23.04.07; 30.04.07; 07.05.07


  1. Bakkari C. Gaussian Polynomials and Content Ideal in Trivial Extensions . - Trieste. 2006. - 14p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/074) Bibliogr.:p.13-14 / C. Bakkari è N. Mahdou - [080838 - ÇÈË]
  2. Kogut J.B. The RHMC Algorithm for Theories with Unknown Spectral Bounds. - Argonne. 2006. - 25p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-48) Bibliogr.:p.24-25 / J.B. Kogut è D.K. Sinclair - [080843 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0608/0608017v1.pdf
  3. Kuetche V.K. On Two-Loop Soliton Solution to the Schafer-Wayne Short-Pulse Equation Using Hirota's Method and Hodnett-Moloney Approach. - Trieste. 2006. - 17p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/128) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / V.K. Kuetche a.o. - [080847 - ÇÈË]
  4. Okoya S.S. On the Thermal Stability for a Model Reactive Flow with Viscous Dissipation. - Trieste. 2006. - 13p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/079) Bibliogr.:P.12-13 / S.S. Okoya - [080841 - ÇÈË]
  5. Rasulova M.Yu. Statistical Approach to Transport of Modulation Instabilities in Optic Fibres. - Trieste. 2006. - 12p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/093) Bibliogr.:p.10-12 / M.Yu. Rasulova - [080833 - ÇÈË]
  6. Rasulova M.Yu. The Soliton Solution of BBGKY Quantum Kinetic Equations Chain for Different Type Particles System. - Trieste. 2006. - 8p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/092) Bibliogr.:p.7-8 / M.Yu. Rasulova a.o. - [080845 - ÇÈË]


  1. Acharya B.S. Fixing Moduli in Exact Type IIA Flux Vacua. - Trieste. 2006. - 21p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/067) (SISSA ; 45/2006/EP) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / B.S. Acharya a.o. - [080832 - ÇÈË]
  2. Acharya B.S. Warped Models in String Theory. - Trieste. 2006. - 21p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/130) (SISSA ; 80/2006/EP) Bibliogr.:p.19-21 / B.S. Acharya a.o. - [080834 - ÇÈË]
  3. Acharya B.S. Explaining the Electroweak Scale and Stabilizing Moduli in M Theory. - Trieste. 2006. - 84p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/131) (MCTP ; 06-34) Bibliogr.:p. 83-84 / B.S. Acharya a.o. - [080855 - ÇÈË]
  4. Asano Y. Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for Heavy Concretes. - Tokai. 2007. - 48p. : il. - (JAEA-Data/Code ; 2007-006) Bibliogr.:p.33-34 / Y. Asano è Y. Sakamoto - [080852 - ÇÈË]
  5. Babich R. Diquark Correlations in Baryons on the Lattice with Overlap Quarks. - Hamburg. 2007. - 11p.: il. - (DESY ; 07-008) (BUHEP ; 07-01) (CPT ; P05-2007) Bibliogr.:p.10-11/ R. Babich a.o. - [080860 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0701/0701023v1.pdf
  6. Block M.M. Small x Behavior of Parton Distributions from the Observed Froissart Energy Dependence of the Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections. - Argonne. 2006. - 10p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-79) (BROWN-HET ; 1473) Bibliogr.:p.10 / M.M. Block a.o. - [080853 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0610/0610296v1.pdf
  7. Bodwin G.T. Exclusive Two-Vector-Meson Production from e+e- Annihilation. - Argonne. 2006. - 22p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-57) Bibliogr.:p.21-22 / G.T. Bodwin a.o. - [080844 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0608/0608200v2.pdf
  8. Boyer T. Spin Chain Simulations with a Meron Cluster Algorithm. - Hamburg. 2007. - 18p. : il. - (DESY ; 06-234) (HU-EP ; 06/47) Bibliogr.:p.16-18 / T. Boyer a.o. - [080858 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/cond-mat/pdf/0701/0701331v2.pdf
  9. Brambilla N. The Logarithmic Contribution to the QCD Static Energy at N4LO.- Argonne.2006. - 16p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-76) (UB-ECM-PF ; 06/27) Bibliogr.:p.14-16 / N. Brambilla a.o. - [080848 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0610/0610143v2.pdf
