20.01.03 |
An P.T. *D-Convexity in Normed Linear Spaces. - Trieste. 2002. - 17p. -
(IC ; 2002/89 ) Bibliogr.:p.17 / P.T. An è N.N. Hai - [056549 - ÇÈË] http://www.ictp.trieste.it/cgi-bin/ICTPpreprints/swish.11/swish-web.cgi?keywords=IC2002089*
Daniel M. Magnetization Reversal through Soliton Flip in a Biquadratic
Ferromagnet with Varying exchange Interactions. - Trieste . 2002. - 10p.
: il. - (IC ; 2002/71 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / M. Daniel è L. Kavitha - [056556
- ÇÈË] http://www.ictp.trieste.it/cgi-bin/ICTPpreprints/swish.11/swish-web.cgi?keywords=IC2002071*
Kavitha L. Bosonization and Soliton in a Crystal Field Anisotropic Varying
Biquadratic Ferromagnet. - Trieste. 2002. - 9 p. : il. - (IC/ IR ; 2002/22
) Bibliogr.:p.9. / L. Kavitha è M. Daniel - [056520 - ÇÈË]
Abdallah J. Search for an LSP Gluino at LEP with the DELPHI Detector. -
Geneva. 2002. - 33 p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-076 ) Bibliogr.:p.14 . /
J. Abdallah, D. Bardin, I. Boyko, O. Kouznetsov, Z. Krumstein, M. Nikolenko,
A. Olshevski, V. Pozdniakov, N. Pukhaeva, A. Sadovsky, A. Sisakian, L.
Tkatchev, I.A. Tyapkin, P. Tyapkin, N.I. Zimin, A. Zintchenko è a.o. -
[056507 - ÇÈË ; 056563 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-072
Abdallah J. Search for B*0&sub(s) - B^-*0&sub(s) Oscillations and
a Measurement of B*0&sub(d) - B^-*0&sub(d) Oscillations Using Events
with an Inclusively Reconstructed Vertex. - Geneva. 2002. - 33 p. : il.
- (CERN-EP ; 2002-078 ) Bibliogr.:p.33. / J. Abdallah, D. Bardin, I. Boyko,
O. Kouznetsov, Z. Krumstein, M. Nikolenko, A. Olshevski, V . Pozdniakov,
N. Pukhaeva, A. Sadovsky, A. Sisakian, L. Tkatchev, I.A . Tyapkin, P. Tyapkin,
N.I. Zimin, A. Zintchenko è a.o. - [056506 - ÇÈË ; 056562 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-078
Abdallah J. Search for Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP2. - Geneva. 2002.
- 11 p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-077 ) Bibliogr.:p.6-7. / J. Abdallah, D.
Bardin, I. Boyko, O. Kouznetsov, Z. Krumstein, M. Nikolenko, A. Olshevski,
V. Pozdniakov, N. Pukhaeva, A. Sadovsky, A. Sisakian, L. Tkatchev, I.A.
Tyapkin, P. Tyapkin, N.I. Zimin, A. Zintchenko è a.o. - [056508 - ÇÈË ;
056564 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-077
Abt I. J/*U Production Via *c Decays in 920 GeV pA Interactions. - Hamburg.
2002. - 10 p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-187 ) Bibliogr.:p.10 / I. Abt, A. Abyzov,
O. Barsukova, A. Belkov, Ar. Belkov, I. Belotelov, I. Golutvin, N. Karpenko,
Yu. Kiryushin, A. Lanyov, A. Moshkin, D. Pose , S. Solunin è a.o. - [056575
- ÇÈË ; 056576 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-187
Airapetian A. The Time-of-Flight Technique for the HERMES Experiment. -
Hamburg. 2002. - 7p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-174 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / A. Airapetian
è a.o. - [056497 - ÇÈË ; 056498 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-174
D'ambrosio C. Hybrid Photon Detectors. - Geneva. 2002. - 71p. : il. - (CERN-EP
; 2002-072 ) Bibliogr.:p.26-28 / C. D'ambrosio è H. Leutz - [056485 - ÇÈË
; 056486 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-072
Ashtekar A. Physical Issues of Quantum Gravity: Black Holes and Big Bang.
