ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "ПРЕПРИНТЫ" N.45 20.11.00 28.0 БИОЛОГИЯ 2893. Herzer U.C. In vitro und in vivo Studien zur Funktion des Tumorsuppressorgens wt 1: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 88p.: il. - (FZKA 6513). 2894. Maritan A. a.o. Optimal Shapes of Compact Strings. - Trieste, 2000.- 5 p.;3p.il. - (IC 2000/84,SISSA 54/2000/CM). С 131 ВЫСШАЯ АЛГЕБРА 2895. Bangoura M. Relation d'equivalence sur les algebres quasi-Batalin-Vilkovisky differentielles. - Trieste, 2000.- 11p. - (IC 2000/119). С 133 ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЕ И ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫЕ УРАВНЕНИЯ 2896. Demir D.A. Stable Q-Balls from Extra Dimensions. - Trieste, 2000.- 8p. - (IC 2000/74). С 135 ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ 2897. Chidume C.E. Picard Iterations for Strongly Accretive and Strongly Pseudocontractive Lipschitz Maps. - Trieste, 2000.- 7p. - (IC 2000/98). С 138 ГЕОМЕТРИЯ. РИМАНОВА ГЕОМЕТРИЯ. ГЕОМЕТРИЯ ЛОБАЧЕВСКОГО 2898. Cai J.-X. Classification of Irregular Algebraic Fiber Surfaces of Genus 3. - Trieste, 2000.- 10 p. - (IC 2000/87). С 139 ТОПОЛОГИЯ 2899. Cai J.-X. The Albanese Map of a 3-Fold of General Type Whose Canonical Map is Composed with a Pencil. - Trieste, 2000.- 8 p. - (IC 2000/89). С 15 ТЕОРИЯ ВЕРОЯТНОСТЕЙ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ СТАТИСТИКА 2900. Alekhin S.I. Statistical Properties of the Estimator Using Covariance Matrix. - Protvino, 2000.- 12p.: il. - (IHEP/Protvino/ 2000-17). С 17 ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ МАТЕМАТИКА. 2901. Шимкевич А.Л., Шимкевич И.Ю. Молекулярно-динамическое исследование влияния кислорода на корреляции движения атомов в жидком калии. - Обнинск, 2000.- 17 с.:ил. - (ФЭИ 2830). 2902. Miloshevsky G., Wurz H. 3-D Monte Carlo Calculations of Energy Deposition of Electrons into Bulk Graphite and into an Inhomogeneous Carbon Plasma Shield. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 31 p.;27p.il. - (FZKA 6482). 2903. Shirani E., Ameri M. Effects of Directional Subdividing on Adaptive Grid Embedding. - Trieste, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (IC 2000/81). 2904. Srivastava M.K. a.o. Self-Similar Solution of Radiation Hydrodynamic Equations and Comparison of Different Scaling Laws with Numerical Simulation. - Bombay, 1999.- 21 p.;15p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/042). С 3 ФИЗИКА 2905. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt. Projekt Nukleare Sicherheitsforschung Jahresbericht 1999. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 699 p.:il. - (FZKA 6480). С 322 ТЕОРИЯ ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНОСТИ 2906. Abdalla E., Correa-Borbonet L.A. Holography in an Early Universe with Asymmetric Inflation. - Trieste, 2000.- 7 p.;4p.il. - (IC 2000/75). С 323 КВАНТОВАЯ МЕХАНИКА 2907. Shimbori T., Kobayashi T. Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics of Scattering. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 7p. - (UTHEP 436). С 324.1г1 КАЛИБРОВОЧНЫЕ ПОЛЯ НА РЕШЕТКЕ 2908. Kronfeld A.S. B and D Mesons in Lattice QCD. - Batavia, 2000.- 7 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/256-T). С 324.1е СУПЕРСИММЕТРИЧНЫЕ ТЕОРИИ. СУПЕРГРАВИТАЦИЯ. СУПЕРСТРУНЫ 2909. Assaoui F. a.o. Poisson-Lie T-Duality in Supersymmetric WZNW Model. - Trieste, 2000.- 14 p. - (IC 2000/103). 2910. Assaoui F., Lhallabi T. Supersymmetry and Quantum Cosmology. - Trieste, 2000.- 18 p. - (IC 2000/102). 2911. Russo J.G., Sheikh-Jabbari M.M. On Noncommutative Open String Theories. - Trieste, 2000.