ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.42/43 30.10.00;06.11.00 Ñ 133 ÄÈÔÔÅÐÅÍÖÈÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀËÜÍÛÅ ÓÐÀÂÍÅÍÈß 2751. Weigel H. Strongly Distorted Baryon Wave-Functions: Hyperon Beta-Decay and the Spin of the *L and the Nucleon. - Cambridge, 2000.- 6 p. - (MIT-CTP 3017). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 2752. Niedermaier M., Samtleben H. Sequential Bethe Vectors and the Quantum Ernst System. - Paris, 2000.- 6p. - (LPTENS 00/31). Ñ 323.1 ÐÅËßÒÈÂÈÑÒÑÊÈÅ ÂÎËÍÎÂÛÅ ÓÐÀÂÍÅÍÈß. ÓÐ-ÍÈß ÒÈÏÀ ÁÅÒÅ-ÑÎËÏÈÒÅÐÀ.ÊÂÀÇÈÏÎÒÅÍÖÈÀË. 2753. Jaskson A.D. a.o. Apparent Superluminal Behavior in Wave Propagation. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 8 p. - (NBI ). Ñ 323.2 ÇÀÊÎÍÛ ÑÎÕÐÀÍÅÍÈß È ÎÁÙÈÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÉ. ÏÎËßÐÈÇÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÅ ÝÔÔÅÊÒÛ. ÈÍÂÀÐÈÀÍÒÍÎÅ ÐÀÇËÎÆÅÍÈÅ ÀÌÏËÈÒÓÄ 2754. van-Oers W.T.H. Constraints on a Parity-even/Time-Reversal-odd Interaction. - Vancouver, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-18). 2755. van-Oers W.T.H. Symmetries and Symmetry Breaking. - Vancouver, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-27). Ñ 324.1á ÑÈËÜÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 2756. Harada M., Yamawaki K. Vector Manifestation of the Chiral Symmetry. - Nagoya, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (DPNU 00-38). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 2757. Di-Pierro M. a.o. From Monte Carlo Integration to Lattice Quantum Chromo Dynamics. - Batavia, 2000.- 75 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-FN 699). 2758. Hart A., Teper M. The Topological Susceptibility and Pion Decay Constant from Lattice QCD. - Edinburgh, 2000.- 3 p. - (EDINBURGH 2000/19). 2759. Shigemitsu J. Can One Study Heavy Meson Semileptonic Decays on Coarse Anisotropic Lattices? - Columbus, 2000.- 4 p. - (OHSTPY-HEP T-00-022). Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 2760. Laenen E. a.o. Combined Recoil and Threshold Resummation for Hard Scattering Cross Sections. - Amsterdam, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (NIKHEF 00-30,YITP-SB 00-65,BNL HET-00/39,RBREC 145). 2761. Laenen E. a.o. Power Corrections in Eikonal Cross Sections. - Amsterdam, 2000.- 5 p. - (NIKHEF 00-31,YITP-SB 00-60,BNL HET-00/38,RBREC 144). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 2762. Fairbairn M. Topological Objects in 5D Maxwell Einstein Supergravity. - Brighton, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (SUSX-TH 00-016). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 2763. Cheon T. a.o. Wave Function Shredding by Sparse Quantum Barriers. - Kochi, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (Kochi University ). 2764. Fortunato S. a.o. Percolation and Critical Behaviour in SU(2) Gauge Theory. - Bielefeld, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (BI-TP 2000-34). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 2765. Abreu P. a.o. Determination of the e*+e*-*>*g*g(*g) Cross-Section at Centre-of-Mass Energies Ranging from 189 GeV to 202 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 11 p.;4p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-094). 2766. Loulergue A., Mosnier A. A Simple S-Chicane for the Final Bunch Compressor of TTF-FEL. - Saclay, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (DAPNIA/SEA 00-06). Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ 2767. Brack M., Amann Ch. Semiclassical Calculation of Shell Effects in Deformed Nuclei. - Regensburg, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (TPR 00-14). Ñ 341 å ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2768. Burles S. a.o. What Is the BBN Prediction for the Baryon Density and How Reliable Is It? - Batavia, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/239-A). 