1. 2001 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems / / IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. - 6/2003. - Vol.50, No.3 , Pt.1 2. Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research : Proc. of the VIII International Workshop on ... (ACAT 2002), Moscow, Russia, June 24-28, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 21/ 4/2003. - Vol.502, No.2/3,_Issues_2-3,_Pages_327-845_(21_April_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_VIII_International_Workshop_on_Advanced_Computing_and_Analysis_Techniques_in_Physics_Research%2BMMoscow,_Russia,_24_-_28_June_2002%2BMEdited_by_V.A._Ilyin,_V.V._Korenkov_and_D._Perret-Gallix&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=682b964c17e5a9b581fe01e5a13593d5 3. Advances in Neural Networks Research : IJCNN'03 : Papers from the 2003 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Portland, OR, USA, 21 July - 24 July 2003 / / Neural Networks. - 6/2003. - Vol.16, No.5 /6,_Issues_5-6,_Pages_519-945_(June_-_July_2003)%2BMAdvances_in_Neural_Networks_Research%3A_IJCNN_'03%2BMPortland,_OR,_USA,_21_July_-_24_July_2003%2BMEdited_by_Donald_Wunsch,_Michael_Hasselmo,_Kumar_Venayagamoorthy_and_DeLiang_Wang&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=61614400fecc7dc2eedb31f1cf6f2fae 4. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC 2001)(2001; Fukuoka) : Proc. ..., Fukuoka, Japan, Oct.30- Nov. 1, 2001. Pt.1 / / Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 1/2003. - Vol.255 , No.1 5. Atomic Structure and Transport in Glassy Networks, Workshop (2002;Lyon) : Proc. ..., Lyon, France, June 24-26, 2002 / / Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter. - 30/ 4/2003. - Vol.15, No.16 6. CHATS-2002 : Workshop on Computation of Thermohydraulic Transients in Superconductors, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept.16-18, 2002 / / Cryogenics. - 5/2003. - Vol.43, No.3/5,_Issues_3-5,_Pages_139-323_(March_-_May_2003)&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=795b7c5a7a20cb56006292d76658561e 7. Commemorative Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science / / IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. - 6/2003. - Vol.50, No.3 , Pt.3 - P.454-710. 8. Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids : Proc. ..., Dresden, Germany, June 23-27, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 4/2003. - Vol.202,_Pages_1-321_(April_2003)%2BM6th_International_Conference_on_Computer_Simulation_of_Radiation%2BMDresden,_Germany,_23_-_27_June_2002%2BMEdited_by_W._Moller,_M._Posselt_and_H.-U._Jager&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=8c20c703c3fb918565daa31e1323dc90 9. "The Digital Perspective", Workshop (2001; Arlington) : Materials ..., Arlington, Virginia, July 24-26, 2001 / / International Journal of Theoretical Physics. - 2/2003. - Vol.42, No.2 10. Experimental Techniques of Cherenkov Light Imaging : Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors ( RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, June 5-10, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 11/ 4/2003. - Vol.502, No.1,_Issue_1,_Pages_1-326_(11_April_2003)%2BMExperimental_Techniques_of_Cherenkov_Light_Imaging._Proceedings_of_the_Fourth_International_Workshop_on_Ring_Imaging_Cherenkov_Detectors%2BMNESTOR,_Pylos,_Greece,_5_-_10_June_2002%2BMEdited_by_T._Ekelof,_L.K._Resvanis_and_J._Sequinot&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=661ce3adfae89bf17e12443f0317b45f 11. Free Electron Lasers 2002 : Proc. of the 24th International Free Electron Laser Conference and the 9th Users Workshop, Argonne, IL, USA, Sept.9-13, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 11/ 7/2003. - Vol.507, No.1/2,_Issues_1-2,_Pages_1-608_(11_July_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_24th_International_Free_Electron_Laser_Conference_and_the_9th_Users_Workshop.