01.07.02 |
Carpentieri B. Sparse Symmetric Preconditioners for Dense Linear
Systems in Electromagnetism. - Chilton. 2002. - 23p. : il. - (RAL-TR
; 2002-016 ) Bibliogr.:p.21-23 / B. Carpentieri è a.o. - [042367 -
Cheniot D. Homotopical Variations and High-Dimensional Zariski-van
Kampen Theorems. - Trieste. 2002. - 24p. - (IC ; 2002/17 ) Bibliogr.:
p.22-24 / D. Cheniot è C. Eyral - [042352 - ÇÈË]
da Graca E.L. Non BPS Topological Defect Associated with Two Coupled
Real Field. - Rio de Janeiro. 2002. - 7p. - (CBPF-NF ; 013/02 )
Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / E.L. da Graca è R. de Lima Rodrigues - [042323 -
El-Nashar H.F. Effect of Evaporation on the Growth Kinetics in a
Model for Two Species. - Trieste. 2002. - 7p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/10 )
Bibliogr.:p.7 / H.F. El-Nashar - [042345 - ÇÈË]
Papadopoulos A.T. A Class of Incomplete Orthogonal Factorization
Methods II: Implementation and Results. - Chilton. 2002. - 27p. : il.
- (RAL-TR ; 2002-019 ) Bibliogr.:p.25-27 / A.T. Papadopoulos è a.o.
- [042674 - ÇÈË]
Zaw M. The Space of Colored Interval Exchange Transformations with
Flips. - Trieste. 2002. - 14p. - (IC ; 2002/22 ) Bibliogr.:p.14 / M.
Zaw - [042357 - ÇÈË]
International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) Beam Dynamics
Newsletter N.26. - Tsukuba. 2001. - 84p. : il. - (ICFA ; 26 ) - [
042717 - ÇÈË]
Adloff C. Inelastic Leptoproduction of J/*Q Mesons at HERA. - Hamburg
. 2002. - 27p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-060 ) Bibliogr.:p.15-16 / C. Adloff
, M. Kapichine, A. Koutov, A. Morozov, V. Spaskov, S. Vassiliev, A.
Vichnevski è a.o. - [042766 - ÇÈË ; 042918 - ËÂÝ]
Adloff C. Inelastic Photoproduction of J/*Q Mesons at HERA. - Hamburg
. 2002. - 30p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-059 ) Bibliogr.:p.18-19 / C. Adloff
, M. Kapichine, A. Koutov, A. Morozov, V. Spaskov, S. Vassiliev, A.
Vichnevski è a.o. - [042768 - ÇÈË ; 042919 - ËÂÝ]
Albino S. Strong Coupling Constant from the Photon Structure Function
. - Hamburg. 2002. - 11p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-052 ) (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02
/071-E ) Bibliogr.:p.10-11 / S. Albino è a.o. - [042731 - ÇÈË ;
042732 - ËÂÝ]
Alkhazov G.D. Nuclear Matter Distributions in the *6He and *8He
Nuclei from Differential Cross Sections for Small-Angle Proton
Elastic Scattering at Intermediate Energy. - Gatchina. 2002. - 46p. :
il. - (PNPI ; 2469 ) Bibliogr.:p.43-46 / G.D. Alkhazov è a.o. - [
042382 - ÇÈË]
Assamagan K.A. The Higgs Working Group: Summary Report. - Argonne.
2002. - 120p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-CP ; 02-024 ) Bibliogr.:p.111-120 / K.