2769. Markova N.V. To Question about the Neutron Matter Correlation Energy. - Moscow, 2000.- 26p. - (PhIAN 36 2000). Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ 2770. Arsenescu R. a.o. Centrality Dependence of K*+ Produced in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon. - Bern, 2000.- 2p.: il. - (BUHE 00-07). 2771. Blaizot J.P. a.o. Transverse Energy Fluctuations and the Pattern of J/*q Suppression in Pb-Pb Collisions. - Gif-sur-Yvette, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (Saclay-T 00/098). 2772. Gupta S.D., Gale C. On the Choice of Colliding Beams to Study Deformation Effects in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. - Montreal, 2000.- 2 p.:il. - (McGill ). 2773. Mahlon G. a.o. From Crepes to Pancakes in the MV Model. - Montreal, 2000.- 6 p.:il. - (McGill 00-21). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2774. Andreev V.F. a.o. A New High Energy Photon Tagger for the H1-Detector at HERA. - Moscow, 2000.- 18 p.:il. - (PhIAN 38 2000). 2775. Collar J.I., Giomataris Y. Low-Background Applications of MICROMEGAS Detector Technology. - Lisboa, 2000.- 5 p.:il. - (CFNUL ). 2776. Fujiwara M.C. a.o. Using Thin Film Targets for Muonic Atoms and Muon Catalyzed Fusion Studies. - Vancouver, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-51). 2777. Theis S. a.o. Development of Detection Systems for Low-Energy Heavy Ions at DRAGON. - Vancouver, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-17). Ñ 344.4à ÌÅÒÎÄÛ ÏÐÈÃÎÒÎÂËÅÍÈß ÌÈØÅÍÅÉ. 2778. Dombsky M. a.o. Online Isotope Separation at ISAC with a 10*mA Proton Driver Beam. - Vancouver, 2000.- 6 p.:il. - (TRI-PP 00-15). 2779. Schmor P.W. Target Handling at High Intensity RNB Facilities. - Vancouver, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-14). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 2780. Bricault P. a.o. TRIUMF-ISAC Target Station and Mass Separator Commissioning. - Vancouver, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-12). 2781. Dewan S. a.o. High Power Switch-Mode Power Converters for the 1.4 GeV PS-Booster Beam Transfer Lines at CERN. - Vancouver, 2000.- 3p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-37). 2782. Duperrier R. a.o. Toutatis,the CEA-Saclay RFQ Code. - Gif-sur-Yvette, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (Saclay-T ). 2783. Laxdal R.E. a.o. RNB Post-Accelerator for ISAC at TRIUMF - Present and Future. - Vancouver, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-16). 2784. Levy C.D.P. a.o. A Polarized Beams Facility at ISAC. - Vancouver, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-13). 2785. Lidia S. a.o. The RTA Betatron-Node Experiment: Limiting Cumulative BBU Growth in a Linear Periodic System. - Livermore, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (LLNL ). 2786. Merker E. a.o. Design of Beam and Beamstrahlung Extraction Lines for TESLA. - Saclay, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (DAPNIA/SEA 00-05). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 2787. Abreu P. a.o. Limits on the Masses of Supersymmetric Particles at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 12 p.;5 p.il. - (CERN-EP 2000-088). 2788. Alvarez-Muniz J., Halzen F. 10&sup(20)eV Cosmic-Ray and Particle Physics with Kilometer-Scale Neutrino Telescopes. - Madison, 2000.- 5 p.;5p.il. - (MADPH 00-1176). 2789. Alvarez-Muniz J. a.o. High Energy Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts: Event Rates in Neutrino Telescopes. - Madison, 2000.