N.16/17 | 21.04.03; 28.04.03 |
Aoudia A. Postseismic Deformation Following the 1997 Umbria-Marche
(Italy) Moderate Normal Faulting Earthquakes. - Trieste. 2003.- 9p.:
il. - (IC ; 2003/2 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / A. Aoudia è a.o. - [057557 -
Burn K.W. Radiation Transport in Voxel Geometries: An Integrated
Approach Based on an Extended Version of MCNPX. - Rome. 2002. - 23p.
: il. - (ENEA RT ; 2002/50/FIS ) Bibliogr.:p.22-24 / K.W. Burn è a.o.
- [057532 - ÇÈË]
Carmignani B. Numerical Simulation of Forming and Welding Processes
for Air Pressure Tanks of Industrial Interest. - Rome. 2002. - 121p.
: il. - (ENEA RT ; 2002/42/CAMO ) Bibliogr.:p.119-120 / B. Carmignani
è M. Zucchelli - [057534 - ÇÈË]
Carmignani B. Numerical Simulation of Welding Processes with Filler
Material of Industrial Interest. - Rome. 2002. - 12p. : il. - (ENEA
RT ; 2002/43/CAMO ) Bibliogr.:p.11-12 / B. Carmignani è G. Toselli-
[057531 - ÇÈË]
Juyumaya J. Markov Trace on the Yokonuma-Hecke Algebra. - Trieste.
2002. - 12p. - (IC ; 2002/152 ) Bibliogr.:p.12 / J. Juyumaya -
[057547 - ÇÈË]
Kobayashi T. Multiplicity One Theorem in the Orbit Method. In Memory
of Professor F. Karpelevic. - Kyoto. 2002. - 11p. : il. - (RIMS ;
1390 ) Bibliogr.:p.11 / Kobayashi T. è S. Nasrin - [057563 - ÇÈË]
Nguyen Van Kinh Lavrentiev Regularization Method for Nonlinear Ill-
Posed Problems. - Trieste. 2002. - 16p. - (IC ; 2002/138 ) Bibliogr.:
p.14-16 / Nguyen Van Kinh - [057550 - ÇÈË]
Oguntuase J.A. On Hardy's Integral Inequality. - Trieste. 2002. - 9p.
- (IC ; 2002/134 ) Bibliogr.:p.9 / J.A. Oguntuase è E.O. Adeleke -
[057546 - ÇÈË]
Pham Viet Duc On Weakly Hyperbolic Spaces and a Convergence-Extension
Theorem in Weakly Hyperbolic Spaces. - Trieste. 2002. - 13p. - (IC ;
2002/154 ) Bibliogr.:p.12-13 / Pham Viet Duc - [057551 - ÇÈË]
Rhali S.L. Non-Dense Domain Operator Matrices and Cauchy Problems. -
Trieste. 2002. - 11p. - (IC ; 2002/142 ) Bibliogr.:p.11 / S.L. Rhali
- [057552 - ÇÈË]
Romanelli F. Realistic Modelling of the Effects of Asynchronous
Motion at the Base of Bridge Piers. - Trieste. 2002. - 20p. : il. -
(IC ; 2002/149 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / F. Romanelli è a.o. - [057540 - ÇÈË]
Romanelli F. Realistic Modelling of the Seismic Input: Site Effects
and Parametric Studies. - Trieste. 2002. - 32p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/
148 ) Bibliogr.:p.10 / F. Romanelli è a.o. - [057542 - ÇÈË]
Wojciechowski K.W. Elastic Properties of Dense Solid Phases of Hard
Cyclic Pentamers and Heptamers in Two Dimensions. - Trieste. 2003. -
32p. : il. - (IC ; 2003/7 ) Bibliogr.:p.16-20 / K.W. Wojciechowski è
a.o. - [057543 - ÇÈË]
Wojciechowski K.W. Elastic Properties of Two Dimensional Hard Discs
in the Close Packing Limit. - Trieste. 2003. - 18p. : il. - (IC ;
2003/10 ) Bibliogr.:p.11-13 / K.W. Wojciechowski è a.o. - [057537 - ÇÈË]
Curves and Tables of Neutron Cross Sections in JENDL-3.3 Part II (Z=
51-100). - Ibaraki. 2002. - 762 p. : il. - (JAERI-Data/Code ; 2002-
020 ) - [057522 - ÇÈË]
Abbiendi G. Bose-Einstein Correlations of *p*0 Pairs from Hadronic
Z*0 Decays. - Geneva. 2003. - 18p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2003-005 )
Bibliogr.:p.17-18 / G. Abbiendi è a.o. - [057573 - ÇÈË]
Abdallah J. Search for Resonant *n^~ Production at *%s=183 to 208 GeV
. - Geneva. 2002. - 18 p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-090 ) Bibliogr.:20.
/ J. Abdallah, D. Bardin, I. Boyko, O. Kouznetsov, Z. Krumstein, M.
Nikolenko, A. Olshevski, V. Pozdniakov, N. Pukhaeva, A. Sadovsky, A.
Sisakian, L. Tkatchev, I.A. Tyapkin, P. Tyapkin, N.I. Zimin, A.
Zintchenko è a.o. - [057539 - ÇÈË]
Abdallah J. A Study of the Energy Evolution of Event Shape
Distributions and Their Means with the DELPHI Detector at LEP. -
Geneva. 2002. - 41 p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-082 ) Bibliogr.:44. /
J. Abdallah, D. Bardin, I. Boyko, O. Kouznetsov, Z. Krumstein, M.
Nikolenko, A. Olshevski, V. Pozdniakov, N. Pukhaeva, A. Sadovsky,
A. Sisakian, L. Tkatchev, I.A. Tyapkin, P. Tyapkin, N. Zimin,
A. Zintchenko è a.o. - [057538 - ÇÈË]
Abe M. Apparatus for a Search for T-Violating Muon Polarization in
Stopped-Kaon Decays. - Tsukuba. 2003. - 56p. : il. -(KEK; 2002-130)
(TRI-PP ; 03-01 ) Bibliogr.:p.55-56 / M. Abe è a.o. - [057580 -
Alessandro B. Charmonia and Drell-Yan Production in Proton-Nucleus
Collisions at the CERN SPS. - Geneva. 2002. - 20p. : il. - (CERN-EP ;
2002-100 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / B. Alessandro è a.o. - [057572 - ÇÈË]
Aubert B. Performance of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter End-
Cap Module O. - Geneva. 2002. - 28p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-104 )
Bibliogr.:p.10 / B. Aubert è a.o. - [057571 - ÇÈË]
Basko D.M. Dynamic Localization in Quantum Dots: Analytical Theory. -
Trieste. 2003. - 9p. : il. - (IC ; 2003/9 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / D.M.
Basko è a.o. - [057536 - ÇÈË]
Bigazzi F. Supergravity Duals of Supersymmetric Four Dimensional
Gauge Theories. - Trieste. 2003. - 64p. - (IC ; 2003/11 ) Bibliogr.:
p.59-64 / F. Bigazzi è a.o. - [057554 - ÇÈË]
Bradbury M. A Comparison of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients Measured
in Compacted Kunigel V1 Bentonite with those Calculated from Batch
Sorption Measurements and D&sub(e)(HTO) Data: A Case Study for Cs(I),
Ni(II), Sm(III), Am(III),Zr(IV) and Np(V). - Villigen. 2003. -42p.:
il. - (PSI Bericht ; 03-02 ) Bibliogr.:p.40-42 / M. Bradbury è
B. Baeyens - [057530 - ÇÈË]
Burn K.W. Photoneutron Production and Dose Evaluation in Medical
Accelerators. - Rome. 2002. - 33p. : il. - (ENEA RT ; 2002/51/FIS )
Bibliogr.:p.30-31 / K.W. Burn è C. Ongaro - [057533 - ÇÈË]
Chomaz Ph. Spinodal Instability in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter. - Caen.
2003. - 9p. : il. - (GANIL P ; 03 01 ) Bibliogr.:p.9 / Ph. Chomaz è
J. Margueron - [057564 - ÇÈË]
Davydychev A.I. Massive Feynman Diagrams and Inverse Binomial Sums. -
Hamburg. 17/ 4/2003. - 29 p. - (DESY ; 02-214 ) Bibliogr.:47. / A.I.
Davydychev è M.Yu. Kalmykov - [057581 - ÇÈË]
El-Shorbagy Kh.H. Separation Method in the Problem of a Beam-Plasma
Interaction in Bounded Warm Plasma Under the Effect of HF Electric
Field. - Trieste. 2002. - 9p. - (IC ; 2002/153 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 /
Kh.H. El-Shorbagy - [057558 - ÇÈË]
FZR: Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Institute of Ion Beam Physics and
Materials Research. Annual Report 2002. - Dresden. 2002. - 130p.: il.
- (FZR ; 362 ) / FZR: Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. - [057525 - ÇÈË]
Geloni G. A Method for Ultrashort Electron Pulse-Shape Measurement
Using Coherent Synchrotron Radiation. - Hamburg. 17/ 4/2003. - 58 p.
