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Mizoguchi S. Noncompact Gepner Models for Type II Strings on a Conifold
and an ALE Instanton. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 12 p. - (KEK ; 2000-107 ) Bibliogr.:p.11-12.
/S. Mizoguchi -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027107 -[030027 - ÇÈË]
Reid J.K. Implementing Hager's Exchange Methods for Matrix Profile Reduction.
-Chilton. 2001. - 16 p. - (RAL-TR ; 2001-039 ) Bibliogr.:p.16. / J.K. Reid
è J.A.Scott - [030034 - ÇÈË]
Tanaka M. Electrophoresis of Charge Inverted Macroion Complex: Molecular
Dynamics Study. - Nagoya. 2001. - 8p : il. - (NIFS ; 706 ) Bibliogr.:p.4
/ M.Tanaka è A.Yu. Grosberg - [030090 - ÇÈË]
Abe K. Status of the K*0&sub(L)*>*p*0*n*n^- Experiment at KEK (E391a).
- Tsukuba. 2000. - 11 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-89 ) (SAGA-HE ; 164 ) (Yamagata/HEP
; 00-01) Bibliogr.:p.7. / K. Abe è a.o. - http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027089 - [029879 - ÇÈË]
Akai K. Bunch-by-Bunch Phase Measurement at KEKB. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p.
: il. -(KEK ; 2001-37 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / K. Akai è a.o. - [029693 - ÇÈË]
Akemoto M. High-Power Switch with SI-Thyristors for Klystron Pulse Modulators.
-Tsukuba. 2000. - 4 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-66 ) Bibliogr.:p.4. / M. Akemoto
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027066 - [030018 -ÇÈË]
Akemoto M. Improvement of Waveform Efficiency Using a Compensation Circuit.
-Tsukuba. 2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-116 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / M. Akemoto
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027116 - [029925 -ÇÈË]
Aoki K. Data Taking and Web Based Monitoring on PC Linux for SKS Cryogenic
System. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 5p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-119 ) Bibliogr.:p.5
/ K. Aoki - < a href="http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027119">
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027119 - [029698 - ÇÈË]
Arai Y. Development of a 24 ch TDC LSI for the ATLAS Muon Detector. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 5 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-108 ) Bibliogr.:p.5. / Y. Arai è T. Emura
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027108 - [030028 - ÇÈË]
Asaoka S. Status Report on the KEK Photon Factory. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 5p.
: il.- (KEK ; 2001-127 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / S. Asaoka è a.o. - [029697 - ÇÈË]
Burkhardt E.E. Quench Protection Heater Studies of the 3rd 1-m Model Magnet
for the KEK-LHC Low-*b Quadrupoles. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 4 p. : il. - (KEK ;2000-114)
Bibliogr.:p.4. / E.E. Burkhardt è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/age_index?200027114 - [029924 - ÇÈË]
Burkhardt E.E. Quench Protection Heater Studies of the 3rd 1-m Model Magnet
for the KEK-LHC Low-*b Quadrupoles. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 4 p. : il. - (KEK ;2000-130)
Bibliogr.:p.4. / E.E. Burkhardt è a.o. - < a href="http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027130">
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027130 - [029929 - ÇÈË]
Cheon T. Symmetry, Duality and Anholonomy of Point Interactions in One
Dimension. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 47 p. - (KEK ; 2000-54 ) Bibliogr.:p.46-47. / T. Cheon
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027054 - [030021 -ÇÈË]
Chin Y.H. Status of JLC Accelerators Development. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 12p.
: il.- (KEK ; 2000-140 ) Bibliogr.:p.12 / Y.H. Chin è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027140 - [029657 - ÇÈË]
Chin Y.H. Status of the X-Band RF Power Source Development for JLC. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-70 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / Y.H. Chin è a.o.
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027070 - [030003 - ÇÈË ; 030004 - ËÂÝ]
Furukawa K. Beam Switching and Beam Feedback Systems at KEKB Linac. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-102 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / K. Furukawa è a.o.
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027102 - [029886 - ÇÈË]
Furukawa K. Towards Reliable Acceleration of High-Energy and High-Intensity
Electron Beams. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-101 ) Bibliogr.:p.3
/K. Furukawa -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027101 -[029845- ÇÈË]
Hasegawa K. The KEK/JAERI Joint Project; Status of Design and Development.
-Tsukuba. 2000. - 5p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-94 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / K. Hasegawa
è T.Kato -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027094 - [029836- ÇÈË]
Hitomi N. Fabrication Process of Rounded Damped Detuned Structure. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-92 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / N. Hitomi è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027092 - [029717 - ÇÈË]
Horikawa S. Development of Micro-Gap Wire Chamber. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 16
p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-100 ) (Yamagata/HEP ; 00-02 ) Bibliogr.:p.6. / S. Horikawa
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027100 - [029878 - ÇÈË]
Ieiri T. Measurement of Betatron Tune along Bunch Train in the KEKB Low
Energy Ring. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-1 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / T.
Ieiri è a.o. - [029661 - ÇÈË]
Ino H. Advanced Copper Lining for Accelerator Components. - Tsukuba. 2000.
- 3p.: il. - (KEK ; 2000-95 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / H. Ino è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027095 - [029838 - ÇÈË]
Isagawa S. New Klystron Test Fields and Improved Version of 1.2 MW Water
Load. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-61 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / S. Isagawa
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027061 - [030015 -ÇÈË]
Isagawa S. Promotion of the Emission and Suppression of the Modulation
Anode Current of High-Power CW Klystrons with an M-Type Cathode. - Tsukuba. 2000.
- 16p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-62 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10. / S. Isagawa -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027062 - [030017 - ÇÈË]
Ishida T. The First Results of K2K Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 5 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-90 ) Bibliogr.:p.5. / T.Ishida -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027090 - [030024 - ÇÈË]
Ishimoto S. Topological Modes of Solidification in Liquids with a Confined
Geometry. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 11 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-42 ) (RIKEN-AF-NP; 354 )
Bibliogr.:p.10-11. / S. Ishimoto è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027042 - [029885 - ÇÈË]
Kawakubo T. Fast-Response Beam Loss Monitor. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 9 p. :
il. - (KEK ; 2000-129 ) Bibliogr.:p.9. / T. Kawakubo è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027129 - [029926 - ÇÈË]
Kawakubo T. High Cost-Performance Fast-Response Beam-Loss Monitor Using
a Photo-Multiplier. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-112 ) / T. Kawakubo
è a.o. - [029696 - ÇÈË]
Michizono S. Output RF Phases from the S-Band Klystrons Used in the KEKB
Linac.- Tsukuba. 2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-69 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / S. Michizono
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027069 - [030020 - ÇÈË]
Mizoguchi S. Noncompact Gepner Models for Type II Strings on a Conifold
and an ALE Instanton. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 12 p. - (KEK ; 2000-107 ) Bibliogr.:p.11-12.
/S. Mizoguchi -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027107 -[030027 - ÇÈË]
Naito F. Development of the 50-MeV DTL for the JAERI/KEK Joint Project.
- Tsukuba. 2000. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-96 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / F. Naito
è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027096 - [029842 - ÇÈË]
Naito F. Development of RF Reference Line for the Linear Collider. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-91 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / F. Naito è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027091 - [029712 - ÇÈË]
Nakamoto T. Quench Performance and Mechanical Behavior of 1 m Model Magnet
for the LHC Low-Beta Quadrupoles at KEK. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 4p. : il. - (KEK
; 2000-135 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / T. Nakamoto è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027135 - [029648 - ÇÈË]
Ohama T. Influence of the Cathode-Surface Electric Field on the Operation
of a Multi-Wire Chamber. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 17 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-112 )
Bibliogr.:p.7. / T. Ohama è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027112- [030029 - ÇÈË]
Ohmi K. Particle-in-cell Simulation of Beam-electron Cloud Interactions.
- Tsukuba. 2001. - 6p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-49 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / K. Ohmi -
[029695- ÇÈË]
Ohmi K. Study of Head-Tail Effect Caused by Electron Cloud. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 3 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-53 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / K. Ohmi è F. Zimmermann -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027053 - [030011 - ÇÈË]
Ohmi K. Wake Field and Transverse Mode Coupling Instability Caused by Electron Cloud. -
Tsukuba. 2001. - 33p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-14 ) Bibliogr.:p.32-33/ K.Ohmi è a.o. - [029686 - ÇÈË]
Ohuchi N. Field Measurements of 1-M Model Quadrupole Magnet for the LHC-IR.
-Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-9 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / N. Ohuchi
è a.o. - [029672 - ÇÈË]
Ohuchi N. Field Quality of the LHC-IR 1-M Model Quadrupole Magnets Developed
at KEK. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-10 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / N.
Ohuchi è a.o. - [029682 - ÇÈË]
Sakanaka S. Observation of Longitudinal Quadrupole-mode Oscillations of
a Bunch Which were Induced by RF Phase Modulation in the Electron Storage Ring.