- University Park. 2002. - 17p. - (CGPG ; 02/11-2 ) Bibliogr.:p .16-17
/ A. Ashtekar - [056479 - ÇÈË]
Ashtekar A. Polymer and Fock Representations for a Scalar Field. - University
Park. 2002. - 13p. - (CGPG ; 02/11-1 ) Bibliogr.:p.13 / A. Ashtekar è a.o.
- [056480 - ÇÈË]
Babukhadia L. The D0 Detector for Run II. - Batavia. 2002. - 3 p. : il.
- (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/239-E ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / L. Babukhadia - [ 056524
- ÇÈË] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=hep-ex&id=0210002
Baur U. Determining the Higgs Boson Self Coupling at Hadron Colliders .
- Hamburg. 2002. - 28 p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-183 ) (CERN-TH ; 2002- 327
) (UB-HET ; 02-05 ) (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/199-T ) Bibliogr.:p.26-28. / U.
Baur è a.o. - [056538 - ÇÈË] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-183
Beenakker W. NLO QCD Corrections to tt^-H Production in Hadron Collisions.
- Hamburg. 2002. - 50 p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-177 ) ( Edinburgh ; 2002/18
) (MPI-PhT ; 2002-70 ) (PSI-PR ; 02-22 ) Bibliogr .:p.48-50. / W. Beenakker
è a.o. - [056532 - ÇÈË ; 056533 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-177
Behrend D. GPS Activities at SLAC. - Stanford. 2002. - 12 p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB
; 9566 ) Bibliogr.:p.11-12. / D. Behrend è a.o. - [056565 - ÇÈË] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/9000/slac-pub-9566.html
Bernardi M. A Feature as z~3.2 in the Evolution of the Ly*a Forest Optical
Depth. - Batavia. 2002. - 45 p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/ 285-A ) Bibliogr.:p.42-45.
/ M. Bernardi è a.o. - [056570 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/pub/Pub-02-285-A.html
Boudjemline K. Status Report on Cluster Finding and Kalman Filter Based
Track Reconstruction in the Forward Muon Spectrometer of ALICE. - Nantes.
2002. - 13 p. : il. - (SUBATECH ; 2002/30 ) Bibliogr.:p.7. / K. Boudjemline,
G. Chabratova, V. Kekelidze, A. Vodopianov, A. Zinchenko è a.o. - [056509
- ÇÈË ; 056510 - ËÂÝ]
Boulahoual A. The Das-Popowicz Moyal Momentum Algebra. - Trieste. 2002.
- 7p. - (IC ; 2002/110 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / A. Boulahoual è M.B. Sedra - [056557
- ÇÈË]
Buchmuller W. A Bound on Neutrino Masses from Baryogenesis. - Hamburg .
2002. - 8 p. - (DESY ; 02-107 ) (OUTP ; 02-36-P ) Bibliogr.:p.7-8. / W.
Buchmuller è a.o. - [056527 - ÇÈË ; 056528 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-107
Carr R. Magnetic Counterforce for Insertion Devices. - Stanford. 2002 .
- 9 p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9594 ) Bibliogr.:p.9. / R. Carr - [ 056567 -
ÇÈË] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/9000/slac-pub-9594.html
Caselle M. String Effects in the 3d Gauge Ising Model. - Hamburg. 2002.
- 49 p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-180 ) (DFTT ; 33/02 ) Bibliogr.:p.34 -35. /
M. Caselle è a.o. - [056531 - ÇÈË] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-180
Chekanov S. Observation of the Strange Sea in the Proton via Inclusive
*F-Meson Production in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.
- Hamburg. 2002. - 20p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-184 ) Bibliogr.:p.12-13 / S.
Chekanov è a.o. - [056493 - ÇÈË ; 056494 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-184
Chekanov S. Study of the Azimuthal Asymmetry of Jets in Neutral Current
Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA. - Hamburg. 2002. - 14p. : il. - (DESY
; 02-171 ) Bibliogr.:p.7-8 / S. Chekanov è a.o. - [ 056504 - ÇÈË ; 056505
- ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-171
Coluccia M.R. Electrical Characterization of Irradiated Prototype Silicon
Pixel Sensors for BTeV. - Batavia. 2002. - 7p. : il. - ( FERMILAB-Conf
; 02/281-E ) Biblliogr.:p.7 / M.R. Coluccia è a.o. - [ 056542 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-281-E.html
Cooray A. Halo Models of Large Scale Structure. - Batavia. 2002. - 169p.