- (DESY ; 03-031 ) Bibliogr.:13. / G. Geloni, E.L. Saldin, E.A.
Schneidmiller è M.V. Yurkov - [057582 - ÇÈË]
Goswami D. A Complete Formulation of Baum-Connes' Conjecture for the
Action of Discrete Quantum Groups. - Trieste. 2003. - 14p - (IC ;
2003/1 ) Bibliogr.:p.13-14 / D. Goswami è A.O. Kuku - [057556 - ÇÈË]
Heister A. A Measurement of the Gluon Splitting Rate into cc^- Pairs
in Hadronic Z Decays. - Geneva. 2003. - 14p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2003-
003 ) Bibliogr.:p.13-14 / A. Heister è a.o. - [057569 - ÇÈË]
Hessel G. Umweltgerechte Prozessfuhrung und Zustandserkennung in
Chemieanlagen mit neuronalen Netzen. Teilvorhaben 2: Konzipierung und
Erprobung des Zustandserkennungsverfahrens.- Dresden. 2002.- 137 S.:
il. - (FZR ; 355 ) Bibliographie: S.132-135 / G. Hessel è a.o. -
[057527 - ÇÈË]
Ho A.F. Small Polarons and C-Axis Transport in Highly Anisotropic
Metals. - Trieste. 2002. - 23p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/132 ) Bibliogr.:p.
22-23 / A.F. Ho è A.J. Schofield - [057549 - ÇÈË]
JAERI: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Department of
Materials Science JAERI TANDEM Annual Report 2001 April 1, 2001-March
31, 2002. - Ibaraki. 2002. - 152 p.: il.- (JAERI-Review ; 2002-029)
/ JAERI: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. - [057524 - ÇÈË]
Janot P. The Light Gluino Mass Window Revisited. - Geneva. 2003. -
10p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2003-004 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / P. Janot -
[057568 - ÇÈË]
Kalkhof D. Fruherkennung von mikrostrukturellen Anderungen bei
Ermudung in nichtrostenden austenitischen Stahlen. - Villigen. 2003.
- 56 S. : il. - (PSI Bericht ; 03-03 ) Bibliographie: S.54-56 /
D. Kalkhof è a.o. - [057529 - ÇÈË]
Kanaki K. Electric Field and Drift Characteristics Studies for the
Multiwire Chambers of the Third Plane of HADES. - Dresden. 2003. -
63p. : il. - (FZR ; 365 ) Bibliogr.:p.62-63 / K. Kanaki - [057526 -
Katakura J. Photon and Decay Data Libraries for ORIGEN2 Code Based on
JENDL FP Decay Data File 2000. - Ibaraki. 2002. - 81p. - (JAERI-Data
/Code ; 2002-021 ) Bibliogr.:p.15 / J. Katakura è H. Yanagisawa -
[057520 - ÇÈË]
Khalil Sh.M. Field Stability by the Electron Beam in a Warm
Magnetized Plasma-Filled Waveguide. - Trieste. 2002. - 26p. : il. -
(IC ; 2002/155 ) Bibliogr.:p.26 / Sh.M. Khalil è a.o. -[057555 - ÇÈË]
Konobeyev A.Yu. Neutron and Proton Nuclear Data Evaluation for
*2*3*5U and *2*3*8U at Energies up to 250 MeV.- Ibaraki. 2002.- 69p.
: il. - (JAERI-Research ; 2002-028 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-26 / A.Yu.
Konobeyev è a.o. - [057519 - ÇÈË]
Koster U. Oxide Fiber Targets at ISOLDE. - Geneva. 2002. - 14p. : il.
- (CERN-EP ; 2002-097 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / U. Koster è a.o. -
[057570 - ÇÈË]
Kuroda S. A Plan of KEK-ATF Final Focus Test Beam Line (ATF2). -
Tsukuba. 2003. - 4p. : il. - (KEK ; 2002-138 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 /
S. Kuroda è a.o. - [057577 - ÇÈË]
March N.H. Local Energy Equation for Two-Electron Atoms and Relation
Between Kinetic Energy and Electron Densities.- Trieste. 2002.- 12p.
- (IC ; 2002/95 ) Bibliogr.:12 / N.H. March - [057544 - ÇÈË]
Murakami S. A Demonstration of Magnetic Field Optimization in LHD. -
Nagoya. 2002. - 8p. : il. - (NIFS ; 750 ) (IAEA-CN ; 94/EX/C5-3 )
Bibliogr.:p.8 / S. Murakami è a.o. - [057561 - ÇÈË]
Muto T. Observation of Incoherent Diffraction Radiation from a Single
Edge Target in the Visible Light Region. - Tsukuba. 2003. - 5p.: il.
