2990. Schmidhuber C. Big Old Problems and Small New Dimensions.  
- Geneva, 2000.-  8p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-254).   
          Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ   
    2991. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Biennial Report of 
Radiochemistry Division 1997 - 1998.  - Bombay, 2000.-  91 p.:il.  - 
(BARC 2000/P/001).   
    2992. Pinheiro C. a.o.   Non Parallels Electric and Magnetic 
Fields in a F.R.W. Cosmology. Classical and Quantum Gravitational 
Implications.  - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.-  7p.  - (CBPF-NF 051/00).   
    2993. Pinheiro C. a.o.   Non-Parallel Electric and Magnetic 
Fields in a Gravitational Background, Stationary Gravitational Waves 
and Gravitons.  - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.-  4p.  - (CBPF-NF 050/00).   
          Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ   
    2994. Botelho L.C.L. Feynman Path Integral Representations for 
the Harmonic Oscillator with Stochastic Frequency.  - Rio de 
Janeiro, 2000.-  5p.  - (CBPF-NF 059/00).   
    2995. Botelho L.C.L. Feynman-Wiener Path Integral Representaion 
for Scalar Advected Diffusion.  - Rio de Janeiro, 2000.-  4 p.  - 
(CBPF-NF 058/00).   
    2996. Christova E., Leader E. A Strategy for the Analysis of 
Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering.  - Geneva, 2000.-  27p.  - 
(CERN-TH 2000-177).   
    2997. Ermolaev B.I. a.o.   Intercepts of the Non-Singlet 
Structure Functions.  - Geneva, 2000.-  24p.;2p.il.  - (CERN-TH 
    2998. Pinto-Neto N., Santini E.S. Sobre a Teoria Quantica de 
Campos na Interpretacao de Bohm-de Broglie.  - Rio de Janeiro, 
2000.-  15 p.  - (CBPF-NF 054/00).   
          Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ   
    2999. Catani S., Grazzini M. The Soft-Gluon Current at One-Loop 
Order.  - Geneva, 2000.-  20p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-184).   
    3000. Shore G.M. The Angular Momentum and g&sup(p)&sub(1) Sum 
Rules for the Proton.  - Geneva, 2000.-  5 p.:il.  - (CERN-TH 
2000-214,SWAT 00-263,UGVA-DPT 00-7-1087).   
    3001. Ellis J. a.o.   Exploration of Elastic Scattering Rates 
for Supersymmetric Dark Matter.  - Geneva, 2000.-  20 p.;4p.il.  - 
(CERN-TH 2000-188,UMN TH-1914/00,TPI-MINN 00/36).   
    3002. Olive K.A. Supersymmetric Dark Matter and Constraints from 
LEP.  - Geneva, 2000.-  4 p.:il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-286,UMN 
TH-1919/00,TPI-MINN 00/43).   
    3003. Mavromatos N.E., Rizos J. String-Inspired Higher-Curvature 
Terms and the Randall-Sundrum Scenario.  - Geneva, 2000.-  
24p.;3p.il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-234).   
    3004. Severa P. (Non-)Abelian Kramers-Wannier Duality and 
Topological Field Theory.  - Geneva, 2000.-  8 p.:il.  - (CERN-TH 
          Ñ 324.3 ÀÊÑÈÎÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÏÎËß   
    3005. Aglietti U. The Shape Function in Field Theory.  - Geneva, 
2000.-  6p.;1p.il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-278).   
    3006. Brodsky S.J. a.o.   Light-Cone Wavefunction Representation 
of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering.  - Stanford, 2000.-  30p.: il. 
 - (SLAC-PUB 8472).   
    3007. Brodsky S.J. The Light-Cone Fock Expansion in Quantum 
Chromodynamics.  - Stanford, 2000.-  51 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8627).   
    3008. Brodsky S.J. The Light-Cone Fock Representation in QCD.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  20p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8626).   
