17.11.03 |
Karmakar D. Random Number Generators (RNG) and their Testing for Sequential
Programmes . - Bombay. 2002. - 53p. : il. - (BARC ; 2002/E/039 ) Bibliogr.:p.31
/ D. Karmakar è J. Mukherjee - [067108 - ÇÈË]
Limit Strains for Severe Accident Conditions Synthesis Report of the EU-Project
LISSAC. Contract No. FIKS-CT1999-00012 . - Karlsruhe. 2003 . - 58p. : il.
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Abazov V.M. Search for 3- and 4-body Decays of the Scalar Top Quark in
pp^- Collisions at *%s=1.8 TeV. - Batavia. 2003. - 13 p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub
; 03/306-E ) Bibliogr.:22 / V.M. Abazov, G.D. Alexeev, A.M. Kalinin, B.M.
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Abazov V.M. Search for Large Extra Dimensions in the Monojet+E&sub(T)
Channel at DO. - Batavia. 2003. - 6 p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/303-E
) / V.M. Abazov, G.D. Alexeev, A.M. Kalinin, B.M. Sabirov, L.S. Vertogradov,
Y.A. Yatsunenko è et al. - [067118 - ÇÈË] http://library.fnal.gov/archive/test-preprint/fermilab-pub-03-303-e.shtml
Acosta D. Search for Kaluza-Klein Graviton Emission in pp^- Collisions
at *%s=1.8 TeV Using the Missing Energy Signature. -Batavia. 2003. - 7
p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/285-E ) Bibliogr.:18 / D. Acosta, A. Artikov,
J. Budagov, I. Chirikov-Zorin, G. Chlachidze, V. Glagolev, F. Prokoshin,
O. Pukhov, A. Semenov è et al. - [067116 - ÇÈË] http://library.fnal.gov/archive/2003/pub/fermilab-pub-03-285-e.pdf
Autin B. Summary of Working Group 2. - Batavia. 2003. - 14p. : il.Bibliogr.:p.13-14
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Bhatt B.C. Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources. - Bombay. 2002.
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Butterweck G. Die Vergleichsmessung 2003 fur Radongasmessgerate am PSI.
- Villigen. 2003. - 24S. : il. - (PSI Bericht ; 03-14 ) Bibliography:S.6
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Canelli M.F. Top Quark Mass Measurements at the Tevatron . - Batavia. 2003.
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Caselle M. Effective String Picture for Confinement at Finite Temperature:Theoretical
Predictions and High Precision Numerical Results. - Hamburg. 2003. - 3p.
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Chatterjee S. WWER Pressure Vessel Steel Embrittlement: an Overview.- Bombay.
2002. - 63p. : il. - (BARC ; 2002/E/033 ) Bibliogr.:p.27-28 / S. Chatterjee
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Cranshaw J. Charm and Beauty at the Tevatron. - Batavia. 2003. - 4p. :
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Della Morte M. Static Quarks with Improved Statistical Precision . - Hamburg.
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Dimopoulos P.. B&sub(k) from Twisted Mass QCD. - Hamburg. 2003. - 6p.
: il. - (DESY ; 03-129 ) (ROM2F ; 2003/20 ) (MS-TP ; 03-10 ) (IFT- UAM/CSIC
; 03-34 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / . P. Dimopoulos è a.o. - [067092 - ÇÈË ; 067102
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Durr S. Exploring Two Non-Perturbative Definitions of c&sub(A). - Hamburg.
2003. - 3p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-150 ) (SFB/CPP ; 03-41 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 /
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Gottlieb S. A Lattice Study of *L&sub(b) Semileptonic Decay. - Batavia.
2003. - 3p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 03/305-T ) Bibliogr.:p. 3 / S. Gottlieb
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Guagnelli M. Quark Bilinear Step Scaling Functions and their Continuum
Limit Extrapolation. - Hamburg. 2003. - 6p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-130 ) (ROM2F
; 2003/21 ) (MS-TP ; 03-11 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / M. Guagnelli è a.o. - [067087
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Hanh T. *Q(a) Electroweak Corrections to the Processes e*+e*- *> *t*- *t*+,cc^-,bb^-,tt^-.
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; 03-13 ) Bibliogr.:p.13-14 / T. Hanh è a.o. - [067080 - ÇÈË] http://xxx.uni-augsburg.de/abs/hep-ph?0307132
Harlander R.V. Effects of SUSY-QCD in Hadronic Higgs Production at Next-to-Next-to-Leading
Order. - Hamburg. 2003. - 5p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-109 ) (CERN-TH ; 2003-195
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Hasenbusch M. Benchmarking Computer Platforms for Lattice QCD Applications.
- Hamburg. 2003. - 3p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-145 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / M. Hasenbusch
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Hasenbusch M. Full QCD Algorithms towards the Chiral Limit . - Hamburg.
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Huber S.J. Seesaw Mechanism in Warped Geometry. - Hamburg. 2003. - 14p.
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Kayser B. Neutrino Physics,Superbeams,and the Neutrino Factory. - Batavia.
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Kniehl B.A. *cc1 and *cc2 Decay Angular Distributions at the Fermilab Tevatron.
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Lami S. Underlying Event Studies at CDF. - Batavia. 2003. - 7p. : il. -
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Lecouey J.-L. Experimental Studies of Unbound Neutron-Rich Nuclei. - Caen.
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Nakamura Y. Finite Temperature Phase Transition in Full QCD with N&sub(f)=2
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- 3p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-117 ) (ITEP-LAT ; 2003-19 ) ( KANAZAWA ; 03-24
) Bibliogr.:p.3 / Y. Nakamura - [067091 - ÇÈË ; 067101 - ËÂÝ] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-lat/pdf/0309/0309144.pdf
Neuhausen J. Extension of Miedema's Macroscopic Atom Model to the Elements
of Group 16 (O,S,Se,Te,Po) . - Villigen. 2003. - 196p. : il. - (PSI Bericht
; 03-13 ) Bibliogr.:p.111-115 / J. Neuhausen è B. Eichler - [067081 - ÇÈË]
Olliver H. Angular Distributions of *g-Rays with Intermediate-Energy Beams.
- East Lansing. 2003. - 21p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1271 ) Bibliogr. :p.21 /
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Patankar V.H. Design and Development of an Ultrasonic Pulser-Receiver Unit
for Non-Destructive Testing of Materials. - Bombay. 2002. - 21p . : il.
- (BARC ; 2002/E/034 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / V.H. Patankar è V. M. Joshi
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Rieth M. EUROFER 97. Tensile,Charpy,Creep and Structural Tests. - Karlsruhe.
2003. - 81p. : il. - (FZKA ; 6911 ) Bibliogr.:p.20 / M. Rieth è a.o. -
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Sai Kumar P. Application Development for the Calculation of Hyperfine Structure
Constants from the Atomic Hyperfine Spectrum under Windows Platform. -
Bombay. 2002. - 15p. : il. - (BARC ; 2002/E/027 ) / P. Sai Kumar è a.o.
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Sai Kumar P. Development of Windows Based Application for the Calculation
of Atomic Hyperfine Spectrum of ODD Isotopes . - Bombay. 2002. - 23p. :
il. - (BARC ; 2002/E/028 ) Bibliogr.:p.10 / P. Sai Kumar è M.V. Suryanarayana
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Shindler A. Non-Perturbative Renormalization of Moments of Partons Distribution
Functions. - Hamburg. 2003. - 3p. : il. - (DESY ; 03-151 ) (SFB/CPP ; 03-42
) Bibliogr.:p.3 / A. Shindler è a.o. - [067086 - ÇÈË] http://xxx.uni-augsburg.de/abs/hep-lat?0309181
Singh R.N. Studies on Stress Reorientation of Hydrides in Zr-2.5Nb Pressure
Tube Alloy. - Bombay. 2002. - 30p. : il. - (BARC ; 2002/E/ 036 ) Bibliogr.:p.13-15
/ R.N. Singh è a.o. - [067105 - ÇÈË]
Tanaka H.A. Radiative Decays of the B Meson. - Stanford. 2003. - 134p .
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Tsang M.B. Isospin Diffusion in Heavy Ion Reactions. - East Lansing. 2003.
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Wetzorke I. Pion Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD. - Hamburg.
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Wisshak K. Neutron Capture Resonances in *1*1*0Cd,*1*1*2Cd,*1*1*4Cd, and
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Thiyagarajan T.K. User Manual for Xn Wlup2.0, a Software to Visualise Nuclear
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