%2BMArgonne,_IL,_USA,_9_September_-_13_September_2002%2BMEdited_by_K.-J._Kim,_S.V._Milton,_E._Gluskin&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5= 02c35173e09ef0ffd52a97516e1318d7 12. International Conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (34; 2002; Sofia) : Proc. ..., Sofia, Bulgaria, July 9-12, 2002 / / Physica Scripta. - 2003. - Vol.105 13. International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP 2002) (3; 2002; Daegu) : Proc...., Daegu, Korea, Oct.16-19, 2002 / / International Journal of Modern Physics B. - 10/4/2003. - Vol.17, No.8/9, Pt.1 14. International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications (EMIS -14)(14; 2002; Victoria) : Proc. ...,Victoria, Canada, May 6-10, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 5/2003. - Vol.204,_Pages_1-821_(May_2003)%2BM14th_International_Conference_on_Electromagnetic_Isotope_Separators_and_Techniques_Related_to_their_Applications%2BMVictoria,_BC,_Canada,_6_-_10_May_2002%2BMEdited_by_John_M._D%27Auria,_Jana_Thomson_and_Martin_Comyn&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=cc182e58bd37ea1213ade712540a6c4b 15. International Conference on Isotopes (4; 2002; Cape Town) : Proc. ... , Cape Tawn, South Africa, March 10-14, 2002 / / Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 7/2003. - Vol.257, No.1 16. International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection (3; 2002; Beaune) : Proc. ..., Beaune, France, June 17-21, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 21/ 5/2003. -Vol.504, No.1/3,_Issues_1-3,_Pages_1-390_(21_May_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_3rd_International_Conference_on_New_Developments_in_Photodetection%2BMBeaune,_France,_17_-_21_June_2002%2BMEdited_by_P._Bourgeois,_H._El_Mamouni,_H._Fanet,_P._Goret,_B._Ille,_P._Le_Du,_P._Nedelec,_J.-P._Peigneux,_J.-C._Vanel&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=f3f4fdbd3248a4d8aa1f8a528f2ae452 17. International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA2002) (8; 2002; Takasaki) : Proc. ...,Takasaki, Japan, Sept.8-13, 2002 / / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 9/2003. - Vol.210,_Pages_1-567_(September_2003)%2BM8th_International_Conference_of_Nuclear_Microprobe_Technology_and_Applications%2BMTakasaki,_Japan,_8_September_-_13_September_2002%2BMEdited_by_M._Takai_and_T._Kamiya&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=3b83c0703083a717291e24389e6c0977 18. International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI'02) (5; 2002; Uppsala) : Proc. ..., Uppsala, Sweden, June 16-20, 2002 / / Physica Scripta. - 2003. - Vol T104 19. International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Molecular and Oxide Superconductors (MOS2002)(2002; Hsinchu) : Proc...., Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug.13-18, 2002. Pt.2 / / Journal of Low Temperature Physics. - 6/2003. - Vol.131, No.5/6 20. International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots (2; 2002; Tokyo) : Papers ..., Tokyo, Japan, Sept.30-Oct.3, 2002 / / Physica status solidi(b). - 7/2003. - Vol.238, No.2 21. International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (2002; Santa Fe) : Papers ..., Santa Fe, USA, Sept. 2-6 2002 / / Journal of Physics A. - 6/ 6/2003. - Vol.36, No.22 22. International Conference on Superlattices Nano-Structures and Nano-Devices (ICSNN 2002) (2002; Toulouse) : Proc. ..., Toulouse, France, July 22-26, 2002 / / Physica E. - 4/2003. - Vol.17, No.1/4,_Pages_1-691_(April_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_International_Conference_on_Superlattices,_Nano-structures_and_Nano-devices_ICSNN_2002_o-structures_and_Nano-devices_ICSNN_2002%2BMToulouse,_France,_22_-_26_July_2002%2BMEdited_by_X._Marie,_Th._Amand,_C._Fontaine,_J._Groenen,_A._Mlayah&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=690b79a961fdee3f39d7c3c009b2c28f 