A. Assamagan è a.o. - [042257 - ÇÈË]
Ayvazyan V. A New Powerful Source for Coherent VUV Radiation:
Demonstration of Exponential Growth and Saturation at the TTF Free-
Electron Laser. - Hamburg. 2002. - 9p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-065 )
Bibliogr.:p.7 / V. Ayvazyan, A.A. Fateev, K.P. Sytchev, M.V. Yurkov è
a.o. - [042764 - ÇÈË ; 042908 - ËÂÝ]
Bagaturia Y. Studies of Aging and HV Break Down Problems during
Development and Operation of MSGC and GEM Detectors for the Inner
Tracking System of HERA-B. - Hamburg. 2002. - 29p. : il. - (DESY ; 02
-056 ) Bibliogr.:p.28-29 / Y. Bagaturia è a.o. - [042750 - ÇÈË ;
042751 - ËÂÝ]
Bartels J. Massive cc^-g-Calculation in Diffractive DIS and
Diffractive D&sup(* )-Production at HERA. - Hamburg. 2002. - 11p. :
il. - (DESY ; 01-116 ) Bibliogr.:p.10-11 / J. Bartels è a.o. - [
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Blochinger C. Physics Opportunities at *m*+*m*- Higgs Factories. -
Argonne. 2002. - 28p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 02-023 ) (CERN-TH ; 2002-
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Brandenburg A. QCD-Corrected Spin Analysing Power of Jets in Decays
of Polarized Top Quarks. - Hamburg. 2002. - 10p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-
055 ) (PITHA ; 02/07 ) (TTP ; 02-04 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / A.
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Brunetti R. The Generally Covariant Locality Principle - A New
Paradigm for Local Quantum Field Theory. - Hamburg. 2002. - 34 p. - (
DESY ; 02-063 ) Bibliogr.:p.32-34 / R. Brunetti è a.o. - [042746 -
ÇÈË ; 042747 - ËÂÝ]
Burov A. Closed Orbit Instability for Strong Focusing Lattice. -
Stanford. 2002. - 8p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9214 ) Bibliogr.:p.7-8 / A.
Burov è G. Stupakov - [042303 - ÇÈË]
Carena M. Suggestions for Benchmark Scenarios for MSSM Higgs Boson
Searches at Hadron Colliders. - Argonne. 2002. - 8p. : il. - (ANL-HEP
-CP ; 02-017 ) (FERMILAB-Pub ; 02/024-T ) (BNL-HET ; 02/7 ) (EFI ; 02
-64 ) (IPPP ; 02/11 ) Bibliogr.:p.7-8 / M. Carena è a.o. - [042250 -
Choudhury D. Probing Heavy Higgs Boson Models with a TeV Linear
Collider. - Argonne. 2002. - 21p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 02-018 ) (EFI
; 02-65 ) (MRI-P ; 011207 ) Bibliogr.:p.20-21 / D. Choudhury è a.o.
- [042281 - ÇÈË]
da Graca E.L. Non BPS Topological Defect Associated with Two Coupled
Real Field. - Rio de Janeiro. 2002. - 7p. - (CBPF-NF ; 013/02 )
Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / E.L. da Graca è R. de Lima Rodrigues - [042323 -
da Graca E.L. A Representation of the Virasoro Algebra via Wigner-
Heisenberg Algebraic Technique to Bosonic Systems. - Rio de Janeiro.
2002. - 7p. - (CBPF-NF ; 012/02 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / E.L. da Graca è a.o
. - [042328 - ÇÈË]
Denisov V.Yu. Entrance-Channel Potentials in the Synthesis of the
Heaviest Nuclei. - Darmstadt. 2002. - 15p. : il. - (GSI ; 16 )
Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / V.Yu. Denisov è W. Norenberg - [042726 - ÇÈË]
Diener K.P.O. Photoproduction of W Bosons at HERA: QCD Corrections. -
Hamburg. 2002. - 15p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-035 ) (KA-TP ; 34-2001 ) (
PSI-PR ; 01-15 ) Bibliogr.:p.14-15 / K.P.O. Diener è a.o. - [042742
- ÇÈË ; 042743 - ËÂÝ]
Doerfel H. Inkorporationsuberwachung auf Transurane durch Messung der
Aktivitatskonzentration in der Raumluft mit festinstallierten
Aerosolsammlern. - Karlsruhe. 2002. - 84S. : il. - (FZKA ; 6728 )
Bibliographie: S.37-39 / H. Doerfel - [042370 - ÇÈË]
El-Nashar H.F. Nonlocal Synchronization in Nearest Neighbour Coupled
Oscillators. - Trieste. 2002. - 17p. : il. - (IC ; 2002/9 ) Bibliogr.
