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  2. Çíàíèå-ñèëà., 2002.- N.12.
  3. Chinese Journal of Physics., 2002.- v.40, N.5.
  4. Health Physics., 2002.- v.83, N.6.
  5. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2002.- v.41, N.11.
  6. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2002.- v.41, N.6.
  7. Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General., 2002.- v.35, N.49.
  8. Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics., 2002.- v.35, N.23.
  9. Letters in Mathematical Physics., 2002.- v.61, N.3.
 10. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,A., 2002.- v.495, N.2.
 11. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,B., 2002.- v.197, N.1,2.
 12. Nuclear Physics,A., 2002.- v.712, N.3,4.
 13. Nuclear Physics,B., 2002.- v.646, N.1,2.
 14. Physical Review,D., 2002.- v.66, N.7.
 15. Physical Review,D., 2002.- v.66, N.8.
 16. Physics Letters,A., 2002.- v.305, N.1,2.
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