    3009. Diehl M. a.o.   The Overlap Representation of Skewed Quark 
and Gluon Distributions.  - Stanford, 2000.-  35 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 
8613,WUB 00-10,PITHA 00/21).   
    3010. Srivastava P.P., Brodsky S.J. Light-Front QCD in 
Light-Cone Gauge.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8591).   
    3011. Srivastava P.P., Brodsky S.J. Light-Front-Quantized QCD in 
Light-Cone Gauge.  - Stanford, 2000.-  6p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8631).   
    3012. Heifets S. Dynamics of the Coherent State in Quantum 
Amplifier.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8575).   
          Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ   
    3013. Rikovska J. a.o.   First On-Line *b-NMR on Oriented 
Nuclei: Magnetic Dipole Moments of the (*np&sub(1/2))*-*1 1/2*- 
Ground State in *6*7Ni and (*pp&sub(3/2))*+*1 3/2*- Ground State in 
*6*9Cu.  - Geneva, 2000.-  9 p.:il.  - (CERN-EP 2000-075).   
          Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ   
    3014. Heinz U. The Little Bang: Searching for Quark-Gluon Matter 
in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions.  - Geneva, 2000.-  18p.: il.  
- (CERN-TH 2000-276).   
    3015. Adam W. a.o.   Performance of Irradiated CVD Diamond 
Micro-Strip Sensors.  - Geneva, 2000.-  9p.: il.  - (CERN-EP 
    3016. Borer K. a.o.   Charge Collection Efficiency of an 
Irradiated Cryogenic Double-p Silicon Detector.  - Geneva, 2000.-  
9p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 2000-112).   
    3017. D'Ambrosio C., Leutz H. Photoelectron Backscattering from 
Silicon Anodes of Hybrid Photodetector Tubes.  - Geneva, 2000.-  
12p.: il.  - (CERN-EP 2000-076).   
    3018. Schwiening J. DIRC, the Particle Identification System for 
BABAR.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8590).   
    3019. Adolphsen C. a.o.   Higher Dipole Bands in the NLC 
Accelerating Structure.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    3020. Cai Y. a.o.   Simulation of the Beam-Beam Effects in 
e*+e*- Storage Rings with a Method of Reducing the Region of Mesh.  
- Stanford, 2000.-  16 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8589).   
    3021. Carneiro J.-P. a.o.   Emittance Measurements at the A0 
Photo-Injector.  - Batavia, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 
    3022. Heifets S. Weak Beam-Laser Interaction in Undulator.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  13 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8593).   
    3023. Ieiri T. Measurement of Bunch Length Based on Beam 
Spectrum in the KEKB.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 
    3024. Kamitani T. a.o.   Simulations of Wake Effects on a 
High-Current Electron Beam at the KEKB Injector Linac.  - Tsukuba, 
2000.-  13 p.:il.  - (KEK Rep. 2000-4).   
    3025. Kawakubo T. a.o.   KEK-PS Fast-Extraction Kicker System 
and Its Operation Results.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 
    3026. Kirby R.E. a.o.   Atomic Force Microscopy Study of High 
Electric Field Breakdown Through Thin Oxide Layers on Copper.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  19 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8600).   
    3027. Liu J.C. a.o.   Polarization Study for NLC Positron Source 
Using EGS4.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.;5p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8477).   
    3028. Ogawa Y. Quadrupole Wake-Field Effects in the KEKB Linac.  
- Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 2000-46).   
    3029. Raimondi P., Seryi A. New Developments in Linear Colliders 
Final Focus Systems.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    3030. Ruland R. a.o.   Alignment of the VISA Undulator.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  8p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8336).   
    3031. Sakanaka S. a.o.   Improvement in the Beam Performance by 
an RF Phase Modulation at the KEK Photon Factory Storage Ring.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 2000-48).   
    3032. Stupakov G.V., Zolotorev M.S. Ponderomotive Laser 
Acceleration and Focusing in Vacuum for Generation of Attosecond 
Electron Bunches.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    3033. Takeda S. a.o.   Incoherent Ground Motion.  - Tsukuba, 
2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 2000-30).   
