"ПРЕПРИНТЫ" No. 51/52 |
26.12.05 |
- Scholl I. Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Pip92. - Karlsruhe.
2005. - 137S.: il. - (FZKA ; 7156) Bibliographie:S.128-137 / I. Scholl
- [078475 - ЗИЛ]
- Kobayashi T. Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Symmetric
Spaces-Revisited. – Kyoto . 2005. - 88p. : il. - (RIMS ; 1516 )
Bibliogr.:p.82-87 / T. Kobayashi и T. Yoshino - [078485 - ЗИЛ]
- Simo E. Modulational Instabilities in Acetanilide Taking into
Account Both the N -H and the C=O vibrational Self-Trappings. -
Trieste. 2005. - 22p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/032 ) Bibliogr.:p.13-14 / E.
Simo - [078501 - ЗИЛ]
- Woulache R.L. Thermal Nucleation of Kink-Antikink Pairs in a
Deformable Chain: Influence of the Non-Gaussian Correction. - Trieste.
2005. - 15p. : il. - (IC ; 2005/065 ) Bibliogr.:p.10 / R.L. Woulache
a.o. - [078500 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2005/IC2005065P.pdf
- Andreev V. A High-Granularity Plastic Scintillator Tile Hadronic
Calorimeter with APD Readout for a Linear Collider Detector. - Hamburg.
2005. - 21p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-143 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / V. Andreev
a.o. - [078502 - ЗИЛ] .
- Anisovich V.V. Quark-Antiquark States and their Radiative
Transitions in Terms of the Spectral Integral Equation.I. Bottomonia. -
Гатчина. 2005. - 51p. : il. - (ПИЯФ ; 2638 ) Bibliogr.:p.50-51 / V.V.
Anisovich a.o. - [078479 - ЗИЛ]
- Anisovich V.V. Quark-Antiquark States and their Radiative
Transitions in Terms of the Spectral Integral Equation.II. Charmonia. -
Гатчина. 2005. - 33p. : il. - (ПИЯФ ; 2639 ) Bibliogr.:p.31-33 / V.V.
Anisovich a.o. - [078480 - ЗИЛ]
- Anisovich V.V. Quark-Antiquark States and their Radiative
Transitions in Terms of the Spectral Integral Equation.III. Light
Mesons. - Гатчина. 2005. - 50p.: il. - (ПИЯФ ; 2640 ) Bibliogr.:
p.49-50 / V.V. Anisovich a.o. - [078481 - ЗИЛ]
- Bedeschi F. B Lifetimes and Mixing at the Tevatron. - Batavia.
2005. - 4p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 205-E ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / F.
Bedeschi - [078493 - ЗИЛ]
- Bekker V. Entwicklung neuartiger thermisch stabiler
weichmagnetischer Fe-Co-Al-N und Fe-Co-Ta-N Dunnschichtmaterialien fur
Hochfrequenzanwendungen. - Karlsruhe. 2005. - 178S. : il. - (FZKA ;
7169 ) Bibliographie:S.166-173 / V. Bekker - [078504 - ЗИЛ]
- Beznosko D. Effects of the 9T Magnetic Field on MRS Photodiode. -
Batavia. 2005. - 10p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 05-410 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 /
D. Beznosko a.o. - [078494 - ЗИЛ]
- Beznosko D. FNAL-NICADD Extruded Scintillator. - Batavia. 2005. -
5p.: il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 05-344 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / D. Beznosko a.o. -
[078496 - ЗИЛ]
- Blumer J. Atmospheric Profiles at the Southern Pierre Auger
Observatory and their Relevance to Air Shower Measurement. - Batavia.
2005. - 4p. : il. - ( FERMILAB-Conf ; 05-292-E-TD ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / J.
