ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.40 16.10.00 Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2640. Ìåæäóíàðîäíîå àãåíòñòâî ïî àòîìíîé ýíåðãèè. Îò÷åòíîñòü àãåíòñòâà çà 1999 ãîä. - Vienna, 2000.- 102 ñ. - (IAEA GC(44)/5). 2641. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Annual Report 1999. - Legnaro, 2000.- 276 p.:il. - (LNL - INFN (REP) 160/00). 2642. TRIUMF Annual Report Scientific Activities 1999. - Vancouver, 2000.- 265 p.:il. - (TRIUMF ). Ñ 323.6 ÎÏÅÐÀÒÎÐÛ ØÐÅÄÈÍÃÅÐÀ.ÑÏÅÊÒÐ.ËÎÊÀËÈÇÀÖÈß. 2643. Damgaard P.H. a.o. Eigenvalue Distributions of the QCD Dirac Operator. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 7 p.:il. - (NORDITA 2000/61 HE,NBI HE-00-34,CSIT 2000-17). Ñ 324.1à ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 2644. von-Klitzing W. a.o. Frequency Tuning of the Whispering Gallery Modes of Silica Microspheres for CQED and Spectroscopy. - Paris, 2000.- 4 p. - (Lab. Kastler Brossel ). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 2645. Diakonov D., Petrov V. Non-Abelian Stokes Theorems in Yang-Mills and Gravity Theories. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 25p. - (NORDITA 2000/65 HE). 2646. Diakonov D., Petrov V. On the Non-Abelian Stokes Theorem. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 19p.: il. - (NORDITA 64/HE). Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 2647. Lenaghan J.T. Influence of the U(1)&sub(A) Anomaly on the QCD Phase Transition. - New Haven, 2000.- 4 p.:il. - (YCTP ). 2648. Rubish V. Baryon Mass Spectra with QCD-Type Screened Potential. - Uzhgorod, 2000.- 3 p. - (USU ). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 2649. Çàèêèí À.Ï. Àâòîâîëíîâûå ñâåòîâûå ñòðóêòóðû â ëàçåðå ñ íàñûùàþùèìñÿ ïîãëîòèòåëåì ïðè ðàçëè÷íûõ òèïàõ ðåçîíàòîðà. - Ìîñêâà, 2000.- 23ñ.: èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ 32 2000). 2650. Brandenburg A., Subramanian K. Large Scale Dynamos with Ambipolar Diffusion Nonlinearity. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/66 AP). 2651. Brandenburg A., Hazlehurst J. Thermals in Contact Binaries. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/67 AP). Ñ 326 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÑÈÑÒÅÌ ÈÇ ÌÍÎÃÈÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ.ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 2652. Heiselberg H. Fermi Systems with Long Scattering Lengths. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/68 CM). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 2653. Airapetian A. a.o. The Q*2-Dependence of the Generalised Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral for the Proton. - Hamburg, 2000.- 9p. - (DESY 00-096). 2654. Pagani C. a.o. Design Considerations of 10 kW-Scale Extreme Ultraviolet SASE FEL for Lithography. - Hamburg, 2000.- 25p. - (DESY 00-115). Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ 2655. Ansari A. a.o. Thermal Shape and Orientation Fluctuation Corrections for the Hot Giant Dipole Resonance within the Static Path Approximation. - Wako, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (RIKEN AF-NP-362). 2656. Dang N.D. a.o. Angular-Momentum Effect on the Width of Hot Giant Dipole Resonance within the Phonon Damping Model. - Wako, 2000.- 10 p. - (RIKEN AF-NP-361). 2657. Rysavy M., Dragoun O. Tables of Internal Conversion Coefficients for Superheavy Elements. - Rez near Prague, 2000.- 3 p. - (NPI REZ-TH 01/2000). Ñ 341 å ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2658. Heiselberg H. Color Superconducting Quark Matter in Neutron Stars. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 3p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/71 AP). 2659. Heiselberg H. Neutron Stars: Recent Developments. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/70 AP). 2660. Rauscher T. Prediction of Nuclear Reaction Rates for Astrophysics. - Basel, 2000.- 3 p. - (Universitat Basel ). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2661. Baccaro S. a.o. Characterisation of Scintillating Glassy Matrices for Middle and Low Energy Physics Experiments. - Roma, 2000.- 30p.: il. - (ENEA RT/INN 2000/4). Ñ 344.4à ÌÅÒÎÄÛ ÏÐÈÃÎÒÎÂËÅÍÈß ÌÈØÅÍÅÉ. 2662. Cevolani S. Preliminary Design of a Rotating Target for a BNCT Neutron Source. - Roma, 2000.- 26 :il. - (ENEA RT/ERG 2000/2). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 2663. Gardner P.L., Verma V. Commercializing Research: the Leadership Challenges for the 21&sup(st) Century. - Vancouver, 2000.- 3 p. - (TRI-PP 00-35). 2664. Koscielniak S. A Precise Description of Longitudinal Motion with Synchrotron Radiation Modelled by "Fat Photons". - Vancouver, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (TRI-PP 00-39). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 2665. Affolder T. a.o. Measurement of the W Boson Mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. - Batavia, 2000.- 147p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/158-E). 2666. Affolder T. a.o. Tests of Enhanced Leading Order QCD in W Boson Plus Jets Events from 1.8 TeV p^-p Collisions. - Batavia, 2000.- 34p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/196-E). 2667. Astier P. a.o. Neutrino Production of Opposite Sign Dimuons in the NOMAD Experiment. - Geneva, 2000.- 11p. - (CERN-EP 2000-072). 2668. Bialas A., Czyz W. Measurement of Entropy of a Multiparticle System: a Do-List. - Krakow, 2000.- 6 p. - (TPJU ). 2669. Jaffe D.E. a.o. Search for Direct CP Violation in *Y Hyperon Decay. - Ithaca, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (CLNS 98/1587,CLEO 98-16). 2670. Kettell S. Rare Kaon Decays. - Upton, 2000.- 8 p.:il. - (BNL 67141). 2671. Vogelsang W. Prompt Photon Production in Polarized Hadron Collisions. - Upton, 2000.- 3 p.:il. - (BNL ). Ñ 346.6ä1 Î×ÀÐÎÂÀÍÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ.×ÀÐÌÎÍÈÉ, ÁÎÒÒÎÌÎÍÈÉ È ