ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "ПРЕПРИНТЫ" N.1/2 15.01.01 28.0 БИОЛОГИЯ 1. Becker M. Struktur und subzellulare Lokalisierung des Androgenrezeptors mit verlangerter Glutaminsequenz aus Patienten mit spinaler und bulbarer Muskelatrophie: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 105 p.:il. - (FZKA 6494). 2. Sistkova N.V. a.o. Therapeutic and Diagnostic Utilization of Selected Radionuclides Which Could Be Prepared in the LVR-15 Reactor: *1*6*6Ho - Critical Evaluation of Potentialities. - Rez, 1998.- 26 p. - (UJV 11187 CH). С 133 ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЕ И ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫЕ УРАВНЕНИЯ 3. Alif M., Gossez J.-P. On the Fucik Spectrum with Indefinite Weights. - Trieste, 2000.- 17p. - (IC 2000/138). 4. Alif M. Spectre de fucik pour le probleme de neumann avec poids. - Trieste, 2000.- 18p. - (IC 2000/137). С 135 ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ 5. Bourhim A. Bounded Point Evaluations and Local Spectral Theory. - Trieste, 2000.- 44 p. - (IC 2000/118). 6. Bourhim A. a.o. Bounded Point Evaluations for Cyclic Operators and Local Spectra. - Trieste, 2000.- 7p. - (IC 2000/122). С 137 ТЕОРИЯ ФУНКЦИЙ КОМПЛЕКСНОГО ПЕРЕМЕННОГО.ТЕОРИЯ ФУНКЦИЙ НЕСКОЛЬКИХ ПЕРЕМЕННЫХ 7. Ourimi N. On the Existence of Proper Holomorphic Mappings between Some Special Domains in C&sup(n). - Trieste, 2000.- 15 p. - (IC 2000/107). С 15 ТЕОРИЯ ВЕРОЯТНОСТЕЙ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ СТАТИСТИКА 8. Nsowah-Nuamah N.N.N. a.o. A Markov Model of Rainfall. - Trieste, 2000.- 18 p.:il. - (IC 99/168). С 3 ФИЗИКА 9. Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation. Annual Report 1999-2000. - Canberra, 2000.- 178 p.:il. - (ANSTO ). 10. National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) 1999. Accomplishments and Opportunities. - Washington, 2000.- 80 p.:il. - (NIST Special Publication 944). С 322 ТЕОРИЯ ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНОСТИ 11. Botelho L.C.L. Light Deflection on de-Sitter Space. - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.- 4p. - (CBPF-NF 057/00). 12. De-Paola R.D.M., Svaiter N.F. Rotating Detectors and Mach's Principle. - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.- 8p. - (CBPF-NF 063/00). 13. Fairhurst S., Krishman B. Distorted Black Holes with Charge. - University Park, 2000.- 18p. - (CGPG 00/10-1). 14. Ma Y., Ling Y. The Q^^ Operator for Canonical Quantum Gravity. - University Park, 2000.- 10p. - (CGPG 00/9-2). С 323 КВАНТОВАЯ МЕХАНИКА 15. Botelho L.C.L. A Feynman Path-Integral for Brownian Particles and Fields. - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.- 14p. - (CBPF-NF 061/00). 16. Kniehl B.A. a.o. Testing the Universality of Fragmentation Functions. - Hamburg, 2000.- 20 p.;15p.il. - (DESY 00-158,MPI-PhT 2000-33). 17. Vlad V.I., Ionescu-Pallas N. Discrete Planck Spectra. - Trieste, 2000.- 24 p.:il. - (IC 2000/154). С 323.5г ПАРТОННАЯ МОДЕЛЬ. 18. Gluck M. a.o. Has the QCD RG-Improved Parton Content of Virtual Photons been Observed? - Dortmund, 2000.- 18p.;5p.il. - (DO-TH 2000/13). 19. Gluck M. a.o. Models for the Polarized Parton Distributions of the Nucleon. - Dortmund, 2000.- 26 p.;12p.il. - (DO-TH 2000/14,RBRC 148,TPR 00-21). С 324.1а КВАНТОВАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОДИНАМИКА 20. Dainton J. Photon Structure and Quantum Fluctuation. - Hamburg, 2000.- 29p.: i. - (DESY 00-137). С 324.1г КАЛИБРОВОЧНЫЕ ТЕОРИИ ПОЛЯ. СПОНТАННО- НАРУШЕННЫЕ СИММЕТРИИ 21. Bonora L. a.o. Noncommutative SO(n) and Sp(n) Gauge Theories. - Trieste, 2000.- 17 p. - (IC 2000/95,SISSA 64/00/EP/FM). С 324.1г1 КАЛИБРОВОЧНЫЕ ПОЛЯ НА РЕШЕТКЕ 22. Farchioni F. a.o. On the 1-Loop Lattice Perturbation Theory of the Supersymmetric Ward Identities. - Hamburg, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (DESY 00-159,MS-TPI 00-8). 