:p.10 / H.F. El-Nashar è a.o. - [042344 - ÇÈË]
Hering W. Comparison Report on the Blind Phase of the OECD
International Standard Problem No. 45 Exercise (QUENCH-06). -
Karlsruhe. 2002. - 162p. : il. - (FZKA ; 6677 ) Bibliogr.:p.107-108 /
W. Hering è a.o. - [042380 - ÇÈË]
Hewett J. Particle Physics Probes of Extra Spacetime Dimensions. -
Stanford. 2002. - 29p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9194 ) (EFI ; 02-70 )
Bibliogr.:p.20-22 / J. Hewett è M. Spiropulu - [042269 - ÇÈË]
Kienzler B. Langzeit Auslaug- und Korrosionsexperimente an
zementierten 1:1 Gebinden in der Schachtanlage Asse. Probennahme und
Auswertung 2001. - Karlsruhe. 2002. - 43S. : il. - (FZKA ; 6716 )
Bibliographie: S.28-30 / B. Kienzler è a.o. - [042372 - ÇÈË]
Kogut J.B. Lattice QCD at Finite Isospin Density at Zero and Finite
Temperature. - Argonne. 2002. - 23p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 02-016 )
Bibliogr.:p.23 / J.B. Kogut è D.K. Sinclair - [042278 - ÇÈË]
Kowalewski R.V. Complementary Observables for the Determination of |
V&sub(ub)| in Inclusive Semileptonic B Decays. - Stanford. 2002. - 7p
. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9216 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / R.V. Kowalewski è S.
Menke - [042264 - ÇÈË]
Lai A. New Measurements of the *h and K*0 Masses. - Geneva. 2002. -
10p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-025 ) Bibliogr.:p.10. / A. Lai, C.
Cheskov, P. Hristov, V. Kekelidze, D. Madigojine, N. Molokanova, Yu.
Potrebenikov, A. Zinchenko è a.o. - [042585 - ÇÈË]
Leistenschneider A. Fragmentation of Unstable Neutron-Rich Oxygen
Beams. - Darmstadt. 2002. - 7p. : il. - (GSI ; 2002-15 ) Bibliogr.:p.
7 / A. Leistenschneider è a.o. - [042369 - ÇÈË]
Michimasa S. Measurement of the *2*4Mg(p,t)*2*2Mg Reaction for the
States near the *2*1Na+p Threshold. - Tokyo. 2002. - 8p. : il. - (CNS
-REP ; 44 ) Bibliogr.:p.5 / S. Michimasa è a.o. - [042320 - ÇÈË]
Miller K.L. Automated Determination of Segment Positions in a High-
Purity Thirty-Two Fold Segmented Germanium Detector. - East Lansing.
2002. - 13p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1232 ) Bibliogr.:p.9 / K.L. Miller è a.
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Moortgat-Pick G. Influence of CP and CPT on Production and Decay of
Dirac and Majorana Fermions. - Hamburg. 2002. - 21p. : il. - (DESY ;
01-017 ) (WUE-ITP ; 2001-032 ) Bibliogr.:p.21 / G. Moortgat-Pick è H.
Fraas - [042727 - ÇÈË ; 042728 - ËÂÝ]
Niffenegger M. The Change of the Seebeck Coefficient Due to Neutron
Irradiation and Thermal Fatigue of Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel
Steel and its Application to the Monitoring of Material Degradation.
- Villigen. 2002. - 28p. : il. - (PSI Bericht ; 02-11 ) Bibliogr.:p.
28 / M. Niffenegger è a.o. - [042487 - ÇÈË]
Passos F.B. Hyperfine/Chemical Characterization of Heterogeneous
Catalysts: Pt-In/Nb&sub(2)0&sub(5) Systems. - Rio de Janeiro. 2002. -
7p. : il. - (CBPF-NF ; 015/02 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / F.B. Passos è a.o.
- [042322 - ÇÈË]
Pfutzner M. First Evidence for the Two-Proton Decay of *4*5Fe. -
Darmstadt. 2002. - 6p. : il. - (GSI ; 2002-17 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / M.
Pfutzner è a.o. - [042725 - ÇÈË]
Prisciandaro J.I. Beta Counting System for Fast Fragmentation Beams.