: il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/284-A ) Bibliogr.:p.150-162 / A. Cooray è R.
Sheth - [056548 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/pub/Pub-02-284-A.html
Covi L. New Constraints on the Running-Mass Inflation Model. - Hamburg.
2002. - 21p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-136 ) Bibliogr.:p.19-21 / L. Covi è a.o.
- [056500 - ÇÈË ; 056501 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-136
Deo N. Chiral Random Matrix Models: A Novel Intermediate Asymptotic Regime.
- Trieste. 2002. - 15p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/108 ) Bibliogr.:p. 14-15 / N.
Deo - [056550 - ÇÈË]
Dick R. Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Dark Matter Annihilation. - Batavia.
2002. - 4p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/286-A ) Bibliogr.:p. 4 / R. Dick
è a.o. - [056545 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/pub/Pub-02-286-A.html
Dudnikov V. Condition for Production of Circulating Proton Beam with Intensity
Greater than Space Charge Limit. - Batavia. 2002. - 5 p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf
; 02/257 ) Bibliogr.:p.4-5. / V. Dudnikov - [ 056543 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-257.html
Elbaz M. n=3 Differential Calculus on a Given Reduced Quantum Plane and
Gauge Theory. - Trieste. 2002. - 15p. - (IC ; 2002/111 ) Bibliogr .:p.15
/ M. Elbaz è a.o. - [056554 - ÇÈË]
Fleischhack C. Regular Connections among Generalized Connections. - University
Park. 2002. - 13p. - (CGPG ; 02/11-3 ) Bibliogr.:p.13 / C. Fleischhack
- [056477 - ÇÈË]
Freitas A. Gauge Dependence and Renormalization of tan *b. - Hamburg. 2002.
- 6p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-181 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / A. Freitas è D. Stockinger
- [056491 - ÇÈË ; 056492 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-181
Freitas A. Sfermion Precision Measurements at a Linear Collider. - Hamburg.
2002. - 9p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-176 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / A. Freitas - [056499
- ÇÈË] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-176
Fretwurst E. Radiation Damage in Silicon Detectors Caused by Hadronic and
Electromagnetic Irradiation. - Hamburg. 2002. - 33p. : il. - ( DESY ; 02-199
) Bibliogr.:p.32-33 / E. Fretwurst è a.o. - [056560 - ÇÈË ; 056561 - ËÂÝ]
Frieman J.A. Probing Dark Energy with Supernovae: Exploiting Complementarity
with the Cosmic Microwave Background. - Batavia. 2002 . - 11p. : il. -
(FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/282-A ) Bibliogr.:p.11 / J.A. Frieman è a.o. - [056539
- ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/pub/Pub-02-282-A.html
Froggatt C.D. Derivation of Lorentz Invariance and Three Space Dimensions
in Generic Field Theory. - Hamburg. 2002. - 21 p. - (DESY ; 02-190 ) (GUTPA
; 02/10/01 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-21. / C.D. Froggatt è H .B. Nielsen - [056525
- ÇÈË] http://www-library.desy.de/report02.html
Fujii M. Non-Thermal Dark Matter from Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis. - Hamburg.
2002. - 7 p. - (DESY ; 02-192 ) (UT ; 02-59 ) Bibliogr.:p.7. / M. Fujii
è K. Hamaguchi - [056536 - ÇÈË ; 056537 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-192
Giacomelli G. Astroparticle Physics.. - Los Angeles. 2002. - 56 p. : il.
- (DFUB ; 13/2002 ) Bibliogr.:p.47-49. / G. Giacomelli è M. Sioli - [056516
- ÇÈË]
Godbole R.M. Study of CP-Property of the Higgs at a Photon Collider Using
*g*g*>tt^-*>lX. - Trieste. 2002. - 29 p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/81 ) (IISc/CIS
; 10-2 ) (CERN-TH ; 2002-288 ) Bibliogr.:p.28-29. / R.M. Godbole è a.o.
- [056523 - ÇÈË] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=hep-ph&id=0211136
Godfrey S. Phenomenology of Non-Commutative Field Theories. - Hamburg .
2002. - 9p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-195 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / S. Godfrey è M.A.
Doncheski - [056558 - ÇÈË ; 056559 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-195
Godfrey S. Production of Missing cc^- and bb^- States. - Hamburg. 2002.