23. Gutbrod F. A Visualization of the SU(2) Vacuum on the Lattice. - Hamburg, 2000.- 23p.;18p.il. - (DESY 00-141). 24. Hands S. a.o. Numerical Study of Dense Adjoint 2-Color Matter. - Hamburg, 2000.- 8p.: il. - (DESY 00-155,SWAT 00-274). С 324.1д КВАНТОВАЯ ХРОМОДИНАМИКА 25. Hambye T., Soldan P.H. 1/N&sub(c) and *e'/*e. - Hamburg, 2000.- 6 p. - (DESY 00-130,LNF 00/20(P)). 26. de-Souza M.E. The Superstrong, Strong and Superweak Interactions. - Aracaju, 2000.- 88 p.:il. - (UFS 04242000). С 324.1е СУПЕРСИММЕТРИЧНЫЕ ТЕОРИИ. СУПЕРГРАВИТАЦИЯ. СУПЕРСТРУНЫ 27. Bisset M. a.o. Signatures of MSSM Charged Higgs Bosons Via Chargino-Neutralino Decay Channels at the LHC. - Hamburg, 2000.- 15 p.;5p.il. - (DESY 00-150,RAL-TR 2000-029,TUHEP TH-00124). 28. Culbertson R.L. Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Experimental. - Batavia, 2000.- 12p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/293-E). С 324.2 НЕЛОКАЛЬНЫЕ И НЕЛИНЕЙНЫЕ ТЕОРИИ ПОЛЯ 29. Micu A. Noncommutative *F*4 Theory at Two Loops. - Trieste, 2000.- 38 p. - (IC 2000/94). С 325 СТАТИСТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА И ТЕРМОДИНАМИКА 30. Fayad H.M. a.o. Electronic Conductance of Quantum Wire with Serial Periodic Potential Structures. - Trieste, 2000.- 9 p.;4p.il. - (IC 2000/92). 31. Hu G. a.o. From Low-Dimensional Synchronous Chaos to High-Dimensional Desynchronous Spatiotemporal Chaos in Coupled Systems. - Trieste, 2000.- 8p.;3p.il. - (IC 2000/109). 32. Ishiekwene G.C. a.o. Polarization Instability Shift in Birefringent Single Mode Optical Fibers. - Trieste, 2000.- 6p.;1p.il. - (IC 2000/97). 33. Kamm S. Kinetische Untersuchungen der Oxidation von Luftgetragenen Russpartikeln mittels ESR- und FTIR-Spektroskopie: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 149p.: il. - (FZKA 6499). 34. Mensah S.Y. a.o. Differential Thermopower of a Chiral Carbon Nanotube. - Trieste, 2000.- 10p.;3p.il. - (IC 2000/150). 35. Mensah S.Y. a.o. Ground State Energy of a Polaron in a Superlattice. - Trieste, 2000.- 12p.;5p.il. - (IC 2000/151). 36. Moldoveanu V. a.o. Coulomb Effects on the Transport Properties of Quantum Dots in Strong Magnetic Field. - Trieste, 2000.- 11 p.;5p.il. - (IC 2000/105). 37. Senouci K., Zekri N. Conductance Fluctuations and Distribution at Metal-Insulator Transition Induced by Electric Field in Disordered Chain. - Trieste, 2000.- 6p.;7p.il. - (IC 2000/106). С 332 ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ 38. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of the Low-x Behaviour of the Photon Structure Function F&sup(*g)&sub(2). - Geneva, 2000.- 29 p.;20p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-082). 39. Achard P. a.o. Comparison of Deep Inelastic Electron-Photon Scattering Data with the HERWIG and PHOJET Monte Carlo Models. - Geneva, 2000.- 23 p.;15p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-109). 40. Ng K.-Y. Passive Landau Cavity for the LNLS Light Source Electron Ring. - Batavia, 2000.- 18p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-FN 0696). 41. Pankov A.A., Paver N. Model Independent Constraints on Contact Interactions from LEP2. - Trieste, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (IC 2000/136). 42. Schneider T. SiO&sub(2)-Membranen mit Diskegradient zur Selektivitatseinstellung von Wolframtrioxid-Gassensor-Mikroarrays: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 107 p.:il. - (FZKA 6460). С 342 ПРОХОЖДЕНИЕ ЧАСТИЦ И ГАММА-КВАНТОВ ЧЕРЕЗ ВЕЩЕСТВО 43. Новиков А.Г. и др. Микродинамические характеристики жидкой хлорокиси фосфора (POCl&sub(3)). - Обнинск, 2000.- 13 с.;9с.ил. - (ФЭИ 2841). С 343 ЯДЕРНЫЕ РЕАКЦИИ 44. Кощеев В.Н. и др. Учет резонансной структуры сечений в области неразрешенных резонансов для программы MCNP-4A. - Обнинск, 2000.- 8с.: ил. - (ФЭИ 2831). 45. Khan E.U. a.o. Emission of Intermediate Mass Fragments in the Heavy Ion Interaction of (14.0 MeV/u) Pb+Au. - Trieste, 2000.- 16 p.;4p.il. - (IC 2000/148). 46. Lunev V.P., Titarenko N.N. Coupled-Channels Nucleon-Nucleus Optical Model Potential for *2*3*8U Up to 200 MeV. - Obninsk, 2000.- 17 p.;17p.il. - (IPPE 2818). 47. Simenel C. a.o. Quantum Calculation of Dipole Excitation in Fusion Reaction. - Caen, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (GANIL P 00 44). 48. Werner K. a.o. Nuclear Scattering at Very High Energies. - Nantes Cedex, 2000.- 15p.: il. - (SUBATECH 00-22). С 345 УСКОРИТЕЛИ ЗАРЯЖЕННЫХ ЧАСТИЦ 49. Church M. An Update on the Tevatron Collimator System for Collider Run II. - Batavia, 2000.- 3p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/295-E). С 346 ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫЕ ЧАСТИЦЫ 50. Гордеев В.А. и др. Поиск безнейтринного распада мюона. Проект эксперимента. - Гатчина, 2000.- 37 с. - (ПИЯФ 2380). 51. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of W Boson Polarisations and CP-Violating Triple Gauge Couplings from W*+W*- Production at LEP. - Geneva, 2000.- 15p.;8p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-113). 52. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of the Mass and Width of the W Boson in e*+e*- Collisions at 189 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 20 p.;4p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-099). 53. Affolder T. a.o. Production of *x&sub(c1) and *x&sub(c2) in pp^- Collisions at *%s=1.8 TeV. - Batavia, 2000.- 20 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/287-E). 54. Aitala E.M. a.o. Asymmetries in the Production of *L*+&sub(c) and *L*-&sub(c) Baryons in 500 GeV/c *p*- Nucleon Interactions. - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.- 8 p.:il. - (CBPF-NF 062/00). 55. Barate R. a.o. Measurements of BR(b*>*t*-*n^-&sub(*t)X) and BR(b*>*t*-*n^-&sub(*t)D* &sup(*()X) and Upper Limits on BR(B*-*>*t*-*n^-&sub(*t)) and BR(b*>s*n*n^-). - Geneva, 2000.- 25 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 2000-126). 56. Bauer C.W. a.o. On |V&sub(ub)| from the B^-*>X&sub(u)l*n^- Dilepton Invariant Mass Spectrum. - Batavia, 2000.- 5 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/149-T). 57. Bogdanov A.A. a.o. New Approaches to the pp Total Cross Section Measurements at Polarized Colliders. - Protvino, 2000.- 14 p. - (IHEP/Protvino/ 2000-36). 58. Dar S. The Neutron EDM in the SM: a Review. - Trieste, 2000.- 35 p. - (IC 2000/115). 59. Gluck M. a.o. On the Determination of the Polarized Sea Distributions of the Nucleon. - Dortmund, 2000.- 22p.;5p.il. - (DO-TH 2000/15). 60. Illana J.I., Riemann T. Charged Lepton Flavour Violation from Massive Neutrinos in Z Decays. - Hamburg, 2000.- 24 p.:il. - (DESY 00-127,UG-FT 122/00). 61. Kikuchi T. a.o. Search for Single Top Production with CDF. - Batavia, 2000.- 5p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/290-E). 62. Lai H.L. a.o. Global QCD Analysis of Parton Structure of the Nucleon: CTEQ5 Parton Distributions. - Batavia, 2000.- 24p.;12p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/266-E). 63. Leibovich A.K. |V&sub(ub)| from Semileptonic Decay and b*>s*g. - Batavia, 2000.- 9 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/298-T). 64. Solano J. a.o. Asymmetries in the Production of *L*0, *Y*-, and *W*- Hyperons in 500 GeV/c *p*- - Nucleon Interactions. - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.- 11 p.:il. - (CBPF-NF 065/00). С 346.6е НОВЫЕ ЧАСТИЦЫ 65. Abbiendi G. a.o. Two Higgs Doublet Model and Model Independent Interpretation of Neutral Higgs Boson Searches. - Geneva, 2000.- 36 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 2000-092). 66. Appel J.A. The Experiment Road to the Heavier Quarks and Other Heavy Objects. - Batavia, 2000.