    3034. Tejima M. a.o.   Beam Position Monitor System for KEKB.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 2000-52).   
    3035. Tenenbaum P. a.o.   Studies of Beam Optics and Scattering 
in the Next Linear Collider Post-Linac Collimation System.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8562).   
    3036. Tsuchiya K. a.o.   Field Analysis of LHC Insertion 
Quadrupole Model Magnets at KEK.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - 
(KEK 2000-44).   
    3037. Zhang F. a.o.   Recent Development of a Magnet Power 
Supply for a Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron at KEK.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  
11 p.:il.  - (KEK Rep. 2000-5).   
          Ñ 345 â ËÈÍÅÉÍÛÅ ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ.   
    3038. Bane K.L.F., Li Z. Dipole Mode Detuning in the NLC 
Injector Linacs.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8545).   
    3039. Bane K.L.F., Stupakov G.V. Impedance of a Beam Tube with 
Small Corrugations.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    3040. Frisch J. a.o.   Acoustic Measurements of RF Breakdown in 
High Gradient RF Structures.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8580).   
    3041. Frisch J. a.o.   The RF Phase Distribution and Timing 
System for the NLC.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8578).   
    3042. Hendrickson L. a.o.   Beam-Based Feedback Simulations for 
the NLC Linac.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8584).   
    3043. Hendrickson L. a.o.   Beam-Based Feedback Testing and 
Simulations for the SLC Linac.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8585).   
    3044. Jones R.M. a.o.   An Investigation of Optimised Frequency 
Distributions for Damping Wakefields in X-Band Linacs for the NLC.  
- Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8609).   
    3045. Jones R.M. a.o.   Fabrication and Tolerance Issues and 
their Influence on Multi-Bunch BBU and Emittance Dilution in the 
Construction of X-Band RDDS Linacs for the NLC.  - Stanford, 2000.-  
3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8610).   
    3046. Jones R.M. a.o.   Local and Fundamental Mode Coupler 
Damping of the Transverse Wakefield in the RDDS1 Linacs.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8608).   
    3047. Li Z. a.o.   Design of the JLC/NLC RDDS Structure Using 
Parallel Eigensolver Omega3P.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8647).   
    3048. Li Z. a.o.   Numerical Studies on Locally Damped 
Structures.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8648).   
    3049. Miller R.H. a.o.   Accelerator Structures for Linear 
Colliders.  - Stanford, 2000.-  5 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8621).   
    3050. Nantista C.D., Tamura F. An Alternate Dual-Moded DLDS 
Utilizing the TE&sub(01)&sup(o) and TE&sub(02)&sup(o) Modes.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8577).   
    3051. Rutkowski H.L. a.o.   The DARHT Phase 2 linac.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8617).   
    3052. Seeman J. PEP-II New High Power Low Impedance Movable 
Collimator.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8630).   
    3053. Seryi A., Raubenheimer T. Ground Motion Model of the SLAC 
Site.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8595).   
    3054. Seryi A. a.o.   Ground Motion Studies and Modeling for the 
Interaction Region of a Linear Collider.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3 
p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8594).   
    3055. Seryi A. Investigation of Slow Motions of the SLAC Linac 
Tunnel.  - Stanford, 2000.-  4 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8597).   
    3056. Seryi A. a.o.   Simulation Studies of the NLC with 
Improved Ground Motion Models.  - Stanford, 2000.-  4 p.:il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8596).   
    3057. Stupakov G.V., Raubenheimer T.O. Random Walk Model for 
Cell-to-Cell Misalignments in Accelerator Structures.  - Stanford, 
2000.-  4p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8615).   
    3058. Suwada T. Recording System of the Beam-Energy Stability 
for the KEKB Injector Linac.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 
    3059. Tenenbaum P., Raubenheimer T.O. Quadrupole Centering and 
Beam Steering in the Next Linear Collider Main Linacs.  - Stanford, 
2000.-  3p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8561).   