- 3p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-169 ) (EFI ; 02-55 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / S . Godfrey
è J.L. Rosner - [056489 - ÇÈË ; 056490 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-169
Godfrey S. Topics in Meson Spectroscopy. - Hamburg. 2002. - 6p. : il. -
(DESY ; 02-170 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / S. Godfrey - [056495 - ÇÈË ; 056496 -
ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-170
Gottschalk E.E. Correlations between D and D^- Mesons in High Energy Photoproduction.
- Batavia. 2002. - 3p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/ 279-E ) Bibliogr.:p.3
/ E.E. Gottschalk - [056541 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-279-E.html
Goulianos K. Measurements of Diffractive Processes at CDF. - Batavia. 2002.
- 7 p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/291-E ) Bibliogr.:p.7. / K. Goulianos
- [056515 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-291-E.html
Hartung W. Studies of Multipacting in Axisymmetric Cavities for Medium-Velocity
Beams. - East Lansing. 2001. - 5 p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1221 ) Bibliogr.:p.5.
/ W. Hartung è a.o. - [056571 - ÇÈË]
Holm S. Design and Testing of a Radiation Tolerant Clock, Control and Monitor
(CCM) Module for the CMS HCAL Electronics. - Batavia. 2002. - 4p. : il.
- (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/277-E ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / S. Holm è a .o. - [056546
- ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-277-E.html
Ingraham R.L. Particle Masses and the Fifth Dimension (Revised). - Las
Cruces. 2002. - 16 p. : il. - (NMSU ) Bibliogr.:p.14. / R.L. Ingraham -
[056572 - ÇÈË]
Jansen N. Local and Global Properties of Conformal Initial Data for Black
Hole Collisions. - University Park. 2002. - 38p. : il. - (CGPG ; 02/10-1
) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / N. Jansen è a.o. - [056476 - ÇÈË]
Kayis-Topaksu A. Determination of the Semi-Leptonic Branching Fraction
of Charm Hadrons Produced in Neutrino Charged-Current Interactions. - Geneva.
2002. - 10p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-075 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-10 / A. Kayis-Topaksu
è a.o. - [056481 - ÇÈË ; 056482 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-075
Khan M.S.R. The Optical Absorption Studies on Ag - Al&sub(2)O&sub(3)
Cermet Thin Films. - Trieste. 2002. - 9 p. : il. - (IC/IR ; 2002/24 ) Bibliogr.:p.9.
/ M.S.R. Khan è a.o. - [056519 - ÇÈË]
Klein M. Loop-Effects in Pseudo-Supersymmetry. - Stanford. 2002. - 26p.
: il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9521 ) Bibliogr.:p.24-26 / M. Klein - [ 056475 - ÇÈË]
Kluge H.-J. Atomic and Nuclear Physics with Stored Particles in Ion Traps.
- Geneva. 2002. - 22p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-070 ) Bibliogr. :p.20-22
/ H.-J. Kluge è a.o. - [056483 - ÇÈË ; 056484 - ËÂÝ] http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=preprint&categ=cern&id=ep-2002-070
Kolesnichenko Ya.I. Alfven Eigenmodes in Helias Configurations (Part II).
- Garching. 2002. - 40 p. : il. - (IPP-Report ; III/271 ) Bibliogr.:p.28-29.
/ Ya.I. Kolesnichenko è a.o. - [056522 - ÇÈË]
Laperashvili L.V. Monopoles Near the Planck Scale and Unification. - Hamburg.
2002. - 44p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-188 ) Bibliogr.:p.40-44 / L. V. Laperashvili
è a.o. - [056487 - ÇÈË ; 056488 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/report02.html
Mantica P.F. *b Decay Studies of the Neutron-Rich &sup(56,57,58)V Isotopes.
- East Lansing. 2002. - 36 p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1247 ) Bibliogr.:p.14-15.
