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Daffara C. Monte Carlo Modelling of a Voxel Human Anatomy for External
and Internal Dosimetry. - Rome. 2003. - 50p. : il. - (ENEA RT ; 2003/36/ION
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Schneider R. Explicit and Implicit Finite-Difference Methods for the Diffusion
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Abazov V.M. Observation of Diffractively Produced W and Z Bosons in p^-p
Collisions at *%s=1800 GeV. - Batavia. 2003. - 14p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub
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Abdallah J. Study of Inclusive J/*Q Production in Two-Photon Collisions
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De Andrade M.A. Symplectic Projector and Physical Degrees of Freedom of
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Apanasevich L. Production of *p&sup(0) and *h Mesons at Large Transverse
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Baeta Scarpelli A.P. Aspects of Causality and Unitarity and Comments on
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Bahcall N.A. The Richness-Dependent Cluster Correlation Function: Early
SDSS Data. - Batavia. 2003. - 14p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/ 258-A )
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Bartels J. Quark-Antiquark Exchange in *g&sup(* )*g&sup(* ) Scattering.-
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Belich H. Supersymmetric Extension of the Lorentz and CPT-Violating Maxwell-Chern-Simons
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Bishofberger K. Tune-Shift Compensation Using the Tevatron Electron Lens.
- Batavia. 2003. - 3p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 03/227-E ) Bibliogr.:p.3
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Campbell J. a.o. Next-to-Leading Order QCD Predictions for W+2 Jet and
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Coca M. Top: Latest Results from the Tevatron-Cross Section and Mass. -
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de Lima Rodrigues R. The q-Deformed Wigner Oscillator in Quantum Mechanics.
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de Lima Rodrigues R. SUSY QM via 2*2 Martix Superpotential. - Rio de Janeiro.
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Doroshkevich A. Large Scale Structure in the SDSS DR1 Galaxy Survey. -
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Gottschalk E.E. Photoproduction of Charm Pairs.- Batavia. 2003.- 5p.: il.
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Kniehl B.A. Promt J/*Q Production in Charged-Current Deep-Inelastic Scattering.
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Knyazev B.A. Feasibility of Non-Liouvillean Ion Injection via Resonantly
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Kornilov N.V. Neutron Multiplicity for Incident Neutron Energy from Zero
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Kostin M.A. Simulation Aspects of Beam Collimation and Their Remedies in
the MARS14 Code. - Batavia. 2003. - 5p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 03/229
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Link J.M. Study of the Decay Mode D&sup(0) *>K&sup(-)K&sup(-)K&sup(+)
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LNL-INFN: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di
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MacLachlan J.A. Macroparticle Model for Longitudinal Emittance Growth Caused
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Ng K.Y. Collective Instabilities. - Batavia. 2003. - 57p. : il. - (FERMILAB-TM
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Portella H.M. An Alternative Method to Obtain the Muon Charge Ratio at
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Svaiter N.F. The Strong-Coupling Expansion and the Uitra-local Approximation
in Scalar Theories.- Rio de Janeiro. 2003.- 33p.: il.- (CBPF-NF ; 014/03
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Wang M.H.L.S. The BTeV Trigger Architecture. - Batavia. 2003. - 6p. : il.
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Womersley J. Future Accelerators(?). - Batavia. 2003. - 8p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf
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Zimmerman T. The Design of a Charge Integrating,Modified Floating Point
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Благовещенский Н.М. Парциальные структурные характеристики расплава Рь-К.
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Johnston D.E. SDSS J0903+5028: A New Gravitational Lens. - Batavia. 2003.
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Odenkirchen M. The Extended Tails of Palomar 5: A Ten Degree Arc of Globular
Cluster Tidal Debris. - Batavia. 2003. - 44p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/250-A
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Schmidt G.D. Magnetic White Dwarfs from the SDSS.The First Data Release.
- Batavia. 2003. - 20p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/256-A ) Bibliogr.:p.7
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Schneider D.P. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog II. First Data
Release. - Batavia. 2003. - 42p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 03/246- A ) Bibliogr.:p.25
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Scranton R. Physical Evidence for Dark Energy.- Batavia. 2003.- 6p.: il.
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Smith J.A. Local u'g'r'i'z' Standard Stars in the Chandra Deep Field- South.
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Батраков А.М. Автоматизация технологического оборудования для термической
обработки узлов физических установок.- Новосибирск. 2003. - 24 с. : ил.
- (ИЯФ ; 2003-55 ) / А.М. Батраков и др. - [059452 - ЗИЛ ; 059453 - ЛВЭ]
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