- 18p. - (IC 2000/73). С 324.3 АКСИОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕОРИЯ ПОЛЯ 2912. Canessa E. Economics Mapping to the Renormalization Group Scaling of Stock Markets. - Trieste, 2000.- 8p.: il. - (IC 2000/108). С 325 СТАТИСТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА И ТЕРМОДИНАМИКА 2913. Kobayashi T., Shimbori T. Entropy Burst from Parabolic Potentials. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (UTHEP 427). 2914. Kobayashi T., Shimbori T. Statistical Mechanics for Unstable States in Gel'fand Triplets and Investigations of Parabolic Potential Barriers. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 14p. - (UTHEP 434). 2915. Lawande Q.V., Maiti N. Role of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Applied Sciences. - Bombay, 2000.- 106p.: il. - (BARC 2000/E/003). С 332 ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ 2916. Kabel A. a.o. Numerical Calculation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects Using TraFiC*4. - Stanford, 2000.- 10 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8559). 2917. March N.H. A Proposed Generalization of Emden's Differential Equation to Embrace the Ground-State Electronic Structure of Extremely Heavy Positive Atomic Ions with and without Applied Magnetic Fields. - Trieste, 2000.- 10p. - (IC 2000/96). 2918. Srivastava M.K. a.o. Redistribution of Thermal X-Ray Radiation in Cavities: View Factor Method and Comparison with DS&sub(N) Calculations. - Bombay, 1999.- 26 p.;10p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/043). 2919. Taylor R.E. The Discovery of the Point-Like Structure of Matter. - Stanford, 2000.- 17p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8640). С 341 АТОМНЫЕ ЯДРА 2920. Хорасанов Г.Л., Блохин А.И. Выжигание трансурановых элементов в жестком спектре нейтронов. - Обнинск, 2000.- 11 с. - (ФЭИ 2843). 2921. Hu Z. a.o. Beta Decay of *9*8Ag: Evidence for the Gamow-Teller Resonance Near *1*0*0Sn. - Darmstadt, 2000.- 20 p.;8p.il. - (GSI 2000-34). 2922. Pritychenko B.V. a.o. Transition to the "Island of Inversion": Fast-Beam *g-Ray Spectroscopy of &sup(28,29,30)Na. - East Lansing, 2000.- 12 p.;2p.il. - (MSUCL 1175). С 343 ЯДЕРНЫЕ РЕАКЦИИ 2923. Austin S.M., Mercer D.J. Cosmic Ray Production of *6*7Li by the *a+*a Reaction. - East Lansing, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (MSUCL 1177). 2924. Menzel M. a.o. First Measurement of Antikaon Phase-Space Distributions in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Subthreshold Beam Energies. - Darmstadt, 2000.- 13p.;3p.il. - (GSI 2000-36). 2925. Mercer D.J. a.o. Production of A=6, 7 Nuclides in the *a+*a Reaction and Cosmic Ray Nucleosynthesis. - East Lansing, 2000.- 17 p.;8p.il. - (MSUCL 1176). 2926. Murakami T. a.o. Temperature Distribution in 12-GeV and 8-GeV Proton Induced Multifragmentations. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (KEK 2000-40). 2927. Nakamura T. a.o. Structure of the Weakly-Bound Nucleus *6He Studied Via the *6Li(t, *3He)*6He Reaction. - East Lansing, 2000.- 12 p.;4p.il. - (MSUCL 1174). 2928. Senger P. Strange Mesons in Dense Nuclear Matter. - Darmstadt, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (GSI 2000-35). 2929. Tanaka K.H. Energy Spectra and Angular Distributions of IMFs Produced in 8 GeV Proton and 12 GeV Proton and *2*0Ne Induced Multifragmentation Reaction. (The First Results of the KEK-PS E393 and NIRS 11PO52 Experiments.) - Tsukuba, 2000.- 4 p.;4p.il. - (KEK 2000-39). С 344 ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ЯДЕРНАЯ ФИЗИКА 2930. Ардашев Е.Н. и др. Измерения теплопроводности материалов механической структуры модуля центрального трекера установки АТЛАС (контактный способ). - Протвино, 2000.