/ P.F. Mantica è a.o. - [056529 - ÇÈË]
Mattafirri S. Kinetics of Phase Growth in the Cu-Sn System and Application
to Composite Nb&sub(3)Sn Strands. - Batavia. 2002. - 5p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf
; 02/175-E ) Bibliogr.:p.4-5 / S. Mattafirri è a.o. - [056544 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-175-E.html
Mensah S.Y. Amplification of Acoustic Phonons in a Degenerate Semiconductor
Superlattices. - Trieste. 2002. - 16p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/150 ) Bibliogr.:p.12-13
/ S.Y. Mensah è a.o. - [056552 - ÇÈË]
Mensah S.Y. Laser Induced Amplification of Hypersound in Nondegenerate
Semiconductor Superlattices. - Trieste. 2002. - 15p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/144
) Bibliogr.:p.10 / S.Y. Mensah è a.o. - [056553 - ÇÈË]
Mofiz U.A. Reflection and Trapping of Alfven Waves in the Open Field Lines
of a Neutron Star. - Trieste. 2002. - 13p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/ 83 ) Bibliogr.:p.13
/ U.A. Mofiz è S. Saleh - [056555 - ÇÈË] http://www.ictp.trieste.it/cgi-bin/ICTPpreprints/swish.11/swish-web.cgi?keywords=IC2002083*
Moiseev A. Anticoincidence Detector for GLAST. - Stanford. 2002. - 3 p.
: il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9597 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / A. Moiseev è a.o. - [ 056574
- ÇÈË] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/9000/slac-pub-9597.html
Moortgat-Pick G. Physics at Large p*2&sub(T) and Q*2: Summary. - Hamburg.
2002. - 27 p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-111 ) (TUFTS CONF ; 02/21-1 -E ) Bibliogr.:p.23-27.
/ G. Moortgat-Pick è a.o. - [056534 - ÇÈË ; 056535 - ËÂÝ] http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/showprep.pl?DESY02-111
Morton A.C. Beta Decay Studies of Nuclei Near *3*2Mg: Investigating the
*n(f&sub(7/2))-(d&sub(3/2)) Inversion at the N=20 Shell Closure.
- East Lansing. 2002. - 10 p. - (MSUCL ; 1240 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10. / A .C.
Morton è a.o. - [056530 - ÇÈË]
Nishimura S. Systematic Studies of Scintillation Detector with Timing Resolution
of 10 ps for Heavy Ion Beam. - Wako. 2002. - 23 p. : il. - (RIKEN-AF-NP
; 434 ) Bibliogr.:p.9. / S. Nishimura è a.o. - [ 056517 - ÇÈË]
Palmer D.T. ORION: An Advanced Accelerator Facility at SLAC. - Stanford.
2002. - 3p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9441 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / D.T. Palmer è a.o.
- [056474 - ÇÈË] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/9000/slac-pub-9441.html
Paus Ch. Heavy Quark Production at CDF. - Batavia. 2002. - 6 p. : il. -
(FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/276-E ) Bibliogr.:p.6. / Ch. Paus - [056514 - ÇÈË]
Qadir A. Collineations of the Ricci Tensor for Cylindrical Spacetimes .
- Trieste. 2002. - 32p. - (IC ; 2002/65 ) Bibliogr.:p.31-32 / A. Qadir
è a.o. - [056551 - ÇÈË] http://www.ictp.trieste.it/cgi-bin/ICTPpreprints/swish.11/swish-web.cgi?keywords=IC2002065*
Quinn H.R. Heavy Flavor Physics. - Stanford. 2002. - 41 p. - (SLAC- PUB
; 9551 ) Bibliogr.:p.40-41. / H.R. Quinn - [056566 - ÇÈË] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/9000/slac-pub-9551.html
Shaw T.M. Front End Readout Electronics for the CMS Hadron Calorimeter.
- Batavia. 2002. - 4p. : il. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/278 ) Bibliogr.:p.4
/ T.M. Shaw è a.o. - [056547 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-278.html
Tits J. The Uptake of EU(III) and Th(IV) by Calcite under Hyperalkaline
Conditions. - Villigen. 2002. - 92 p. : il. - (PSI Bericht ; 02-03 ) Bibliogr.:p.73-77.
/ J. Tits è a.o. - [056521 - ÇÈË]
Turner M.S. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: the Critical Questions. - Batavia.
2002. - 10 p. - (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/283-A ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 . / M.S. Turner
- [056513 - ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-283-A.html
Turner M.S. Making Sense of the New Cosmology. - Batavia. 2002. - 17 p.
- (FERMILAB-Conf ; 02/288-A ) Bibliogr.:p.16-17. / M.S. Turner - [056512
- ÇÈË] http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/2002/conf/Conf-02-288-A.html
Turner M.S. The New Cosmology. - Batavia. 2002. - 12 p. - (FERMILAB- Conf
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