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  1. Galilean Electrodynamics . - 3/2001. - Vol.12,Special Issues 1.
  2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 5/2001. - Vol.226/230,Part 1. - Proc...of the Intern.Conf.on Magnetism,6-11 August 2000,Recife,Brazil.Part1.
  3. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 5/2001. - Vol.226/230,Part 2. - Proc...of the Int. Conf. on Magnetism,6-11 August 2000,Recife,Brazil.Part 2.
  4. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. - 1/2001. - Vol.70. , No.1.
  5. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. - 2/2001. - Vol.70. , No.2.
  6. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 21/ 7/2001. - Vol.467/4, Part 2. - Proc... of the 7th Int.Conf. on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentati (SRI 2000),Berlin,Germany,August 21-25,2000,Part II..
  7. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 4/2001. - Vol.461,No.1/ - Proc...of the 8-th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola,Isola d'El,Italy,May 21-27,2000.
  8. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 21/ 7/2001. - Vol.467/4, Part 1. - Proc...of the 7-th Int. Conf. on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2000),Berlin,Germany,August 21-25,2000.Part 1.
  9. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 6/2001. - Vol.179,No.1.
  10. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 9/2001. - Vol.179,No.4.
  11. Nuclear Physics A. - 13/ 8/2001. - Vol.691,No.1/2. - HYP 2000:Proc...seventh Intern.Conf. on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics,Torino,Italy,23-27 October,2000.
  12. Nuclear Physics A. - 27/ 8/2001. - Vol.691,No.3/4.
  13. Nuclear Physics B. - 6/ 8/2001. - Vol.608. ,No.1. /2.
  14. Nuclear Physics B. - 13/ 8/2001. - Vol.608. ,No.3.
  15. Physica A. - 1/ 9/2001. - Vol.298. , No.1. /2. - Statistical Thermodynamics an Colloid Science (in honor of Dick Bedeaux on the occasion of his 60th birthday
  16. Physica A. - 15/ 9/2001. - Vol.298. , No.3. /4.
  17. Physica B. - 1/ 7/2001. - Vol.300,No.1/4.
  18. Physica C. - 8/2001. - Vol.357/360,Part I. - Proc... of the 13th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS 2000) Advances in Superconductivity XIII, Nihon Toshi Center Kaikan,Tokyo,Japan October 14-16,2000.Part 1.
  19. Physica C. - 8/2001. - Vol.357/360,Part II. - Proc... of the 13th Intern. Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS 2000) Advances in Superconductivity XIII Nihon Toshi Center Kaikan,Tokyo,Japan October 14-16,2000.Part II..
  20. Physica C. - 1/ 8/2001. - Vol.356,No.4.
  21. Physica D. - 1/ 9/2001. - Vol.157,No.1/2.
  22. Physica Scripta. - 8/2001. - Vol.64,No.2.
  23. Physica Scripta. - 2001. - T94. - 5-th Intern.Workshop on Hydrogen Isotopes in Solids,Stockholm,Sweden,May 17-19,2000.
  24. Physical Review A. - 9/2001. - Vol.64. , No.3.
  25. Physical Review B. - 15/ 7/2001. - Vol.64,. No.4.
  26. Physical Review B. - 15/ 8/2001. - Vol.64,. No.8.
  27. Physical Review C. - 9/2001. - Vol.64. , No.3.
  28. Physical Review D. - 1/ 9/2001. - Vol.64,. No.5.
  29. Physical Review E. - 9/2001. - Vol.64,No.3(1).
  30. Physical Review E. - 9/2001. - Vol.64,No.3(2).
  31. Physical Review Letters. - 30/ 7/2001. - Vol.87. ,No.5.
  32. Physical Review Letters. - 27/ 8/2001. - Vol.87. ,No.9.
  33. Physical Review Letters. - 3/ 9/2001. - Vol.87. ,No.10.
  34. Physics Letters A. - 30/ 7/2001. - Vol.286,No.4.
  35. Physics Letters A. - 6/ 8/2001. - Vol.286,No.5.
  36. Physics Letters A. - 13/ 8/2001. - Vol.286,No.6.
  37. Physics Letters B. - 16/ 8/2001. - Vol.514,No.3/4.
  38. Physics Letters B. - 23/ 8/2001. - Vol.515,No.1/2.
  39. Physics Letters B. - 30/ 8/2001. - Vol.515,No.3/4.
  40. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.350. ,No.5. /6.
  41. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.1. /2.
  42. Physics Reports. - 8/2001. - Vol.350. ,No.1.
  43. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.3.
  44. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.4.
  45. Physics Reports. - 10/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.6.
  46. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.5.
  47. Physics Letters B. - 30/ 8/2001. - Vol.515,No.3/4.
  48. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.350. ,No.5. /6.
  49. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.1. /2.
  50. Physics Reports. - 8/2001. - Vol.350. ,No.1.
  51. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.3.
  52. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.4.
  53. Physics Reports. - 10/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.6.
  54. Physics Reports. - 9/2001. - Vol.351. ,No.5.
  55. Radiation Measurements. - 6/2001. - Vol.33. ,No.3.
  56. Radiation Measurements. - 10/2001. - Vol.33. ,No.5. - Proc...of the Intern. Sympos... on Luminescent Detectors and Transformes of Ionizing Radiation - LUMDETR 2000.
  57. Reports on Progress in Physics. - 9/2001. - Vol.64. , No.9.
  58. Reviews of Modern Physics. - 4/2001. - Vol.73. , No.2.
  59. Science. - 2/11/2001. - Vol.294. , No.5544.
  60. Science News. - 28/ 7/2001. - Vol.160. , No.4.
  61. Science News. - 25/ 8/2001. - Vol.160. , No.8.
  62. Science News. - 8/ 9/2001. - Vol.160. , No.10.
  63. Science News. - 15/ 9/2001. - Vol.160. , No.11.
  64. Science News. - 22/ 9/2001. - Vol.160. , No.12.
  65. Science News. - 29/ 9/2001. - Vol.160. , No.13.