БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ «СТАТЬИ» No.24 15.06.2010 |
1.Болотин, С.В. Валерию Васильевичу Козлову - 60 лет/ С.В.Болотин, [др.] // Успехи математических наук.-2010.-Vol.65, No.2.-с.201-206 .- http://mi.mathnet.ru/umn9351. |
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2.Аниконов, Д.С. Задача о неизвестной границе для сингулярного интегрального уравнения/ Д.С.Аниконов // Доклады Академии Наук.-2010.-Т.431, No.4.-с.439-442 .- Библиогр.:10. |
3.Болсинов, А.В. Топология и устойчивость интегрируемых систем/ А.В.Болсинов, [др.] // Успехи математических наук.-2010.-Vol.65, No.2.-с.71-132 .- Библиогр.:82. http://mi.mathnet.ru/umn9346. |
A. Two-Fold Integrable Hierarchy of Nonholonomic Deformation of the
Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger and the Lenells-Fokas Equation/ A.Kundu //
Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022901 .-
Bibliogr.:18. |
L. Inhomogeneous Boundary Value Problem for Hartree-Type Equation/ L.Ma, P.Cao
// Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.023516 .-
Bibliogr.:18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3293984. |
D.-S. Integrable Properties of the General Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger
Equations/ D.-S.Wang, [a.o.] // Journal of Mathematics and
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Bibliogr.:30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3290736. |
C.H. Dissipative Dynamics of Magnetic Solitons in Metals/ C.H.Wong, Y.Tserkovnyak
// Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.6.-p.060404(R) .- Bibliogr.:20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.060404. |
8.Yin, J. Stability of Peakons and Linear Dispersion Limit for the Periodic Dullin-Gottwald-Holm Equation/ J.Yin, L.Tian // Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.023505 .- Bibliogr.:37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3120914. |
9.Болотин, С.В. Формула Хилла/ С.В.Болотин, Д.В.Трещёв // Успехи математических наук.-2010.-Vol.65, No.2.-с.3-70 .- Библиогр.:34. http://mi.mathnet.ru/umn9348. |
10.Драгович, В. Интегрируемые биллиарды и квадрики/
В.Драгович, М.Раднович // Успехи математических наук.-2010.-Vol.65,
No.2.-с.133-194 .- Библиогр.:77.
http://mi.mathnet.ru/umn9349. |
11.Alba, V. Entanglement Entropy of Two Disjoint Blocks in
Critical Ising Models/ V.Alba, [a.o.] // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81,
No.6.-p.060411(R) .- Bibliogr.:28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.060411. |
J.J. Monte Carlo Study of the Spin-Glass Phase of the Site-Diluted Dipolar
Ising Model/ J.J.Alonso, J.F.Fernandez // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81,
No.6.-p.064408 .- Bibliogr.:49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.064408.
13.Chou, C.-P. Mechanism of Formation of Half-Doped Stripes
in Underdoped Cuprates/ C.-P.Chou, T.-K.Lee // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81,
No.6.-p.060503(R) .- Bibliogr.:39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.060503. |
E.R. Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Activated States and Correlated
Shear-Transformation-Zone Activity During the Deformation of an Amorphous
Metal/ E.R.Homer, [a.o.] // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.6.-p.064204
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15.Kara, A. Silicon Nano-Ribbons on Ag(110): a Computational
Investigation/ A.Kara, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter.-2010.-Vol.22, No.4.-p.045004 .- Bibliogr.:24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/22/4/045004. |
16.Los, J.H. Determination of the Bulk Melting Temperature
of Nickel Using Monte Carlo Simulations: Inaccuracy of Extrapolation from
Cluster Melting Temperatures/ J.H.Los, J.M.Pellenq // Physical Review
B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.6.-p.064112 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
17.Marques, M.I. Microscopic Model for the Formation of
Nanodomains in Relaxor Materials/ M.I.Marques, C.Arago // Physical Review
B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.6.-p.064114 .- Bibliogr.:32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.064114. |
18.Mol, L.A.S. Phase Transition in the Two-Dimensional
Dipolar Planar Rotator Model/ L.A.S.Mol, B.V.Costa // Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter.-2010.-Vol.22, No.4.-p.046005 .- Bibliogr.:31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/22/4/046005. |
19.Nemec, N. Diffusion Monte Carlo: Exponential Scaling of