- (KEK ; 2002-137 ) Bibliogr.:p.4-5 / T. Muto è a.o. - [057578 -
Nakamoto T. Production and Performance of the LHC Interaction Region
Quadrupoles at KEK. - Tsukuba. 2003. - 4p. : il. - (KEK ; 2002-132 )
Bibliogr.:p.4 / T. Nakamoto è a.o. - [057575 - ÇÈË]
de Oca A.C.M. On the Gauge Invariant and Topological Nature of the
Localization Determining the Quantum Hall Effect Plateaus. - Trieste.
2002. - 9p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/99 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / A.C.M. de Oca
è D. Martinez-Pedrera - [057545 - ÇÈË]
Okoya S.S. Thermal Stability for a Reactive Viscous Flow in a Slab. -
Trieste. 2002. - 13p. - (IC ; 2002/135 ) Bibliogr.:p.12-13 / S.S.
Okoya - [057548 - ÇÈË]
Orr N.A. Clustering and Correlations at the Neutron Dripline. - Caen.
2003. - 29p. : il. - (LPCC ; 03-03 ) Bibliogr.:p.17-20 / N.A. Orr è
F.M. Marques - [057560 - ÇÈË]
Regnard V. Roles des contraintes sur les signaux de transition de
phase. - Caen. 2003. - 4p. : il. - (GANIL P ; 03 03 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 /
V. Regnard - [057566 - ÇÈË ; 057567 - ËÂÝ]
Sugimoto M. Nb&sub(3)Al Insert Experiment Log Book -3rd Experiment of
CS Model Coil -. - Ibaraki. 2002. - 126p. : il. - (JAERI-Tech ; 2002
-080 ) / M. Sugimoto è a.o. - [057521 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Nondestructive Beam Energy-Spread Monitor Using Multi-
Stripline Electrodes. - Tsukuba. 2003. - 9p. : il. - (KEK ; 2002-134)
Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / T. Suwada è a.o. - [057576 - ÇÈË]
Takase Y. Development of a Fishbone Travelling Wave Antenna for LHD.
- Nagoya. 2002. - 4p. : il. - (NIFS ; 752 ) (IAEA-CN ; 94/FT/P2-05 )
Bibliogr.:p.4 / Y. Takase è a.o. - [057562 - ÇÈË]
Terazawa H. The Electron in the Unified Composite Model of All
Fundamental Particles and Forces. - Tsukuba. 2003. - 22p. - (KEK ;
2002-136 ) Bibliogr.:p.17-22 / H. Terazawa - [057579 - ÇÈË]
Ueno T. Environmental Monitoring Data Around the Chernobyl Nuclear
Power Plant Used in the Cooperative Research Project Between JAERI
and CHESCIR (Ukraine) (Cooperative Research).- Ibaraki. 2003.- 414p.
- (JAERI-Data/Code ; 2002-024 ) / T. Ueno è a.o. - [057523 - ÇÈË]
Urakawa J. The Recent Results of the ATF. - Tsukuba. 2003.- 5p.: il.
- (KEK ; 2002-139 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / J. Urakawa è a.o. - [057574 -
Vorov O.K. Rotating Ground States of Trapped Bose Atoms with
Arbitrary Two-Body Interactions. - Caen. 2003.- 14p.: il. -(GANIL
P ; 03 02 ) Bibliogr.:p.10-11 / O.K. Vorov è a.o. - [057565 - ÇÈË]
Widatallah H.M. On the Synthesis, Characterization, Rationalization
of the Structure and the Compositional Formula of Ti-Substituted
Li&sub(0,5)Fe&sub(2,5)O&sub(4). - Trieste. 2002. - 11p. : il. - (IC ;
2002/158 ) Bibliogr.:p.10-11 / H.M. Widatallah è a.o. - [057559 -
Wojciechowski K.W. Non-Chiral, Auxetic System of Noncentrosymmetric
Molecules in Two Dimensions. - Trieste. 2002. - 17p. : il. - (IC ;
2002/162 ) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / K.W. Wojciechowski - [057541 - ÇÈË]
Eichler B. Verfluchtigungsverhalten der Transaktinoide von
Metalloberflachen und aus Schmelzen (Thermochemische Kalkulation). -
Villigen. 2003. - 91 S. : il. - (PSI Bericht ; 03-01 ) Bibliographie:
S.90-91 / B. Eichler - [057528 - ÇÈË]
Haile T. Geomagnetic Secular Variation at the African Observatories.
- Trieste. 2002. - 32p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/140 ) Bibliogr.:p.18-19 /
T. Haile - [057553 - ÇÈË]
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