-Tsukuba. 2001. - 28 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-137 ) Bibliogr.:p.21 / S. Sakanaka
è T. Obina -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027136 - [029653- ÇÈË]
Sergeev V.Yu. Optimization of the Visible CXRS Measurements of TESPEL
Diagnostics in LHD. - Nagoya. 2001. - 23p. : il. - (NIFS ; 710 ) Bibliogr.:p.20
/ V.Yu. Sergeev è a.o. - [030087 - ÇÈË]
Shintomi T. Progress of LHC Low-*b Quadrupole Magnets at KEK. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 4 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-105 ) Bibliogr.:p.4. / T. Shintomi è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027105 - [029891 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Higher-Order Multipole Analysis of Beam-Induced Electromagnetic
Fields Using a Stripline-Type Beam Position Monitor. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. :
il. - (KEK ; 2001-5 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / T. Suwada - [029666 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Multipole Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Generated by Single-Bunch
Electron Beams. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 21p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-98 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-
10 / T. Suwada -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027098- [029846 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Numerical Analysis of a Beam-Energy-Spread Monitor Using Multi-
Stripline Electrodes. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-71 ) Bibliogr.:
p.3 / T. Suwada -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027071 - [029709 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Positron-Production Experiment by 8-GeV Channeling Electrons
in Crystal Tungsten at the KEKB Injector Linac. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il.
- (KEK; 2001-6 ) Bibliogr.:p.3 / T. Suwada è a.o. - [029670 - ÇÈË]
Suwada T. Present Status and Beam-Stability Issues of the KEKB Injector
Linac. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 3p. : il. - (KEK ; 2001-35 ) Bibliogr:p.3. / T. Suwada
è a.o.- [029690 - ÇÈË]
Takahashi K. Development of an Asymmetric Power Divider for a High-Power
RF Distribution System. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 19p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-136 )
Bibliogr.p.9. / K. Takahashi è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027136 - [029651 - ÇÈË]
Takamatsu K. *s and k in Scattering Processes and New *p*0*p*0 Phase Shift
Data. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 6 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-104 ) Bibliogr.:p.6. / K. Takamatsu
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027104 - [030026 - ÇÈË]
Terazawa H. A Comment on "New Trends in High-Energy Physics". - Tsukuba.
2000. - 6 p. - (KEK ; 2000-57 ) Bibliogr.:p.5-6. / H. Terazawa -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027057 - [030023 - ÇÈË]
Terazawa H. Future Prospects of High Energy Physics. - Tsukuba. 2000. -
6 p. - (KEK ; 2000-56 ) Bibliogr.:p.6. / H. Terazawa -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027056 - [030022 - ÇÈË]
Unno Y. High-Density Low-Mass Hybrid and Associated Technologies. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 11 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-117 ) Bibliogr.:p.10-11. / Y. Unno -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027117 - [030030 - ÇÈË]
Urakawa J. Experimental Results and Technical Research and Development
at ATF (KEK). - Tsukuba. 2000. - 5 p. - (KEK ; 2000-67 ) Bibliogr.:p.5. / J. Urakawa
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027067 - [030019 - ÇÈË]
Watanabe T.-H. Induction Synchrotron (6): Beam Loading. - Tsukuba. 2001.
- 3p. :il. - (KEK ; 2001-40 ) Bibliogr:p.3 / T.-H. Watanabe è a.o. - [029694 -ÇÈË]
Watanabe T.-H. A Nondissipative Simulation Method for the Drift Kinetic
Equation. - Nagoya. 2001. - 11p. : il. - (NIFS ; 707 ) Bibliogr.:p.11 / T.-H. Watanabe
è a.o. - [030091 - ÇÈË]
Yasu Y. Quality of Service on Gigabit Ethernet for Event Builder. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 5p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-128 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / Y. Yasu -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027128 - [029706 - ÇÈË]
Yoshino K. Development of a DTL Quadrupole Magnet with a New Electroformed
Hollow Coil for the JAERI/KEK Joing Project. - Tsukuba. 2000. - 3 p. :
il. - (KEK ; 2000-103 ) Bibliogr.:p.3. / K. Yoshino è a.o. -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027103 - [029889 - ÇÈË]
Morita Y. Validation of the MONARC Simulation Tools. - Tsukuba. 2000. -
12 p. :il. - (KEK ; 2000-111 ) Bibliogr.:p.12. / Y. Morita -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027111 - [030031 - ÇÈË]
Sato H. Evaluation of Objectivity/AMS on the Wide Area Network. - Tsukuba.
2000.- 8 p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-110 ) Bibliogr.:p.8. / H. Sato è Y. Morita -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027110 - [030032 - ÇÈË]
Yasu Y. Quality of Service on Gigabit Ethernet for Event Builder. - Tsukuba.
2000. - 5p. : il. - (KEK ; 2000-128 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / Y. Yasu -
http://ccdb3fs.kek.jp/cgi-bin/img/page_index?200027128 - [029706 - ÇÈË]