Computational Cost for Large Systems/ N.Nemec // Physical Review
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20.Werner, P. Weak-Coupling Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations
on the Keldysh Contour: Theory and Application to the Current-Voltage
Characteristics of the |
21.Wohlwend, J.L. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of
SrTiO&sub(3) Thin-Film Growth from Cluster Deposition/ J.L.Wohlwend,
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22.Ваулина, О.С. Анализ парного межчастичного
взаимодействия в неидеальных диссипативных системах/ О.С.Ваулина, [др.] //
Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики.-2010.-Т.137, No.4.-с.751-766
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23.Ильин, В.П. Что такое вычислительная наука?/ В.П.Ильин // Вестник Российской Академии наук.-2010.-Т.80, No.4.-с.329-336 .- Библиогр.:3. http://www.maikonline.com/maik/showArticle.do?auid=VAG876AJTX. |
24.Андреев, А.Ф. Жорес Иванович Алфёров: (к 80-летию со дня рождения)/ А.Ф.Андреев, [др.] // Успехи физических наук.-2010.-Т.180, No.3.-с.333-334 .- http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2010/3/l/. |
25.Болотовский, Б.М. Петр Петрович Лазарев/ Б.М.Болотовский // Природа.-2010.-No.4.-с.71-73 .- Библиогр.:4. |
26.Лазарев, П.П. Взгляды П.Н.Лебедева на организацию научных исследований/ П.П.Лазарев // Природа.-2010.-No.4.-с.66-70. |
27.Лазарев, П.П. Памяти великого русского физика П.Н.Лебедева/ П.П.Лазарев // Природа.-2010.-No.4.-с.63-65. |
28.Acernese, F. Performances of the Virgo Interferometer Longitudinal
Control System/ F.Acernese, [a.o.] // Astroparticle Physics.-2010.-Vol.33,
No.2.-p.75-80 .- Bibliogr.:13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2009.11.006. |
29.Borowiec, A. The Classical Basis for the k-Poincare Hopf
Algebra and Doubly Special Relativity Theories/ A.Borowiec, A.Pachol //
Journal of Physics A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.4.-p.045203 .-
Bibliogr.:38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/4/045203. |
30.Chung, J.S. The Geometry of Minkowski Space in Terms of
Hyperbolic Angles/ J.S.Chung, [a.o.] // Journal of the Korean Physical
Society.-2009.-Vol.55, No.6.-p.2323-2327 .-
Bibliogr.:4. |
31.Degner, A. Cosmological Particle Creation in States of
Low Energy/ A.Degner, R.Verch // Journal of Mathematics and
Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022302 .- Bibliogr.:27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3271106. |
32.Jing, J. Improved Parametrization of the Growth Index for
Dark Energy and DGP Models/ J.Jing, S.Chen // Physics Letters
B.-2010.-Vol.685, No.2/3.-p.185-189 .- Bibliogr.:53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2010.01.061. |
33.Krasnov, K. Metric Lagrangians with Two Propagating
Degrees of Freedom/ K.Krasnov // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2010.-Vol.89, No.3.-p.30002 .- Bibliogr.:17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/89/30002.
34.Kryukov, A. A Possible Mathematics for the Unification of
Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity/ A.Kryukov // Journal of Mathematics
and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022110 .-
Bibliogr.:13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3298678. |
35.Mohr, P.J. Solutions of the Maxwell Equations and Photon
Wave Functions/ P.J.Mohr // Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.607-663
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36.Sharif, M. Behavior of Time-Varying Constants in
Relativity/ M.Sharif, H.H.Kausar // Journal of the Korean Physical
Society.-2009.-Vol.55, No.6.-p.2328-2338 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
37.Веселаго, В.Г. О релятивистской инвариантности тензоров
энергии-импульса в форме Минковского и в форме Абрагама/ В.Г.Веселаго,
В.В.Щавлев // Успехи физических наук.-2010.-Т.180, No.3.-с.331-332 .-
Библиогр.:3. |
38.Каменщик, А.Ю. Проблема сингулярностей и хаос в космологии/ А.Ю.Каменщик // Успехи физических наук.-2010.-Т.180, No.3.-с.313-322 .- Библиогр.:45. http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2010/3/h/. |
39.Черников, Н.А. Простые бинарные эфирные объекты в СТО, эфирный шар и круглая эфирная пластинка/ Н.А.Черников, Н.С.Шавохина // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2010.-Т.7, No.3.-с.259-270 .- Библиогр.:8. http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_3_2010/01_cher.pdf. |
40.Brennen, G.K. Anyonic Quantum Walks/ G.K.Brennen, [a.o.]
// Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.664-681 .- Bibliogr.:54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.12.001. |
41.Cheng, S. Classification of the Entangled States of 2 x N
x N/ S.Cheng, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.5.-p.055303 .-
Bibliogr.:20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055303. |
42.Cheon, T. Approximation of a General Singular Vertex
Coupling in Quantum Graphs/ T.Cheon, [a.o.] // Annals of
Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.548-578 .- Bibliogr.:16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.11.010. |
43.Gaveau, B. Energetic Consequences of Decoherence at Small
Times for Coupled Systems/ B.Gaveau, L.S.Schulman // Journal of Physics
A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.5.-p.055308 .- Bibliogr.:8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055308. |
44.Greenberg, O.W. Study of the Vacuum Matrix Element of
Products of Parafields/ O.W.Greenberg, A.K.Mishra // Journal of Mathematics
and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.023530 .- Bibliogr.:5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3268590. |
45.Hamadou-Ibrahim, A. Some Entanglement Features Exhibited
by Two, Three and Four Qubits Interacting with an Environment in a
Non-Markovian Regime/ A.Hamadou-Ibrahim, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics
A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.5.-p.055305 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
46.Hessian, H.A. Effect of Atomic Spontaneous Decay on
Entanglement in the Generalized Jaynes-Cummings Model/ H.A.Hessian, [a.o.] //
Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.519-527 .- Bibliogr.:27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.11.008. |
47.Irani, S. Ground State Entanglement in One-Dimensional
Translationally Invariant Quantum Systems/ S.Irani // Journal of Mathematics
and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022101 .- Bibliogr.:20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3254321. |
48.Jones, H.F. Quantum and Classical Statistical Mechanics
of a Class of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians/ H.F.Jones, E.S.Moreira Jr. //
Journal of Physics A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.5.-p.055307 .- Bibliogr.:24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055307. |
49.Korsbakken, J.I. The Size of Macroscopic Superposition
States in Flux Qubits/ J.I.Korsbakken, [a.o.] // EPL: A Letters Journal
Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2010.-Vol.89, No.3.-p.30003
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50.Lee, K.
Incompatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Leggett-Type Nonlocal Hidden
Variable Theory for a Singlet State/ K.Lee, K.Kang // Journal of the Korean
Physical Society.-2009.-Vol.55, No.6.-p.2307-2310 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
51.Los, V.F. On the Quantum Mechanical Scattering from a
Potential Step/ V.F.Los, A.V.Los // Journal of Physics A.-2010.-Vol.43,
No.5.-p.055304 .- Bibliogr.:13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055304. |
52.Midya, B. Position Dependent Mass Schrodinger Equation
and Isospectral Potentials: Intertwining Operator Approach/ B.Midya, [a.o.]
// Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022109 .-
Bibliogr.:24. |
53.Steffen, M. Quantum Information Storage Using Tunable
Flux Qubits/ M.Steffen, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter.-2010.-Vol.22, No.5.-p.053201 .- Bibliogr.:33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/22/5/053201. |
54.Strauss, Y. Self-Adjoint Lyapunov Variables, Temporal
Ordering, and Irreversible Representations of Schrodinger Evolution/ Y.Strauss
// Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022104 .-
Bibliogr.:28. |
55.Yin, C. Why SWKB Approximation Is Exact for All SIPs/ C.Yin, [a.o.] // Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.528-534 .- Bibliogr.:14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.11.004. |
56.Покровский, В.Л. Поверх барьеров: (работы И.М.
Халатникова о рассеянии частиц высоких энергий)/ В.Л.Покровский // Успехи
физических наук.-2010.-Т.180, No.3.-с.322-328 .- Библиогр.:20. |
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57.Ikhdair, S.M. Approximate Solutions of the Dirac Equation
for the Rosen-Morse Potential Including the Spin-Orbit Centrifugal Term/ S.M.Ikhdair
// Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.023525 .- Bibliogr.:64.
58.Muslih, S.I. A Fractional Dirac Equation and Its Solution/ S.I.Muslih, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.5.-p.055203 .- Bibliogr.:32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055203. |
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59.Kraus, I. Particle Production in p-p Collisions at *%s = 17 GeV Within a Statistical Model/ I.Kraus, [a.o.] // Physical Review C.-2010.-Vol.81, No.2.-p.024903 .- Bibliogr.:29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.81.024903. |
60.Токарев, М.В. Самоподобие рождения адронов в
кумулятивных процессах с большими поперечными импульсами и нарушение
дискретных симметрий на малых масштабах: (предложение к эксперименту)/
М.В.Токарев, И.Зборовски // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра.
Письма.-2010.-Т.7, No.3.-с.271-286 .- Библиогр.:40. |
61.Nagamachi, S. Frame Independence of the Fundamental
Length in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory/ S.Nagamachi, E.Bruning //
Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022305 .- Bibliogr.:13.
