"ПРЕПРИНТЫ" No. 11 |
20.03.2006 |
- Cuong N.T. Top Local Cohomology and the Catenary of the Unmixed
Part of Support of a Finitely Generated Module. - Trieste. 2005. -
11p.: il. - (IC ; 2005/079) Bibliogr.:p.11 / N.T. Cuong a.o. - [078907
- ЗИЛ]
- Cuong N.T. Sequentially Generalized Cohen-Macaulay Modules. -
Trieste. 2005. - 24p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/090 ) Bibliogr.:p.22-24 / N.T.
Cuong и D.T. Cuong - [078927 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2005/IC2005090P.pdf
- Albino S. Resummation of Soft Gluon Logarithms in the DGLAP
Evolution of Fragmentation Functions. - Hamburg. 2005. - 32p.: il. -
(DESY ; 05-048) Bibliogr.:p.31-32 / S. Albino a.o. - [078925 - ЗИЛ]
- Altes C.P.K. Hot QCD, k-Strings and the Adjoint Monopole Gas
Model. - Hamburg. 2005. - 47p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-154 )
Bibliogr.:p.31-34 / C.P.K. Altes и H.B. Meyer - [078924 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph?papernum=0509018
- Aurelie D. Nouvelle approche multimodale et quantitative pour les
etudes in vivo chez le petit animal: couplage de la *b-MicroProbe aux
techniques magnetiques et developpement de fantomes de rat et de souris
voxelises:These. - Orsay. 2005. - 148p. : il. - (IPNO-T ; 05-06 ) / D.
Aurelie - [078918 - ЗИЛ]
- Banerjee D. Qubit Rotation and Berry Phase. - Trieste. 2005. -
11p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/084 ) Bibliogr.:p.11 / D. Banerjee и P.
Bandyopadhyay - [078905 - ЗИЛ]
- Carmignani B. IGNITOR Project. Numerical Simulation of the Welds
for the Components of Plasma Chamber of IGNITOR Fusion Machine. Laser
Welding Numerical Simulation by the Use of Two Different Laser Sources
(Technical Report 1). - Rome. 2005. - 21p. : il. - (ENEA RT ;
2005/35/CAMO ) Bibliogr.:p.19-21 / B. Carmignani и G. Toselli - [078930
- ЗИЛ]
- Della Morte M. Towards a Non-Perturbative Computation of the RGI
Strange Quark Mass with Two Dynamical Flavors. - Hamburg. 2005. - 6p. :
il. - (DESY ; 05-172 ) (HU-EP ; 05/46 ) (SFB/CPP ; 05-51 )
Bibliogr.:p.5-6 / M. Della Morte a.o. - [078901 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?papernum=0509073
- Erykalov A.N. Specifics of Lithium-6 Fluoride/Polymer
(*6LiF/Poly) for Neutron Shielding. - Гатчина. 2005. - 29p. : il. -
(ПИЯФ ; 2647) Bibliogr.:p.29 / A.N. Erykalov и I.M. Lazebnik - [078914
- ЗИЛ]
- Ezin J.-P. Divergence Theorem for Symmetric (0,2)-Tensor Fields
on a Semi- Riemannian Manifold with Boundary. - Trieste. 2005. - 13p. :
il. - (IC ; 2005/ 060 ) Bibliogr.:p.13 / J.-P. Ezin a.o. - [078909 -
- Foa Torres L.E.F. Mono-Parametric Quantum Charge Pumping:
Interplay between Spatial Interference and Photon-Assisted Tunneling. -
Trieste. 2005. - 15p. : il . - (IC ; 2005/087) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 /
L.E.F. Foa Torres - [078929 - ЗИЛ]
- Galletly D. Nucleon Structure from Quenched Overlap Fermions. -
Hamburg. 2005. - 6p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-177 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / D.
Galletly a.o. - [078903 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?papernum=0510050
- Hamrita H. Reponse en courant des detecteurs silicium aux
particules chargees et aux ions lourds:These. - Orsay. 2005. - 145p.:
il. - (IPNO-T ; 05-04) Bibliogr.:p.141-143 / H. Hamrita - [078913 -
- Hoffmann R. Restoring Chiral Symmetry to O(*a*2) for Dynamical
Wilson Fermions. - Hamburg. 2005. - 6p.: il. - (DESY ; 05-171) (HU-EP ;
05/48) (SFB/CPP ; 05- 50 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / R. Hoffmann a.o. - [078902 -
ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?papernum=0509077
- Ngakeu F. More on Differential Calculi on Bicrossproducts . -
Trieste. 2005. - 22p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/089 ) Bibliogr.:p.22 / F.
Ngakeu - [078928 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2005/IC2005089P.pdf
- Ngwa G.A. On the Population Dynamics of the Malaria Vector. -
Trieste. 2005. - 28p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/098 ) Bibliogr.:p.27-28 / G.A.
