бюллетень «Препринты» №15 13.04.09 |
247. Alkhazov G.D. Mechanism of Pion
Production in ar Scattering
at 1 GeV/Nucleon . - Гатчина. 2009. - 27p. - (ПИЯФ ; 2791) Bibliogr.:p.26-27 / G.D.
Alkhazov [a.o.] - [800269 - ЗИЛ] |
248. Assie M. Influence des correlations
entre les nucleons sur les reactions de cassure nucleaire: aspects theoriques et
experimentaux: These. - Orsay. 2008. - 199p. : il. - (IPNO-T ; 08-06)
Bibliogr.:p.193-199 / M. Assie - [800286 - ЗИЛ] |
249. Biggio C. Mixing of Photons with
Massive Spin-Two Particles in a Magnetic Field. - |
250. Choi S.Y. Color-Octet Scalars of
N=2 Supersymmetry at the LHC. - |
251. Diakonidis T. A Complete Reduction
of One-Loop Tensor 5-and 6-Point Integrals. - |
252. Diakonidis T. Reduction Method for
One-Loop Tensor 5- and 6-Point Integrals Revisited. - |
253. Hart A. Radiative Corrections to
the Lattice Gluon Action for HISQ Improved Staggered Quarks and the Effect of Such
Corrections on the Static Potential. - |
254. Imai N. First Lifetime Measurement
of 2+ 1 State in
12Be. - Wako. 2009. - 17p.
- (RIKEN-NC-NP ; 31) Bibliogr.:p.12-14 / N. Imai [a.o.] - [800277 - ЗИЛ] |
255. JAEA: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
JAEA-Tokai Tandem Annual Report 2007 April 1, 2007-March 31, 2008. - Tokai. 2008. - 149p.
: il. - (JAEA-Review ; 2008-054) / JAEA: Japan Atomic Energy Agency - [800280
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256. JAEA: |
257. Kabina L.P. Improvement of the
Algorithm of the Level Schemes Analysis in the GTOL Program.
- Гатчина. 2009. -
12p. - (ПИЯФ ; 2796)
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- [800268 - ЗИЛ]
258. Kato H. Cross Sections for
Electron-Induced Resonant Vibrational Excitations in Polyatomic Molecules. - Toki. 2009. - 51p. -
(NIFS-DATA ; 105) / H. Kato [a.o.] -
[800276 - ЗИЛ ; 800288 - ЛВЭ] |
259. LNF: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica
Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. Annual Report 2007. - Frascati. 2008. - 345p. : il. - (LNF ; 08/20(IR)) / LNF: Istituto Nazionale di
Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di
Frascati. - [800285 - ЗИЛ] |
260. Sepold L. Behavior of BWR-Type
Fuel Elements with B 4 C/Steel Absorber Tested under Severe Fuel Damage Conditions
in the CORA Facility. - |
261. Sepold L. Behavior of AgInCd
Absorber Material in Zry/UO 2 Fuel Rod Simulator Bundles Tested at High
Temperatures in the CORA Facility. - |
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263. Somolova M. Preliminary Analyses
on Hydrogen Diffusion through Small Break of Thermo-Chemical IS Process Hydrogen Plant. -
Tokai. 2008. - 41p. : il. - (JAEA- Technology ; 2008-003) Bibliogr.:p.10-11 /
M. Somolova [a.o.] - [800278 - ЗИЛ] |
264. Spiridonov A. Mathematical
Framework for Fast and Rigorous Track Fit for the ZEUS Detector. - |
265. Suda T. First Demonstration of
Electron Scattering Using a Novel Target Developed for Short-Lived Nuclei. - Wako.
2009. - 17p. - (RIKEN-NC-NP ; 30) Bibliogr.:p.17
/ T. Suda [a.o.] - [800270
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266. Агапов Н.Н. Ход реализации проекта "Нуклотрон-М" (по итогам сеансов No.37, 38). - Дубна. 2009. - 16 с - (ОИЯИ ; Р9-2009-38) Библиогр.:9 / Н.Н. Агапов, А.В. Алфеев, В.А. Андреев, А.М. Базанов, В.И. Батин, Н.А. Блинов, О.И. Бровко, А.В. Бутенко, Б.В. Василишин, В.И. Волков, А.И. Говоров, Е.Д. Донец, Е.Е. Донец, Д.Е. Донец, А.В. Елисеев, Е.В. Иванов, И.Б. Иссинский, В.Н. Карпинский, В.Д. Кекелидзе, А.Е. Кириченко, А.Д. Коваленко, О.С. Козлов, И.Н. Мешков, В.А. Михайлов, В.А. Мончинский, П.И. Никитаев, А.Л. Осипенков, С.В. Романов, П.А. Рукояткин, В.В. Сальников, В.В. Селезнев, Н.В. Семин, А.О. Сидорин, А.Н. Сисакян, В.М. Слепнев, З.И. Смирнова, А.С. Сорин, Г.В. Трубников, А.А. Фатеев, В.В. Фимушкин, Г.Г. Ходжибагиян, А.П. Царенков, А.В. Шабунов, В.Б. Шутов и [др.]- [800264 - ЦБ ; 800265 - ЗИЛ ; 800266 - ЛВЭ ; 800267 - ЛФЧ] http://wwwinfo.jinr.ru/publish/Preprints/2009/038(P9-2009-38).pdf |
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