  10. Buchmuller W. Gravitino Dark Matter in R-Parity Breaking Vacua. - Hamburg. 2007. - 18p. : il. - (DESY ; 06-244) (UT ; 07-03) Bibliogr.:p.16-18 / W. Buchmuller a.o. - [080859 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0702/0702184v1.pdf
  11. Hasenfratz A. Hypercubic Smeared Links for Dynamical Fermions. - Hamburg. 2007. - 18p. : il. - (DESY ; 07-025) Bibliogr.:p.17-18 / A. Hasenfratz a.o. - [080857 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0702/0702028v1.pdf
  12. Karliner M. New Quark Relations for Hadron Masses and Magnetic Moments A Challenge for Explanation from QCD. - Argonne. 2006. - 15p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-56) (TAUP ; 2829/06) (WIS ; 07/06-JULY-DPP) Bibliogr.:p.15 / M. Karliner è H.J. Lipkin - [080846 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0608/0608004v2.pdf
  13. Karliner M. A Tetraquark Model for the New X(1576) K+K- Resonance. - Argonne. 2006. - 5p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-52) (TAUP ; 2827/06) (WIS ; 06/06-JULY- DPP) Bibliogr.:p.5 / M. Karliner è H.J. Lipkin - [080851 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0607/0607093v2.pdf
  14. Kiermaier M. Analytic Solutions for Marginal Deformations in Open String Field Theory. - Hamburg. 2007. - 33p. : il. - (DESY ; 07-007) (MIT-CTP ; 3806) (YITP -SB ; 07-3) Bibliogr.:p.31-33 / M. Kiermaier a.o. - [080861 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-th/pdf/0701/0701249v1.pdf
  15. Lillie B. The Bulk RS KK-Gluon at the LHC. - Argonne. 2007. - 20p. : il. - (ANL- HEP-PR ; 07-4) Bibliogr.:p.18-20 / B. Lillie a.o. - [080837 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0701/0701166v1.pdf
  16. Nadolsky P.M. Gluon-Gluon Contributions to the Production of Continuum Diphoton Pairs at Hadron Colliders. - Argonne. 2007. - 20p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 07-5) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / P.M. Nadolsky a.o. - [080850 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0702/0702003v2.pdf
  17. Nibbelink S.G. Effective Action of Softly Broken Supersymmetric Theories. - Trieste. 2006.- 31p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/118) (HD-THEP ; 06-32) Bibliogr.:p.29 -31 / S.G. Nibbelink è T.S. Nyawelo - [080835 - ÇÈË]
  18. Nyawelo T.S. Two Loop Effective Kahler Potential. - Trieste. 2006. - 5p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/085) (HD-THEP ; 06-22) Bibliogr.:p.5 / T.S. Nyawelo è S.G. Nibbelink - [080856 - ÇÈË]
  19. Okumura K. SRAC2006: a Comprehensive Neutronics Calculation Code System. – Tokai . 2007. - 323p. : il. - (JAEA-Data/Code ; 2007-004) Bibliogr.:p.319-323 / K. Okumura a.o. - [080849 - ÇÈË]
  20. Okumura K. COREBN: a Core Burn-up Calculation Module for SRAC2006.- Tokai. 2007.- 124p. : il. - (JAEA-Data/Code ; 2007-003) Bibliogr.:p.124 / K. Okumura - [080854 - ÇÈË]
  21. Rasulova M.Yu. Quantum Statistical Description of Transport of the Quasi- Particles in Optic Fibres. - Trieste. 2006. - 10p. : il. - (IC ; 2006/094) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / M.Yu. Rasulova a.o. - [080842 - ÇÈË]
  22. Shu J. Baryogenesis from an Earlier Phase Transition. - Argonne. 2006.- 25p. : il.- (ANL-HEP-PR ; 06-69) (EFI ; 06-19) Bibliogr.:p.23-25 / J. Shu a.o. - [080840 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0610/0610375v2.pdf
  23. Sinclair D.K. Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Lattice QCD. - Argonne. 2007. - 15p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-CP ; 07-3 ) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / D.K. Sinclair - [080836 – ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0701/0701010v2.pdf
  24. Sinclair D.K. Searching for the Elusive Critical Endpoint at Finite Temperature and Isospin Density. - Argonne. 2006. - 7p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-CP ; 06-71) Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / D.K. Sinclair è J.B. Kogut - [080839 - ÇÈË] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0609/0609041v1.pdf
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