- 10 с. - (ИФВЭ/Протвино/ 2000-16). 2931. Гуськов Б.Н. и др. Подавление черенковского излучения в полистирольной матрице. - Протвино, 2000.- 6 с. - (ИФВЭ/Протвино/ 2000-32). 2932. Плескач А.В. Изучение влияния атмосферных условий на точность работы регуляторов давления в газовых пультах пропорциональных камер. - Протвино, 2000.- 9с.: ил. - (ИФВЭ/Протвино/ 2000-22). 2933. Alimonti G. a.o. The BELLE Silicon Vertex Detector. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (KEK 2000-34). 2934. Ashmanskas W. a.o. The CDF Silicon Vertex Tracker. - Batavia, 2000.- 7 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/238-E). 2935. Kobayashi M. a.o. Scintillation Characteristics of PbWO&sub(4) Single Crystals Doped with Th, Zr, Ce, Sb and Mn Ions. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 23p.;7p.il. - (KEK 2000-50). 2936. Liu J.C. a.o. Response Calculations of the CdZnTe Detector Using EGS4. - Stanford, 2000.- 4p.;4p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8606). 2937. Razvi M.A.N. a.o. Indigenously Built Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometer. - Bombay, 2000.- 16p.;9p.il. - (BARC 2000/E/007). 2938. Roy B.J. a.o. Design of a Large Acceptance Detector ENSTAR for Eta-Mesic Nuclei Studies. - Bombay, 2000.- 23 p.:il. - (BARC 2000/E/004). С 344.3 ЯДЕРНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА 2939. Beaumont W. a.o. The CMS Tracker Front-End and Control Electronics in an LHC Like Beam Test. - London, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (IC/HEP 00-6). 2940. Fulcher J.R. a.o. Single Event Upset Studies on the APV25 Front End Readout Chip. - London, 2000.- 5 p.:il. - (IC/HEP 00-7). 2941. Raymond M. a.o. The CMS Tracker APV25 0.25*mm CMOS Readout Chip. - London, 2000.- 5 p.:il. - (IC/HEP 00-3). С 344.4 ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ ТЕХНИКА 2942. Barhdadi A., Cohen-Solal G. Theory and Experiment on the Surface Photovoltage Diffusion Length Measurement in thin Silicon Wafers. - Trieste, 2000.- 11 p.;2p.il. - (IC 2000/125). С 345 УСКОРИТЕЛИ ЗАРЯЖЕННЫХ ЧАСТИЦ 2943. Резвых К.А., Глотов А.И. Количественная оценка влияния полярности на пробивное напряжение газовых промежутков ускорителя. - Обнинск, 2000.- 29с.: ил. - (ФЭИ 2842). 2944. Сидельников В.Н. Исследование факторов, вызывающих образование и рост потенциального барьера для эммитируемых электронов из электрода. - Обнинск, 2000.- 16 с.:ил. - (ФЭИ 2832). С 346 ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫЕ ЧАСТИЦЫ 2945. Ландсберг Л.Г. Редкие распады K-мезонов, стандартная модель и новая физика. - Протвино, 2000.- 88 с.:ил. - (ИФВЭ/Протвино/ 2000-27). 2946. Abbiendi G. a.o. A Measurement of the *t Mass and the First CPT Test with *t Leptons. - Geneva, 2000.- 10 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 2000-056). 2947. Abbiendi G. a.o. A Study of One-Prong Tau Decays with a Charged Kaon. - Geneva, 2000.- 22p.;8p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-091). 2948. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of Triple Gauge Boson Couplings from W*+W*- Production at LEP Energies up to 189 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 20p.;8p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-114). 2949. Abbiendi G. a.o. Multiplicities of *p*0, *h, K*0 and of Charged Particles in Quark and Gluon Jets. - Geneva, 2000.- 22 p.;11p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-070). 2950. Abbiendi G. a.o. Search for Trilinear Neutral Gauge Boson Couplings in Z*g Production at *%s=189 GeV at LEP. - Geneva, 2000.