23. International Econophysics Conference (IEC2002) (2002; Bali) : Proc. ..., Bali, Aug.29-31, 2002 / / Physica A. - 1/ 6/2003. - Vol.324, No.1/2,_Issues_1-2,_Pages_1-454_(1_June_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_International_Econophysics_Conference%2BMBali,_Indonesia,_29_-_31_August_2002%2BMEdited_by_H._Eugene_Stanley,_Marcel_Ausloos,_Janos_Kertesz,_Rosario_N._Mantegna,_Jose_A._Scheinkman,_Hideki_Takayasu&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=f6cdc485699d354c191bae9de2163771 24. International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'02)(11; 2002; Bratislava) : Proc. ..., Bratislava, Slovak Republic, July 1-5, 2002 / / Laser Physics. - 2/2003. - Vol.13, No.2 25. International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'02)(11; 2002; Bratislava) : Proc. ..., Bratislava, Slovak Republic, July 1-5, 2002 / / Laser Physics. - 4/2003. - Vol.13, No.4 26. International School-Seminar on Heavy-Ion Physics (HIPH'02) (7; 2002; Dubna) = Международная школа-семинар по физике тяжелых ионов : Proc. ..., Dubna, Russia, May 27 - June 1, 2002 / / Ядерная физика. - 6/2003. - Т.66, No.6 27. International School-Seminar on Heavy-Ion Physics (HIPH'02) (7; 2002; Dubna) = Международная школа-семинар по физике тяжелых ионов : Proc. ..., Dubna, Russia, May 27 - June 1, 2002 / / Ядерная физика. - 8/2003. - Т.66, No.8 28. International Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems (NanoMES 2003) (4; 2003; Tempe) : Proc. ..., Tempe, AZ, USA, Febr. 17-21, 2003 / / Physica E. - 7/2003. – Vol.19, No.1/2,_Issues_1-2,_Pages_1-256_(July_2003)%2BMFourth_International_Symposium_on_Nanostructures_and_Mesoscopic_Systems%2BMTempe,_AZ,_USA,_17_February_-_21_February_2003%2BMEdited_by_J.P._Bird&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=9303f8770ac64cbc0edb8a58a750c5c5 29. 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International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX 2001)(10; 2001;Brunnen) : Proc. ..., Brunnen, Schwyz, Switzerland, Sept.23-28, 2001/ / Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 21/ 3/2003. - Vol.501, No.1,_Issue_1,_Pages_1-326_(21_March_2003)%2BMProceedings_of_the_10th_International_Workshop_on_Vertex_Detectors%2BMBrunnen,_Schwyz,_Switzerland,_23_-_28_September_2001%2BMEdited_by_R._Horisberger,_D._Kotlinski_and_W._Erdmann&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=0ca68d52d3482c722d1913b814db4aa1 36. Ion Beam Processing and Modification of Glasses and Ceramics : Proc. of the Symp. ..., St.Louis,Missouri, USA, Apr.28 - May 1, 2002 / /Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 5/2003. - Vol.207, No.1,_Issue_1,_Pages_1-99_(May_2003)%2BMSymposium%3A_Ion_Beam_Processing_and_Modification_of_Glasses_and_Ceramics%2BMSt_Louis,_Missouri,_USA,_28_April_-_1_May_2002%2BMEdited_by_S._Thevuthasan,_A._Meldrum,_S.K._Sundaram_and_L.M._Wang&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000048845&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=942185&md5=302b54d9a9fe79adbda841764add447d 37. Ionizing Radiation and Polymers : Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on ... 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Международное совещание по ядерной спектроскопии и структуре атомного ядра (ЯДРО-2002)(52; 2002; Москва) : Материалы ..., Москва, июнь, 2002 / / Известия академии наук.Серия физическая. - 5/2003. - Т.67 , No.5 57.Международный симпозиум "Фазовые превращения в твердых растворах и сплавах" (ОМА-2002) и Международный симпозиум "Порядок, беспорядок и свойства оксидов" (ODPO-2002) (2002; Ростов-на-Дону) : Материалы ..., Ростов-на-Дону, сент.2002 / / Известия Академии наук.Серия физическая. - 7/2003. - Т.67 , No.7 58. Разделение и концентрирование в аналитической химии : Тезисы докл. Международного симпозиума, посвященного 70-летию академика Ю.А. Золотова / / Журнал аналитической химии. - 7/2003. - T.58, No.7