Èíôîðìàöèîííûé áþëëåòåíü «Ïðåïðèíòû»   No.1/2                             11.01.10




1.     Tabi C.B. Discrete Instability in the DNA Double Helix. - Trieste. 2009.- 25p. : il.- (IC ; 2009/034) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / C.B. Tabi  [a.o.] - [801116 - ÇÈË] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2009/IC2009034P.pdf




2.     Ali A. Radiatively Corrected Lepton Energy Distributions in Top Quark Decays  t®bW+®b(l+n l ) and t®bH+®b(t+n t ) and Single Charged Prong  Energy Distributions from Subsequent t+  Decays. - Hamburg. 2009. - 39 p. : il. - (DESY ;  09-115) Bibliogr.:54 / A. Ali, E.A. Kuraev è Yu.M. Bystritskiy - [801124 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0911/0911.3027v1.pdf


3.     Badger S. One-Loop Higgs Plus Four Gluon Amplitudes: Full Analytic Results.-  Hamburg. 2009. - 23p. - (DESY ; 09-138) (IPPP ; 09/58) Bibliogr.:p.20-23 / S.  Badger  [a.o.] - [801117 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.4475v2.pdf


4.     Bodwin G.T. Factorization of Low-Energy Gluons in Exclusive Processes. – Argonne. 2009. - 5p. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 09-6) Bibliogr.:p.5 / G.T. Bodwin  [a.o.] - [801123 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0903/0903.0569v4.pdf


5.     Butenschon M. Complete Next-to-Leading-Order Corrections to J/Y Photoproduction  in Nonrelativistic Quantum Chromodynamics. - Hamburg. 2009. - 5p. - (DESY ; 09- 144) Bibliogr.:p.4-5 / M. Butenschon è B.A. Kniehl  - [801127 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.2798v1.pdf


6.     Caldwell A. The J/Y Way to Nuclear Structure. - Hamburg. 2009. - 34p. - (DESY ;  09-145) Bibliogr.:p.32-34 / A. Caldwell è H. Kowalski - [801128 - ÇÈË]


7.     Chekanov S. Measurement of Dijet Photoproduction for Events with a Leading  Neutron at  HERA. - Hamburg. 2009. - 40p. : il. - (DESY ; 09-139) Bibliogr.:p.15-17 / S. Chekanov  [a.o.] -  [801121 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.3032v3.pdf


8.     Chekanov S. Measurement of J/Y Photoproduction at Large Momentum Transfer at  HERA. - Hamburg. 2009. - 29p. - (DESY ; 09-137) Bibliogr.:p.12-13 / S. Chekanov   [a.o.]  - [801125 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0910/0910.1235v1.pdf


9.     Chekanov S. Measurement of Isolated Photon Production in Deep Inelastic ep  Scattering. - Hamburg. 2009. - 23p. - (DESY ; 09-142) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / S.  Chekanov  [a.o.] - [801126 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.4223v1.pdf


10.  Cossavella F. Measurements of High Energy Cosmic Rays above 10 PeV with KASCADE- Grande: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe. 2009. - 113p. : il. - (FZKA ; 7513) Bibliogr.:p.109-113 / F. Cossavella  - [801129 - ÇÈË]


11.  Gonzalez Lopez J. Chirally Rotated Schrodinger Functional: Non-Perturbative  Tuning in the Quenched Approximation. - Hamburg. 2009. - 7p. - (DESY ; 09-146)  (HU-EP ; 09/43) (SFB/CPP ; 09-85) (LTH ; 841) Bibliogr.:p.7 / J. Gonzalez  Lopez  [a.o.] - [801130 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0910/0910.3760v1.pdf


12.  Ibarra A. Detecting Gamma-Ray Anisotropies from Decaying Dark Matter: Prospects  for Fermi LAT. - Hamburg. 2009. - 16p. : il. - (DESY ; 09-134) (TUM-HEP ; 736/09) Bibliogr.:p.14-16 / A. Ibarra  [a.o.]  - [801115 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.3514v2.pdf


13.  ICRR: Institute Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo. Annual Report April  2008-March 2009. - Kashiwa. 2009. - 77p. : il. - (ICRR ) / ICRR: Institute  Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo. - [801110 - ÇÈË]


14.  Jheeta K.S. Thermo-Luminescence Glow Curve Analysis and Photoluminescence  Response of Al 2 O 3  Irradiated with 100 MeV Ti Ions. - Trieste. 2009. - 14p. - (IC ; 2009/032) Bibliogr.:p.8-10 / K.S. Jheeta  - [801114 – ÇÈË ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2009/IC2009032P.pdf


15.  Kanno R. Modelling of Ion Thermal Transport in Ergodic Region of Collisionless  Toroidal Plasma. - Toki. 2009. - 27p. : il. - (NIFS ; 957) Bibliogr.:p.18 / R.  Kanno  [a.o.] - [801118 - ÇÈË]

16.  Klasen M. Survival Probability for Diffractive Dijet Production in pp  Collisions from Next-to-Leading Order Calculations. - Hamburg. 2009. - 26p. - ( DESY ; 09-130) Bibliogr.:p.24-26 / M. Klasen è G. Kramer  - [801112 -  ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0908/0908.2531v1.pdf


17.  Low I. Implications of the Higgs Discovery in the MSSM Golden Region. - Argonne. 2009. - 17p. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 09-1) Bibliogr.:p.15-17 / I. Low è S. Shalgar  - [801122 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0901/0901.0266v2.pdf


18.  Moch S. On Non-Singlet Physical Evolution kernels and Large-x Coefficient  Functions in Perturbative QCD. - Hamburg. 2009. - 32p. - (DESY ; 09-133) (SFB/ CPP ; 09-80) (LTH ; 840) Bibliogr.:p.30-32 / S. Moch è A. Vogt  - [801113 - ÇÈË] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0909/0909.2124v1.pdf


19.  Morita K. Fundamental Study on Flow Characteristics of Disrupted Core Pool at a  Low Energy Level (Joint Research). - Tokai. 2009. - 52p. : il. - (JAEA-Research  ; 2009-018) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / K. Morita  [a.o.]  - [801111 - ÇÈË]


20.  Àóëü÷åíêî Â.Ì. Äåòåêòîð äëÿ èçó÷åíèÿ âçðûâíûõ ïðîöåññîâ íà ïó÷êå ñèíõðîòðîííîãî  èçëó÷åíèÿ. - Íîâîñèáèðñê. 2009. - 27 ñ. : èë. - (ÈßÔ ; 2009-22) Áèáëèîãð.:ñ.26- 27 / Â.Ì. Àóëü÷åíêî è [äð.]  - [801119 - ÇÈË ;  801120 - ËÂÝ]

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