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 11. Few-Body Systems., 2000.- v.29, N.4.
 12. Fortschritte der Physik., 2000.- v.48, N.12.
 13. Foundations of Physics Letters., 2000.- v.13, N.5.
 14. Foundations of Physics., 2000.- v.30, N.10.
 15. Foundations of Physics., 2000.- v.30, N.9.
 16. Health Physics., 2000.- v.79, N.6.
 17. International Journal of Modern Physics A., 2000.- v.15,
 18. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2000.- v.39,
 19. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2000.- v.39,
 20. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2000.- v.39,
 21. International Journal of Theoretical Physics., 2000.- v.39,
 22. Journal of Low Temperature Physics., 2000.- v.120, N.5,6.
 23. Physical Review Letters., 2000.- v.85, N.21.
 24. Physical Review Letters., 2000.- v.85, N.22.
 25. Physical Review Letters., 2000.- v.85, N.23.
 26. Physical Review,B., 2000.- v.62, N.21.
 27. Physical Review,C., 2000.- v.62, N.6.
 28. Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters, 2000.- N.6.
 29. The European Physical Journal A., 2000.- v.9, N.3.
 30. The European Physical Journal B., 2000.- v.18, N.3.