- East Lansing. 2002. - 4p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1236 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / J
.I. Prisciandaro è a.o. - [042667 - ÇÈË]
Pritychenko B.V. The Structure of the "Island of Inversion" Nucleus
*3*3Mg. - East Lansing. 2002. - 12p. : il. - (MSUCL ; 1231 ) Bibliogr
.:p.9-10 / B.V. Pritychenko è a.o. - [042313 - ÇÈË]
Pritychenko B.V. Transition to the "Island of Inversion": Fast-Beam
*g-Ray Spectroscopy of *2*8,*3*0Na. - East Lansing. 2002. - 12p. : il
. - (MSUCL ; 1233 ) Bibliogr.:p.9-10 / B.V. Pritychenko è a.o. - [
042312 - ÇÈË]
Reifarth R. Die Verzweigung des Nukleosynthesepfades am *1*2*8I - ein
stellares Thermometer. - Karlsruhe. 2002. - 95S. : il. - (FZKA ;
6725 ) Bibliographie: S.91-95 / R. Reifarth - [042377 - ÇÈË]
Riegler W. Induced Signals in Resistive Plate Chambers. - Geneva.
2002. - 23p. : il. - (CERN-EP ; 2002-024 ) Bibliogr.:p.23 / W.
Riegler - [042343 - ÇÈË ; 042426 - ËÂÝ]
Sadler M.E. Differential Cross Sections for the Charge Exchange
Reaction *p*-*r*>*p*0n in the Momentum Range from 147 to 322 MeV/c. -
Gatchina. 2002. - 7p. : il. - (PNPI ; 2473 ) Bibliogr.:p.7 / M.E.
Sadler è a.o. - [042381 - ÇÈË]
Safir A.S. Exclusive B*>K&sup(* * )*g Decays in the QCD LCSR Approach
. - Hamburg. 2002. - 4p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-047 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / A.S
. Safir - [042739 - ÇÈË ; 042740 - ËÂÝ]
Saldin E.L. Scheme for Attophysics Experiments at a X-Ray SASE FEL. ,
2002. - 20p. : il. - (DESY ; 02-070 ) Bibliogr.:p.20 / E.L. Saldin,
E.A. Schneidmiller è M.V. Yurkov - [042729 - ÇÈË ; 042730 - ËÂÝ]
Shifman M. Metastable Strings in Abelian Higgs Models Embedded in Non
-Abelian Theories: Calculating the Decay Rate. - Gatchina. 2002. -
44p. : il. - (PNPI ; 2474 ) Bibliogr.:p.42-44 / M. Shifman è A. Yung
- [042489 - ÇÈË]
Teytelman D. Set-up of PEP-II Longitudinal Feedback Systems for Even/
Odd Bunch Spacings. - Stanford. 2002. - 10p. : il. - (SLAC-PUB ; 9217
) Bibliogr.:p.10 / D. Teytelman è J. Fox - [042260 - ÇÈË]
Vaidya A.N. Comment on "Solution of the Relativistic Dirac-Morse
Problem". - Rio de Janeiro. 2002. - 3p. - (CBPF-NF ; 011/02 )
Bibliogr.:p.3 / A.N. Vaidya è R. de Lima Rodrigues - [042340 - ÇÈË]
White A.R. The Chiral Anomaly and High-Energy Scattering in QCD. -
Argonne. 2002. - 61p. : il. - (ANL-HEP-PR ; 02-19 ) Bibliogr.:p.60-61
/ A.R. White - [042256 - ÇÈË]
Åðûêàëîâ À.Í. Êîíñòðóêöèÿ àêòèâíîé çîíû è îòðàæàòåëÿ ðåàêòîðà ÏÈÊ. -
Ãàò÷èíà. 2002. - 30ñ. : èë. - (ÏÈßÔ ; 2472 ) Áèáëèîãð.:ñ.27-29 / À.Í.
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Duff I.S. Algorithm xxx: A Reference Model Implementation of the
Sparse BLAS in Fortran 95. - Chilton. 2002. - 17p. - (RAL-TR ; 2002-
018 ) Bibliogr.:p.16-17 / I.S. Duff è C. Vomel - [042669 - ÇÈË]
Gould N.I.M. GALAHAD, a Library of Thread-Safe Fortran 90 Packages
for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization. - Chilton. 2002. - 19p. : il.
- (RAL-TR ; 2002-014 ) Bibliogr.:p.17-19 / N.I.M. Gould è a.o. - [
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