- 31p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/285-E). 67. Barate R. a.o. Observation of an Excess in the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson at ALEPH. - Geneva, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (CERN-EP 2000-138). 68. Barate R. a.o. Search for R-Parity Violating Decays of Supersymmetric Particles in e*+e*- Collisions at Centre-of-Mass Energies from 189 GeV to 202 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 16 p.;13p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-132). 69. Barate R. a.o. Search for Supersymmetric Particles in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s up to 202 GeV and Mass Limit for the Lightest Neutralino. - Geneva, 2000.- 12p.;8p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-139). 70. Barate R. a.o. Searches for Neutral Higgs Bosons in e*+e*- Collisions at Centre-of-Mass Energies from 192 to 202 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 13p.: il. - (CERN-EP 2000-131). 71. Soa D.V. a.o. Photoproduction of Axions in a Resonant Electromagnetic Cavity. - Trieste, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (IC 2000/147). С 348 ЯДЕРНЫЕ РЕАКТОРЫ. РЕАКТОРОСТРОЕНИЕ 72. Абрамов Б.Д. О некоторых модификациях метода групп Марчука для расчета нестационарных режимов реактора. - Обнинск, 2000.- 29с. - (ФЭИ 2839). 73. Калякин С.Г. и др. Экспериментальные исследования теплогидравлических характеристик реактора ВК-300 на модели одиночной тяговой трубы. - Обнинск, 2000.- 17 с.;9с.ил. - (ФЭИ 2844). 74. Старков О.В. и др. Научно-техническое обоснование продления сроков мокрого и сухого хранения отработавших тепловыделяющих сборок и ТВЭЛ АЭС. Часть 3. Долговечность ОЯТ при мокром хранении в бассейнах выдержки. - Обнинск, 2000.- 24с.: ил. - (ФЭИ 2836). 75. Abdallah A.M., El-Kafas A.A. Reduction of Environment Pollution Via Energy Conservation. - Budapest, 2000.- 14 p. - (KFKI 2000-04/G Report). 76. El-Kafas A.A. a.o. Applications of Fuzzy Logic Control in Solving Problems Related to the Control of Nuclear Research Reactors. - Budapest, 2000.- 12 p.;10p.il. - (KFKI 2000-05/G Report). 77. Hejna J. a.o. Experimental Investigation of Local Hydrodynamical Conditions on a Model of Fuel Assembly with a Distance Wires. - Rez, 1998.- 24 p.;23p.il. - (UJV 11 156 T). 78. Hozer Z. a.o. CODEX-3/1 and CODEX-3/2 Experiments: Quenching of High Temperature VVER Bundles. - Budapest, 2000.- 20 p.;30p.il. - (KFKI 2000-03/G Report). 79. Kyncl J. Problem of Criticality with Temperature and Material Density Feedback. - Rez, 2000.- 45 p. - (UJV 11490 R). С 349 ДОЗИМЕТРИЯ И ФИЗИКА ЗАЩИТЫ 80. Makarieva A.M. a.o. Basic Principles of the Global Ghange Bioscience: Time for Re-Consideration? - Gatchina, 2000.- 34p.: il. - (PNPI 2383). С 349.1 ДЕЙСТВИЕ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЙ НА МАТЕРИАЛЫ. 81. Лысова Г.В., Биржевой Г.А. Влияние ионного и электронного облучения на адсорбционные свойства материалов. - Обнинск, 2000.- 22 с. - (ФЭИ 2834). С 350 ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ МЕТОДОВ ЯДЕРНОЙ ФИЗИКИ В СМЕЖНЫХ ОБЛАСТЯХ 82. Шорин В.С. Статистическая модель распределения ядерных пор на поверхности трековой мембраны. - Обнинск, 2000.- 23с.: ил. - (ФЭИ 2835). С 350 а ТРАНСМУТАЦИЯ РАДИОАКТИВНЫХ ОТХОДОВ 83. Dagan R. a.o. Modifications of the Code SAS4A for Simulation of ADS Designs. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 42p.;11p.il. - (FZKA 6334). С 353 ФИЗИКА ПЛАЗМЫ 84. Correa-Restrepo D., Wobig H. Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Equations, Stability and Nonlocal Perturbations in Three-Dimensional Geometry. - Garching, 2000.- 25 p. - (IPP III/267 Report). С 63 АСТРОФИЗИКА 85. Lockitch K.H. a.o. The Rotational Modes of Relativistic Stars, I: Analytic Results. - University Park, 2000.- 33p.;3p.il. - (CGPG 00/9-5).![]()