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  1. Вестник Российской Академии наук., 2002.- т.72, N.10.
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  5. Математическое моделирование., 2002.- т.14, N.10.
  6. Успехи физических наук., 2002.- т.172, N.9.
  7. Communications in Mathematical Physics., 2002.- v.230, N.1.
  8. Europhysics Letters., 2002.- v.59, N.6.
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 10. International Journal of Modern Physics A., 2002.- v.17, N.26.
 11. International Journal of Modern Physics A., 2002.- v.17, N.27.
 12. Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General., 2002.- v.35, N.39.
 13. Physical Review Letters., 2002.- v.89, N.15.
 14. Physical Review,C., 2002.- v.66, N.2.
 15. Physics Letters,A., 2002.- v.302, N.2,3.
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 17. Physics Letters,B., 2002.- v.545, N.3,4.
 18. Physics Reports., 2002.- v.370, N.3.
 19. The European Physical Journal D., 2002.- v.21, N.1.
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