Blumer a.o. - [078488 - ЗИЛ]
- Bornyakov V.G. Critical Temperature in QCD with Two Flavors of
Dynamical Quarks. - Hamburg. 2005. - 6p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-181)
(ITEP-LAT ; 2005-20) (KANAZAWA ; 05-12 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / V.G. Bornyakov
a.o. - [078482 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0509122
- Chekanov S. Measurement of Charm Fragmentation Ratios and
Fractions in Photoproduction at HERA. - Hamburg. 2005. - 29p. : il. -
(DESY ; 05-147 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / S. Chekanov a.o. - [078483 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-ex?0508019
- Cherkassky V.S. Braking of a Magnetic Dipole Moving Through
Whole and Cut Conducting Pipes. - Novosibirsk. 2005. - 23p.: il. -
(BUDKERINP ; 2005-31 ) Bibliogr.:p.23 / V.S. Cherkassky a.o. - [078486
- ЗИЛ ; 078487 - ЛВЭ] .
- Chilencea D.M. Higher Derivative Operators from Scherk-Schwarz
Supersymmetry Breaking on T*2/Z⊂(2). - Hamburg. 2005. - 22p. : il. -
(DESY ; 05-144 ) ( DAMTP ; 2005-71 ) Bibliogr.:p.19-22 / D.M. Chilencea
и H.M. Lee - [078510 – ЗИЛ ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph?0508221
- Chou A.S. A New Technique to Measure Cosmic Ray Energy and
Composition Via (2+1) d Lateral Distribution Function Fits to Surface
Detector Array Data. - Batavia. 2005. - 4p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ;
05-295-E ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / A.S. Chou a.o. - [078498 - ЗИЛ]
- Crepieux A. Approche de dirac pour l'effet hall anormal et
fluctuations hors- equilibre dans les liquides de luttinger:These. -
Marseille. 2005. - 119p. : il. - (CPT ; 2005/P.023 ) Bibliogr.:p.55-58
/ A. Crepieux - [078509 - ЗИЛ]
- Edwards R.G. The Nucleon Axial Charge in Full Lattice QCD. -
Hamburg. 2005. - 4p . : il. - (DESY ; 05-203 ) (MIT-CTP ; 3692)
Bibliogr.:p.4 / R.G. Edwards a.o. - [078490 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0510062
- Giusti L. On the Determination of Low-Energy Constants for *DS=1
Transitions.- Hamburg. 2005.- 11p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-198 ) (IFIC ;
05-45 ) (FTUV ; 05-1003 ) (BI-TP ; 2005/41) Bibliogr.:p.11 / L. Giusti
a.o. - [078511 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0510033
- Gockeler M. A Determination of the Strange Quark Mass for
Unquenched Clover Fermions Using the AWI. - Hamburg. 2005. - 6p. : il.
- (DESY ; 05-176 ) ( Edinburgh ; 2005/12 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / M. Gockeler
a.o. - [078489 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0509159
- Gurrieri S. Supergravites N=2 et N=4 comme compactifications de
theories de cordes en dimension 10: These. - Marseille. 2003. - 111p. :
il. - (CPT ; 2003/P. 4548 ) Bibliogr.:p.107-111 / S. Gurrieri - [078474
- ЗИЛ]
- Gurtler M. Non-Perturbative Renormalisation for Overlap Fermions.
- Hamburg. 2005. - 6p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-200 ) (Edinburgh ; 2005/15 )
(LTH ; 669 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / M. Gurtler a.o. - [078491 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0510045
- Horsley R. Perturbative Renormalisation of Quark Bilinear
Operators for Overlap Fermions with and Without Stout Links and
Improved Gauge Action. - Hamburg. 2005 . - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-174 )
(Edinburgh ; 2005/07 ) (LU-ITP ; 2005/019 ) (LTH ; 667 )
Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / R. Horsley a.o. - [078505 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0509072
- Kleykamp H. Materialspezifische Arbeiten im Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe und in Kooperation mit den Industriepartnern ALKEM und
Interatom zur Entwicklung oxidischer Kernbrennstoffe fur
Spaltungsreaktoren. - Karlsruhe. 2005. - 244S. : il. - (FZKA ; 7154 ) /
H. Kleykamp и G. Muhling - [078497 - ЗИЛ]
- Koma Y. Localization Properties of the Topological Charge Density
and the Low Lying Eigenmodes of Overlap Fermions. - Hamburg. 2005. -
6p. : il. - (DESY ; 05- 180) (HU-EP ; 05/54 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / Y. Koma
a.o. - [078484 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0509164
- KURRI: The Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University. Progress
Report 2004 April 2004-March 2005. - Osaka. 2005. - 251p. : il. -
(KURRI ) / KURRI: The Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University. -
[078503 - ЗИЛ]
- MLL: Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium Annual Report 2004. - Munchen.
