Èíôîðìàöèîííûé  áþëëåòåíü  «Ïðåïðèíòû» No.51/52                          20.12.10; 27.12.10





721.     Akbari S. Some Results on the Intersection Graphs of Ideals of Rings. - Trieste.  2010. - 12p. – (IC ; 2010/074) Bibliogr.:p.12 / S. Akbari  [a.o.]  - [802338 - ÇÈË] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010074P.pdf


722.     Gateva-Ivanova T. Quadratic PBW-Algebras, Yang-Baxter Equation and Artin- Schelter Regularity. - Trieste. 2010. - 24p. - (IC ; 2010/073) Bibliogr.:p.23- 24 / T. Gateva-Ivanova -  [802333 - ÇÈË] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010073P.pdf


723.     Hamada N.H. A Note on the G-Cyclic Operators Over a Bounded Semigroup. – Trieste. 2010. -  5p. - (IC ; 2010/075) Bibliogr.:p.5 / N.H. Hamada è Z.Z. Jamil  - [802345 - ÇÈË] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010075P.pdf




724.     Abramowicz H. Inclusive Dijet Cross Sections in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic  Scattering at HERA. - Hamburg. 2010. - 33p.: il. - (DESY ; 10-170) Bibliogr.:p.12-14 /H. Abramowicz  [a.o.]  - [802341 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1010/1010.6167v1.pdf


725.     Abramowicz H. Measurement of the Energy Dependence of the Total Photon-Proton  Cross  Section at HERA. - Hamburg. 2010. - 21p. - (DESY ; 10-178) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 /H. Abramowicz  [a.o.]  - [802342 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1011/1011.1652v1.pdf


726.     Aggarwal K.M. Energy Levels, Radiative Rates and Electron Impact Excitation  Rates for Transitions in He-Like C V. - Toki. 2010. - 64p. - (NIFS-DATA ; 110) Bibliogr.:p.7/ K.M. Aggarwal  [a.o.] - [802337 - ÇÈË]


727.     Asakawa E. Higgs Boson Pair Production in New Physics Models at Hadron, Lepton,  and  Photon Colliders. - Trieste. 2010. - 38p. - (IC ; 2010/076) (KEK-TH ; 1396) Bibliogr.:p.35-38 /  E. Asakawa  [a.o.]  - [802346 - ÇÈË] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010076P.pdf


728.     Gonzales M. On Non-Minimal N=4 Supermultiplets in 1D and their Associated s-Models. -  Rio de Janeiro. 2010. - 23p. - (CBPF-NF ; 001/10) Bibliogr.:p.22-23 /M. Gonzales  [a.o.] -   [802332 - ÇÈË]


729.     Heinemeyer S. BSM Higgs Physics at the LHC in the Forward Proton Mode. – Hamburg.  2010. - 4p. - (DESY ; 10-152) (DCPT ; 10/152) (IPPP ; 10/76) Bibliogr.:p.4 / S. Heinemeyer  [a.o.]  - [802340 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1009/1009.2680v1.pdf



730.     ICRR: Institute Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo. Annual Report April  2009-March 2010. - Kashiwa. 2010. - 81p. : il. - (ICRR) / ICRR: Institute Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo. - [802329 - ÇÈË]


731.     IKMz: Institut fur Kernchemie Universitat Mainz. Jahresbericht 2009. - Mainz. 2010. - 93S. : il. - (IKMz ; 2010-1) / IKMz: Institut fur Kernchemie  Universitat Mainz. - [802330 - ÇÈË]


732.     Jung H. Heavy Flavour Production at Tevatron and Parton Shower Effects. -  Hamburg. 2010. - 25p. - (DESY ; 10-134) Bibliogr.:p.9-11 / H. Jung  [a.o.] -  [802339 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1009/1009.5067v3.pdf


733.     Kowalski H. Using HERA Data to Determine the Infrared Behaviour of the BFKL  Amplitude. - Hamburg. 2010. - 30p. - (DESY ; 10-061) (SHEP ; 10-04) Bibliogr.: p.29-30 /H. Kowalski  [a.o.] - [802334 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1005/1005.0355v2.pdf


734.     Lima G.L.S. Path-Integral Gauge Invariant Mapping: from Abelian Gauge Anomalies  to the Generalized Stueckelberg Mechanism. - Rio de Janeiro. 2010. - 15p. - (CBPF-NF ; 015/10) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / G.L.S. Lima - [802336 - ÇÈË]


735.     Lima G.L.S. The Equivalence between Gauge and Non-Gauge Abelian Models. - Rio de Janeiro. 2010. - 16p. - (CBPF-NF ; 016/10) Bibliogr.:p.15-16 / G.L.S. Lima  - [802343 - ÇÈË]


736.     Lima G.L.S. A Discussion on Gauge Symmetry and Charge Conservation. - Rio de Janeiro.  2010. - 15p. - (CBPF-NF ; 017/10) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / G.L.S. Lima  - [802347 - ÇÈË]


737.     Ulantsev A.D. Transitions between Fine-Structure Levels of FeXX Ion in Collisions with Protons in High-Temperature Plasmas. - Toki. 2010. - 20p. - (NIFS-DATA ; 111) Bibliogr.:p.20 / A.D. Ulantsev è I. Murakami - [802344 - ÇÈË]




738.     Woelfli W. Traditions Connected with the Pole Shift Model of the Pleistocene. -  Rio de Janeiro. 2010. - 28p. - (CBPF-NF ; 014/10) Bibliogr.: p.27-28 / W.  Woelfli è W. Baltensperger -  [802335 - ÇÈË]




739.     Èâàøèí À.Â. Ìîäåðíèçèðîâàííàÿ ñèñòåìà ñáîðà äàííûõ óñòàíîâêè ÂÅÑ. Òåõíè÷åñêèå àñïåêòû. - Ïðîòâèíî. 2010. - 20 ñ. - (ÈÔÂÝ ; 2010-10) Áèáëèîãð.: ñ.19-20 / À.Â.  Èâàøèí è [äð.]  - [802331 - ÇÈË]

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