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Abazajian K.N. Neutrino Mass and Dark Energy from Weak Lensing. - Batavia.
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Akopdzhanov G.A. The Scintillating Crystal Detector for the Dark Matter
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Arkhipov A.A. *z-Particle and Kaluza-Klein World. - Protvino. 2002. - 11p.
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Aubert B. Simultaneous Measurement of the B*0 Meson Lifetime and Mixing
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Bahcall N.A. The Cluster Mass Function from Early SDSS Data: Cosmological
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Benayoun M. The Pion Form Factor within the Hidden Local Symmetry Model.
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Burdman G. Collider Tests of the Little Higgs Model. - Stanford. 2002 .
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Einasto J. Clusters and Superclusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey .
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Harnik R. Atmospheric Neutrinos Can Make Beauty Strange. - Stanford. 2002.
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Hutsi G. Luminosity Function and Density Field of the Sloan and Las Campanas
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Noyes H.P. On E.D.Jones' MICROCOSMOLOGY. - Stanford. 2003. - 21p. - ( SLAC-PUB
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Peskin M.E. Supersymmetry: the Next Spectroscopy. - Stanford. 2002. - 39p.
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Scranton R. Testing the Halo Model Against the SDSS Photometric Survey.
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Hogg D.W. The Overdensities of Galaxy Environments as a Function of Luminosity
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Pier J.R. Astrometric Calibration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. - Batavia.
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Amestoy P.R. Task Scheduling in an Asynchronous Distributed Memory Multifrontal
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