Ngwa - [078920 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2005/IC2005098P.pdf
- Nyawelo T.S. Gauged Supersymmetric *s-Models and Soft Breaking
Terms. - Trieste. 2005. - 9p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/075 ) Bibliogr.:p.9 /
T.S. Nyawelo - [078908 - ЗИЛ]
- Owono Owono L.C. The Change of Picture in Approximate
Relativistic Theories: Matrix Elements of r*q in the Quantum-Defect
Approximation. - Trieste. 2005.- 11p.: il. - (IC ; 2005/020 )
Bibliogr.:p.8 / L.C. Owono Owono и M.G.K. Njock - [078910 - ЗИЛ]
- Palombi F. B*0 - B^-*0 Mixing in the Static Approximation from
the Schrodinger Functional and Twisted Mass QCD. - Hamburg. 2005. -
6p.: il. - (DESY ; 05-156) Bibliogr.:p.6 / F. Palombi a.o. - [078898 -
ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?papernum=0509008
- Peletminskii A.S. On Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation of
Particles with Arbitrary Integer Spin. - Trieste. 2005. - 12p.: il. -
(IC ; 2005/080) Bibliogr.:p.11-12 / A.S. Peletminskii a.o. - [078906 -
- Pleshanov N.K. Development of Neutron Polarizing Co&sub(70)Fe&sub(30)/Ti&sub55)
Supermirror. - Гатчина. 2006. - 15p.: il. - (ПИЯФ ; 2653) Bibliogr.
:p.15 / N.K. Pleshanov a.o. - [078912 - ЗИЛ]
- Ringwald A. Extremely Energetic Cosmic Neutrinos: Opportunities
for Astrophysics , Particle Physics, and Cosmology. - Hamburg. 2005. -
10p.: il. - (DESY ; 05- 166 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-10 / A. Ringwald - [078900
- ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph?papernum=0510341
- Sarkar S. Jeans Instability in a Complex Plasma in Presence of
Negative Ions. - Trieste. 2005. - 11p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/092 )
Bibliogr.:p.11 / S. Sarkar a.o. - [078926 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2005/IC2005092P.pdf
- Sugama H. Collisionless Damping of Zonal Flows in Helical
Systems. - Nagoya. 2005. - 16p. : il. - (NIFS ; 819 ) Bibliogr.:p.15-16
/ H. Sugama и T.-H. Watanabe - [078896 - ЗИЛ]
- Wakabayashi H. Observation of Non-Uniformity of Space Potential
on Magnetic Surfaces in Helical Nonneutral Plasmas. - Nagoya. 2005. -
9p. : il. - (NIFS ; 818 ) Bibliogr.:p.5-6 / H. Wakabayashi a.o. -
[078897 - ЗИЛ]
- Watari T. Unified Linear Response Function for the Stationary
Zonal Flow and the Geodesic Acoustic Mode. - Nagoya. 2005. - 24p.: il.
- (NIFS ; 815) Bibliogr.: p.15-16 / T. Watari a.o. - [078899 - ЗИЛ]
- Widatallah H.M. Mossbauer and Magnetic Study of Mn&sup(2+)-
and Cr&sup(3+)-
Substituted Spinel Magnesioferrites of the Composition Mg&sub(1-x)Mn&sub(x)
. - Trieste. 2005. - 9p.: il. - (IC ; 2005/066) Bibliogr.:p.9 / H.M.
Widatallah a.o. - [078919 - ЗИЛ]
- Беда А.Г. Выстроенные ядерные мишени из Sb,In и I&sub(2)
для исследования нарушения временной инвариантности. - М.. 2005. - 9
с.: ил. - (ИТЭФ ; 10-05) Библиогр.:с.9 / А.Г. Беда и Л.Д. Иванова -
[078923 - ЗИЛ]
- Илларионова Н.С. Сечения реакций с участием мюонного и
электронного нейтрино. - М. 2005. - 10 с. : ил. - (ИТЭФ ; 18-05 )
Библиогр.:с.10 / Н.С. Илларионова и Г. А. Арутюнянц - [078922 - ЗИЛ]
- Кочуров Б.П. Влияние неопределенностей в микросечениях на
коэффициент размножения в легководных системах. - М.. 2005. - 8 с.: ил.
- (ИТЭФ ; 13-05) Библиогр.:с.8 / Б.П. Кочуров и др. - [078916 - ЗИЛ]
- Кошкарев Д.Г. Ядерный реактор с нейтронной подсветкой от
ускорителя. - М.. 2005. - 9 с. : ил. - (ИТЭФ ; 21-05 ) Библиогр.:с.9 /
Д.Г. Кошкарев и др. - [078911 - ЗИЛ]
- Лисин В.И. Геодезическое обеспечение координатного детектора
модернизированной установки МИС ИТЭФ. - М.. 2005. - 7 с.: ил. - (ИТЭФ ;
15-05) Библиогр.:с.7 / В.И. Лисин и др. - [078915 - ЗИЛ]
- Тер-Мартиросян к.А. Программа, задачи и методические указания по
курсу "Введение в квантовую теорию поля и КЭД". - М.. 2005. - 29 с.:
ил. - (ИТЭФ ; 11-05) Библиогр.:с.29 / К.А. Тер-Мартиросян и Р.Ю.
Невзоров - [078917 - ЗИЛ]
- Adeniyi J.O. Variability of foF2 and Comparison with IRI Model
for an Equatorial Station. - Trieste. 2005. - 15p.: il. - (IC ;
2005/085) Bibliogr.:p.6 / J.O. Adeniyi a.o. - [078904 - ЗИЛ]
- Арутюнянц Г.А. Замечания к антропному принципу. - М.. 2005. - 24
с.: ил. - ( ИТЭФ ; 20-05 ) Библиогр.:с.23-24 / Г.А. Арутюнянц - [078921
- ЗИЛ]