Информационный бюллетень «Препринты» No.31/32 02.08.10; 09.08.10 |
447. Aaron
F.D. Diffractive Dijet Photoproduction in ep
Collisions at HERA.
– |
Abramowicz H.
Measurement of Beauty Production in DIS and F bb 2 Extraction at ZEUS. - |
Airapetian A. Effects
of Transversity in Deep-Inelastic Scattering by Polarized Protons. - |
450. Ali A. Prospects of Measuring the CKM Matrix Element |V ts |
at the LHC. - |
Bolzoni P. IR
Subtraction Schemes: Integrating the Counterterms at NNLO in QCD. - |
452. Bolzoni P. Higgs Production at NNLO in QCD: the VBF Channel. - |
453. Bulava J. Nucleon, D and W Excited State Spectra in N f =2+1
Lattice QCD. - |
Dappiaggi C.
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories on Spacetimes with Killing Vector Fields. - |
Ko P. Addendum to:
Implications of the Measurements of B s -B s Mixing on SUSY Models. - |
Kozlowski K.K. TBA for
the Toda Chain. - |
Maisheev V.A.
Channeling Radiation of Positrons with Energy in the Region of 100 GeV in Single |
Schroer B.
Localization and the Interface between Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity I (The Two
Antagonistic Localizations and their Asymptotic Compatibility). - |
Schroer B.
Localization and the Interface between Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity II (The
Search of the Interface between QFT and QG). - |
Shulyak G.I. Programs
for the Work with ENSDF Format Files: Evaluator's Editor EVE, Viewer for the Nuclear Level Schemes. -
Гатчина. 2009. - 14p. : il. - (ПИЯФ ; 2821) Bibliogr.:p.14 / G.I. Shulyak и A.A. Rodionov - [801939 - ЗИЛ] |
462. Маишеев В.А. Излучение
фотонов при каналировании позитронов в монокристаллах в области энергий 100
ГэВ. - Протвино. 2009. - 23 с. - (ИФВЭ ; 2009-21) Библиогр. :с.22-23 / В.А.
Маишеев и [др.] - [801936 - ЗИЛ] http://web.ihep.su/library/pubs/prep2009/09-21-w.htm
463. Шуляк Г.И. Программы
для работы с файлами оценённых ядерных данных ENSDF: специализированный редактор EVE, программа
для просмотра схем ядерных уровней data_set_viewer.
- Гатчина. 2009. - 15 с. : ил. - (ПИЯФ ; 2821) Библиогр.:с.15 / Г.И. Шуляк и
А.А. Родионов - [801938 - ЗИЛ] |
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