2005. - 164p. : il. / MLL: Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium - [078471 - ЗИЛ]
- Nagai K. Two-Dimensional Lattice Gross-Neveu Model with Wilson
Twisted Mass Fermions. - Hamburg. 2005. - 11p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-206 )
Bibliogr.:p.7-8 / K. Nagai и K. Jansen - [078499 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat?0510076
- Poggiaspalla G. Auto-Similarites dans les Systemes Isometriques
par Morceaux: These. - Marseille. 2003. - 136p. : il. - (CPT ;
2003/P.45H ) Bibliogr.:p.131- 135 / G. Poggiaspalla - [078472 - ЗИЛ]
- Roychoudhary P. Technology of High Current Ion Beam Sources: A
BARC Scenario. - Bombay. 2005. - 27p. : il. - (BARC Newsletter ; 259 )
Bibliogr.:p.10 / P. Roychoudhary a.o. - [078507 - ЗИЛ ; 078508 - ЛВЭ]
- Schomerus V. The GL(1|1) WZW-Model: From Supergeometry to
Logarithmic CFT. - Hamburg. 2005. - 34p. : il. - (DESY ; 05-186 )
Bibliogr.:p.31-34 / V. Schomerus и H. Saleur - [078506 - ЗИЛ] http://de.arxiv.org/abs/hep-th?0510032
- Velev G.V. Top Mass Measurements at the Tevatron Run II. -
Batavia. 2005. - 19p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 05-390-E )
Bibliogr.:p.19 / G.V. Velev - [078495 - ЗИЛ]
- Барсов С.Г. Изучение магнитных характеристик гомогенных
медно-марганцевых сплавов. - Гатчина. 2005. - 14 с. : ил. - (ПИЯФ ;
2632 ) Библиогр.:с.14 / С.Г. Барсов и др. - [078477 - ЗИЛ]
- Иванов В.В. Семейство многоканальных спектрометрических АЦП. -
Гатчина. 2005. - 51 с. : ил. - (ПИЯФ ; 2631 ) Библиогр.:с.50-51 / В.В.
Иванов и С.Н. Дмитриев - [078476 - ЗИЛ]
- ИФВД: Институт физики высоких давлений. Ежегодник 2004 том 11. -
Троицк. 2005. - 184 с. : ил. - (ИФВД ) Библиогр.:с.157 / ИФВД: Институт
физики высоких давлений . - [078473 - ЗИЛ]
- Плешанов Н.К. Зеркальное отражение тепловых нейтронов от
GD-содержащих слоев и оптимизация антиотражающего подслоя для
поляризующих покрытий. - Гатчина. 2005. – 36 с. : ил. - (ПИЯФ ; 2637 )
Библиогр.:с.35-36 / Н.К. Плешанов и др. - [078478 - ЗИЛ]
- Patalaviciute V. SVG basierte Karten fur mobile Guidesysteme:
Erstellung, Gestaltung und Interaktionsmechanismen unter besonderer
Berucksichtigung von Karten fur den Naturtourismus. - Karlsruhe. 2005.
- 115S. : il. - (FZKA ; 7063) Bibliographie:S.110-115 / V.
Patalaviciute a.o. - [078492 - ЗИЛ]
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