- 18 p.:il. - (MADPH 00-1174). 2790. Aranda A. a.o. A Lot of Flavor Physics from a Little Symmetry. - Williamsburg, 2000.- 3p. - (WM 00-111). 2791. Barger V., Whisnant K. Neutrino Mixing Schemes. - Madison, 2000.- 17 p. - (MADPH 00-1180). 2792. Barger V. a.o. Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations at a Neutrino Factory. - Madison, 2000.- 12 p.;4p.il. - (MADPH 00-1182,NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/161-T,AMES-HET 00-07). 2793. Burgess C.P. a.o. A Higgs or Not a Higgs? - Montreal, 2000.- 3 p. - (McGill 00/29,IASSNS-HEP 00/72). 2794. Drescher H. a.o. Multiplicity of Different Hadrons in e*+e*-pp and A-A Collisions. - Nantes Cedex, 2000.- 5p.: il. - (SUBATECH 00-21). 2795. Hasinoff M.D. A Test of Time Reversal Invariance in Stopped K*+ Decay. - Vancouver, 2000.- 3p.: il. - (TRI-PP 00-52). 2796. Hasinoff M.D. a.o. Rare Pion Double Radiative Capture Reactions on Hydrogen and Deuterium. - Vancouver, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (TRI-PP 00-53). 2797. Kirk A. The Mixing of the f&sub(0)(1370), f&sub(0)(1550) and f&sub(0)(1710) and the Search for the Scalar Glueball. - Birmingham, 2000.- 4 p. - (BHAM-HEP ). 2798. Murayama H., Yanagida T. LSND, SN1987A, and CPT Violation. - Berkeley, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (UCB-PTH 00-36,LBNL 46955). 2799. Peschanski R., Royon Ch. Pomeron Intercepts at Colliders. - Saclay, 2000.- 9 p.:il. - (DAPNIA/SPP 00-06). 2800. Zeppenfeld D. Measurement of Higgs Properties at the LHC. - Madison, 2000.- 6 p.:il. - (MADPH 00-1179). Ñ 346.6ä1 Î×ÀÐÎÂÀÍÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ.×ÀÐÌÎÍÈÉ, ÁÎÒÒÎÌÎÍÈÉ È ÄÐÓÃÈÅ ÐÅÇÎÍÀÍÑÛ ÈÇ ÒßÆÅËÛÕ ÊÂÀÐÊÎÂ. 2801. Barate R. a.o. Investigation of Inclusive CP Asymmetries in B*0 Decays. - Geneva, 2000.- 22 p. - (CERN-EP 2000-105). 2802. Barate R. a.o. Measurement of the B^-*0 and B*- Meson Lifetimes. - Geneva, 2000.- 13 p. - (CERN-EP 2000-106). 2803. Barate R. a.o. Search for Single Top Production in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=189 - 202 GeV. - Geneva, 2000.- 11 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 2000-102). 2804. Barate R. a.o. Study of the CP Asymmetry of B*0*>J/*qK*0&sub(S) Decays in ALEPH. - Geneva, 2000.- 17 p. - (CERN-EP 2000-119). 2805. Coleman T. a.o. Semileptonic Form Factors - a Model-Independent Approach. - Madison, 2000.- 14 p.;4p.il. - (MADPH 00-1189). 2806. Eidemuller M., Jamin M. QCD Sum Rule Analysis of the Charmonium System: The Charm Quark Mass. - Heidelberg, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (HD-THEP 00-49). 2807. Nierste U. QCD Corrections to Lifetime Differences of B&sub(s) Mesons. - Batavia, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 00/231-T). Ñ 347 ÊÎÑÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ËÓ×È 2808. Farrar G.R., Piran T. Deducing the Source of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays. - New York, 2000.- 5p. - (NYU TH-00-09-03). Ñ 63 ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2809. Ñàìîäóðîâ Â.À. Ïóùèíñêèé îáçîð íà 102,5 ÌÃö: ñîïîñòàâëåíèå ñ äðóãèìè êàòàëîãàìè ðàäèîèñòî÷íèêîâ. - Ìîñêâà, 2000.- 38 ñ.;17 ñ.èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ 40 2000). 2810. Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P. Cosmic Strings Lens Phenomenology Revisited. - Gif-sur-Yvette, 2000.- 6 p.:il. - (Saclay-T ). Ö 84 ÂÛ×ÈÑËÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ÒÅÕÍÈÊÀ È ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÈÐÎÂÀÍÈÅ 2811. Áåëîóñîâ Ê.Ã., Ëèõà÷åâ Ñ.Ô. Öèôðîâàÿ îáðàáîòêà äàííûõ â ïðîåêòå "Ðàäèîàñòðîí". - Ìîñêâà, 2000.- 16ñ.;8ñ.èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ 34 2000).![]()