [802621 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1102/1102.3237v2.pdf


207. Moortgat-Pick G. Impact of Polarized e- and e+ Beams at a Future Linear  Collider and a  Z-Factory. Part I-Fundamentals in Polarization and Electroweak  Precision Physics. - Hamburg. 2010. - 10p. : il. - (DESY ; 10-242) Bibliogr.:p. 9-10 / G. Moortgat-Pick  - [802627 - ÇÈË]


208. Moortgat-Pick G. Impact of Polarized e- and e+ Beams at a Future Linear  Collider and a  Z-Factory. Part II-Physics beyond the Standard Model. - Hamburg. 2010. - 9p. : il. - (DESY ;   10-243 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / G. Moortgat-Pick  - [802633 - ÇÈË]


209. Papinutto M. Strange and Charmed Baryons Using N f =2 Twisted Mass QCD. -  Hamburg. 2010. - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 10-189) (SFB/CPP ; 10-105) Bibliogr.:p.7/M. Papinutto [a.o.] - [802626 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1012/1012.2786v1.pdf


210. Ramanan N. Development of a Bendable Mirror for Studying Materials under High  Pressure Using EXAFS Beamline at INDUS-2 SRS. - Bombay. 2010. - 12p. : il. - (BARC ; 2010/E/012) Bibliogr.:p.12 / N. Ramanan  [a.o.]  - [802631 – ÇÈË]


211. Sahu S.K. Optimization of Chromatographic Technique for Regular Monitoring of  Greenhouse Gases. - Bombay. 2010. - 29p. : il. - (BARC ; 2010/E/011) Bibliogr.: p.29 / S.K. Sahu  [a.o.] -  [802630 - ÇÈË]


212. Saibaba N. Microstructural Studies of Heat Treated Zr-2.5 Nb Alloy for Pressure  Tube  Applications. - Bombay. 2010. - 21p. : il. - (BARC ; 2010/E/010) Bibliogr. :p.12-13 / N. Saibaba  [a.o.] - [802629 - ÇÈË]


213. Williams K.E. Higher Order Corrections to Higgs Boson Decays in the MSSM with  Complex Parameters. - Hamburg. 2011. - 78p. : il. - (DESY ; 10-168) Bibliogr.:p.72-78 / K.E. Williams  [a.o.] - [802624 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1103/1103.1335v1.pdf




214. Bear N. Analyse thermique de la stabilite d'oxydes d'uranium et de leurs  reactions avec des fluorures alcalins: These. - Orsay. 2010. - 131p. : il. - (IPNO-T ; 10-11) / N. Bear - [802635 - ÇÈË]




215. Fantina A.F. Supernovae Theory: Study of Electro-Weak Processes During Gravitational Collapse of Massive Stars: These. - Orsay. 2010. - 241p. : il. - (IPNO-T ; 10-10) Bibliogr.:p.227-241 / A.F. Fantina  - [802634 - ÇÈË]

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