С 324.1б СИЛЬНЫЕ
A. Computer-Based Analytical
Simulations of Chiral Hadronic Processes/
A.Aleksejevs, M.Butler // Journal of Physics
G.-2010.-Vol.37, No.3.-p.035002 .- Bibliogr.:30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/37/3/035002. |
63.Boroun, G.R. Nonlinear Correction to the Longitudinal
Structure Function at Small x / G.R.Boroun // The European Physical Journal
A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.3.-p.335-338 .- Bibliogr.:36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2010-10919-9. |
64.Bouzas, A.O. Polarized pK*- Scattering in Unitary Baryon
Chiral Perturbation Theory / A.O.Bouzas // The European Physical Journal
A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.3.-p.351-368 .- Bibliogr.:72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2010-10923-1. |
65.Choi, K.-S. Axial Charges of the Nucleon and N&sup(* ) Resonances/ K.-S.Choi, [a.o.] // Physical Review
C.-2010.-Vol.81, No.2.-p.028201 .- Bibliogr.:36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.81.028201. |
66.Fil'kov, L.V. Comment on "Polarizability of the
Pion: No Conflict between Dispersion Theory and Chiral Perturbation
Theory"/ L.V.Fil'kov, V.L.Kashevarov // Physical Review C.-2010.-Vol.81,
No.2.-p.029801 .- Bibliogr.:8. |
J.W. Density-Dependent Effective Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction from Chiral
Three-Nucleon Forces/ J.W.Holt, [a.o.] // Physical Review C.-2010.-Vol.81,
No.2.-p.024002 .- Bibliogr.:45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.81.024002. |
68.Liu, Y.-H. Interpreting the Masses of Mesons in Regge
Phenomenology / Y.-H.Liu, [a.o.] // The European Physical Journal
A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.3.-p.379-388 .- Bibliogr.:60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2010-10922-2. |
69.Machleidt, R. Renormalization of the Leading-Order Chiral
Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and Bulk Properties of Nuclear Matter/ R.Machleidt,
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70.Pasquini, B. Reply to "Comment on 'Polarizability of
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71.Bardek, V. Density Waves in the Calogero Model -
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No.3.-p.691-710 .- Bibliogr.:32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.12.004. |
72.Bruckmann, F. Comparing Topological Charge Definitions
Using Topology Fixing Actions / F.Bruckmann, [a.o.] // The European Physical
Journal A.-2010.-Vol.43, No.3.-p.303-311 .- Bibliogr.:47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2010-10915-1. |
73.Nishinou, T. Convergence of Adiabatic Family of Anti-Self-Dual Connections on Products of Riemann Surfaces/ T.Nishinou // Journal of Mathematics and Physics.-2010.-Vol.51, No.2.-p.022306 .- Bibliogr.:7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3318164. |
74.Хриплович, И.Б. Экранирование и антиэкранирование заряда в калибровочных теориях/ И.Б.Хриплович // Успехи физических наук.-2010.-Т.180, No.3.-с.328-330 .- Библиогр.:6. http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2010/3/j/. |
M.G. Shear Viscosity from Kaon Condensation in Color-Flavor-Locked Quark
Matter/ M.G.Alford, [a.o.] // Physical Review C.-2010.-Vol.81, No.2.-p.025202
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76.Gurdogan, Q.C. Walking Solutions in the String Background
Dual to N = 1 SQCD-Like Theories/ Q.C.Gurdogan // Annals of
Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.535-547 .- Bibliogr.:22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.10.008. |
77.Nayak, G.C. Proof of Factorization of Fragmentation Function in Non-Equilibrium QCD/ G.C.Nayak // Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.682-690 .- Bibliogr.:20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.12.009. |
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79.Malvezzi, A.L. Excitations and Finite-Size Properties of an Integrable Supersymmetric Electronic Model/ A.L.Malvezzi, M.J.Martins // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.3.-p.035120 .- Bibliogr.:27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.035120. |
80.Khmelnytskaya, K.V. Periodic Sturm-Liouville Problems
Related to Two Riccati Equations of Constant Coefficients/ K.V.Khmelnytskaya,
[a.o.] // Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.596-606 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
81.Philbin, T.G. Casimir Stress in an Inhomogeneous Medium/ T.G.Philbin, [a.o.] // Annals of Physics.-2010.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.579-595 .- Bibliogr.:34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2009.11.006. |
82.Cabria, I. Theoretical Study of the Transition from
Planar to Three-Dimensional Structures of Palladium Clusters Supported on
Graphene/ I.Cabria, [a.o.] // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.3.-p.035403
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83.Cuppens, J. Superconductivity in Pb Cluster Assembled
Systems with Different Degrees of Coagulation/ J.Cuppens, [a.o.] // Physical
Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.6.-p.064517 .- Bibliogr.:48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.064517. |
84.Garcia, N. Disordered Electrical Potential Observed on
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85.Matsunaga, R. Origin of |
86.Potasz, P. Zero-Energy States in Triangular and Trapezoidal Graphene Structures/ P.Potasz, [a.o.] // Physical Review B.-2010.-Vol.81, No.3.-p.033403 .- Bibliogr.:22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.033403. |
87.Сандитов, Д.С. Сдвиговая вязкость стеклообразующих
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экспериментальной и теоретической физики.-2010.-Т.137, No.4.-с.767-782 .-
Библиогр.:56. |
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