    3060. Wang J.W. a.o.   Design, Fabrication and Measurement of 
the First Rounded Damped Detuned Accelerator Structure (RDDS1).  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8583).   
    3061. Akai K. a.o.   Commissioning of the KEKB RF System.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 2000-41).   
    3062. Dolgashev V.A., Tantawi S.G. 2D Simulation of 
High-Efficiency Cross-Field RF Power Sources.  - Stanford, 2000.-  
3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8603).   
    3063. Ezura E. Characterization and Measurement of Frequency 
Stability.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  285 p.:il.  - (KEK Rep. 2000-6).   
    3064. Higashi Y. a.o.   Studies on High-Precision Machining of 
Accelerator Disks of X-Band Structure for a Linear Collider.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  39 p.:il.  - (KEK Rep. 2000-1).   
    3065. Hill M.E. a.o.   High Power Squeeze Type Phase Shifter at 
W-Band.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8639).   
    3066. Ieiri T. a.o.   Impedance Measurements in the KEKB.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 2000-37).   
    3067. Jones R.M. a.o.   Comparisons of Equivalent Circuit 
Predictions with Measurements for Short Stacks of RDDS1 Discs, and 
their Potential Application to Improved Wakefield Prediction.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8607).   
    3068. Kawakubo T. a.o.   Low Beam-Coupling Impedance Kicker 
Magnet System Generating a High Magnetic Field with a Fast Rise 
Time.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 2000-36).   
    3069. Kikutani E. a.o.   Limitations of Multibunch Feedback 
Systems and Extrapolation.  - Tsukuba, 2000.-  5p.: il.  - (KEK 
    3070. Kroll N.M. a.o.   Applications of Time Domain Simulation 
to Coupler Design for Periodic Structures.  - Stanford, 2000.-  4 
p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8614).   
    3071. Matsumoto H. a.o.   The New Fabrication Method for a 
Periodic Permanent Magnet (PPM) C-Band (5712 MHz) Klystron.  - 
Tsukuba, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 2000-32).   
    3072. Miller R.H. a.o.   Microwave Quality Assurance for Single 
Cells of the Next Linear Collider.  - Stanford, 2000.-  3 p.:il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8620).   
    3073. Ross M.C. a.o.   Single Pulse Damage in Copper.  - 
Stanford, 2000.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8605).   
    3074. Tenenbaum P. a.o.   Direct Measurement of Geometric 
Wakefields from Tapered Rectangular Collimators.  - Stanford, 2000.- 
 4p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8563).   
          Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ   
    3075. Barenboim G. a.o.   Testing LSND at Long-Baseline Neutrino 
Experiments.  - Geneva, 2000.-  11p.;2p.il.  - (CERN-TH 2000-273).   
    3076. Gronau M. U-Spin Symmetry in Charmless B Decays.  - 
Geneva, 2000.-  7p.  - (CERN-TH 2000-250).   
    3077. Merino C. a.o.   Jet Asymmetry in High Energy Diffractive 
Production.  - Stanford, 2000.-  9 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8623).   
    3078. Migliozzi P. a.o.   A Search for Z' in Muon Neutrino 
Associated Charm Production.  - Geneva, 2000.-  13 p.  - (CERN-EP 
2000-117,DSF 26-2000).   
    3079. Mira J.M. a.o.   Bilinear R-Parity Violation and Small 
Neutrino Masses: a Self-Consistent Framework.  - Geneva, 2000.-  14 
p.  - (CERN-TH 2000-218,IFIC 00-46,UdeA-PE 00-04).   
          Ñ 347 ÊÎÑÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ËÓ×È   
    3080. Digel S. a.o.   What Can GLAST Say About the Origin of 
Cosmic Rays in Other Galaxies.  - Stanford, 2000.-  4p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8660).   
    3081. Ormes J.F. a.o.   The Origin of Cosmic Rays: What Can 
GLAST Say?  - Stanford, 2000.-  4 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8659).   