- 18 p.;7p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-067). 2951. Abbiendi G. a.o. Searches for Prompt Light Gravitino Signatures in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 12p.;6p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-078). 2952. Abbiendi G. a.o. W*+W*- Production Cross Section and W Branching Fractions in e*+e*- Collisions at 189 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 15p.;7p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-101). 2953. Abe K. a.o. A Study of Correlations Between Identified Charged Hadrons in Hadronic Z*0 Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 26p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8508). 2954. Abe K. a.o. Production of Charged *p&sup(*(), K&sup(*() and p/p^- in Hadronic Z*0 Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 20 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8507). 2955. Appel J.A. Color Transparency and Pion Valence Quark Distributions from Di-Jet Events in Fermilab E791. - Batavia, 2000.- 3 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/226-E). 2956. Lecompte T.J. Supersymmetry Searches at the Tevatron. - Batavia, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/236-E). 2957. Nachtman J. SUSY Searches at the Tevatron. - Batavia, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/214-E). 2958. Varelas N. Jet Production at D0. - Batavia, 2000.- 3 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/237-E). С 346.6д1 ОЧАРОВАННЫЕ ЧАСТИЦЫ.ЧАРМОНИЙ, БОТТОМОНИЙ И ДРУГИЕ РЕЗОНАНСЫ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛЫХ КВАРКОВ. 2959. Abbiendi G. a.o. A Measurement of the Rate of Charm Production in W Decays. - Geneva, 2000.- 14p.;4p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-100). 2960. Abbiendi G. a.o. First Measurement of the Inclusive Branching Ratio of b Hadrons to *F Mesons in Z*0 Decays. - Geneva, 2000.- 12 p. - (CERN-EP 2000-065). 2961. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of the B*0 Lifetime and Oscillation Frequency Using B^-*0*>D* *+l*-*n^- Decays. - Geneva, 2000.- 17 p. - (CERN-EP 2000-90). 2962. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of |V&sub(cb)| Using B^-*0*>D* *+l*-*n^- Decays. - Geneva, 2000.- 20 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 2000-032,OPAL PR 305). 2963. Abe K. a.o. A Study of the Structure of e*+e*- *> bb^-g Events and Improved Limits on the Anomalous Chromomagnetic Coupling of the b-Quark. - Stanford, 2000.- 14p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8505). 2964. Abe K. a.o. Improved Measurement of the Probability for Gluon Splitting into bb^- in Z*0 Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 14p.;5p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8506). 2965. Abe K. a.o. Improved Measurement of the b Quark Fragmentation Function in Z*0 Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 20p.;11p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8504). 2966. Aubert B. a.o. A Measurement of the Charged and Neutral B Meson Lifetimes Using Fully Reconstructed Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 22 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8529,BABAR-CONF 00/07). 2967. Aubert B. a.o. Measurement of Branching Fractions for Two-Body Charmless B Decays to Charged Pions and Kaons at BABAR. - Stanford, 2000.- 21 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8536,BABAR-CONF 00/14). 2968. Aubert B. a.o. Measurements of Charmless Three-Body and Quasi-Two-Body B Decays. - Stanford, 2000.- 21 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8537,BABAR-CONF 00/15). 2969. Aubert B. a.o. Search for B*+*>K*+l*+l*- and B*0*>K* *0l*+l*-. - Stanford, 2000.- 18 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8538,BABAR-CONF 00/16). 2970. Aubert B. a.o. Study of Inclusive D&sup((* ))&sup(*()&sub(s) Production in B Decays and Measurement of B*0*>D* *-D&sup((* ))*+&sub(s) Decays Using a Partial Reconstruction Technique. - Stanford, 2000.- 21 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8535,BABAR-CONF 00/13). 2971. Devidze G.G. The Short Distance Contribution to the B&sub(s)*>*g*g Decay in the SM and MSSM. - Trieste, 2000.- 10 p.;4p.il. - (IC 2000/71). 2972. Devlin T. The Last Meson. - Batavia, 2000.- 9 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/232-E). 2973. Marinelli N. Inclusive Semileptonic Branching Ratios of b Hadrons Produced in Z Decays. - London, 2000.- 19p.: il. - (IC/HEP 00-4). 2974. Marinelli N. Leptonic Decays of the D&sub(s) Meson at LEP. - London, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (IC/HEP 00-5). 2975. Papadimitriou V. Charm and Beauty Production and Polarization at CDF. - Batavia, 2000.- 11p.;2p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/234-E). 2976. Paus C. B Physics at CDF. - Batavia, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/235-E). С 347 КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ ЛУЧИ 2977. Blanton M. a.o. The GZK Feature in Our Neighborhood of the Universe. - Batavia, 2000.- 17 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/248-A). 2978. Blasi P. Dark Matter Distribution in the Universe and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays. - Batavia, 2000.- 15 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/247-A). С 348 ЯДЕРНЫЕ РЕАКТОРЫ. РЕАКТОРОСТРОЕНИЕ 2979. Мантуров Г.Н., a.o. Программа подготовки констант CONSYST. Описание применения. - Обнинск, 2000.- 41с. - (ФЭИ 2828). 2980. Ухов В.А. Предварительные результаты расчета процесса отвода тепла через межчехловой зазор при естественной конвекции теплоносителя в активной зоне быстрого реактора. - Обнинск, 2000.- 7с.;4с.ил. - (ФЭИ 2833). 2981. Basha S.M. a.o. Pre-Test Analysis Results of a PWR Steel Lined Pre-Stressed Concrete Containment Model. - Bombay, 2000.- 178 p.:il. - (BARC 2000/E/001). 2982. Ganesan S. A Review of the Current Status of Nuclear Data for Major and Minor Isotopes of Thorium Fuel Cycle. - Bombay, 2000.- 138p.: il. - (BARC 2000/E/005). 2983. Ghosh A.K. a.o. Evaluation of Dynamic Stiffness and Damping Factor of a Hydraulic Damper. - Bombay, 2000.- 12 p.;8p.il. - (BARC 2000/E/006). 2984. Hofmann P. a.o. Experimental and Calculational Results of the Experiments QUENCH-02 and QUENCH-03. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 227p.: il. - (FZKA 6295). 2985. Sengupta A.K. a.o. Thermal Expansion Data of (Th,U)O&sub(2) Fuels. - Bombay, 2000.- 7p.;9p.il. - (BARC 2000/E/008). С 350 ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ МЕТОДОВ ЯДЕРНОЙ ФИЗИКИ В СМЕЖНЫХ ОБЛАСТЯХ 2986. Ramanujam A. a.o. Separation of *9*0Sr from Purex High Level Waste and Development of a *9*0Sr-*9*0Y Generator. - Bombay, 2000.- 10p.;12p.il. - (BARC 2000/E/009). С 45 ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ ХИМИЯ 2987. Rumpel S. Die autotherme Wirbelschichtpyrolyse zur Erzeugung heizwertreicher Stutzbrennstoffe: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 179 p.:il. - (FZKA 6490). С 63 АСТРОФИЗИКА 2988. Mahajan S.M. a.o. Formation and Primary Heating of the Solar Corona - Theory and Simulation. - Trieste, 2000.- 32p.;6p.il. - (IC 2000/91). Ц 73 РАДИОАППАРАТУРА И РАДИОДЕТАЛИ. 2989. Noah E. a.o. Total Dose Irradiation of a 0.25 *mm Process. - London, 2000.- 5p.: il. - (IC/HEP 00-8).![]()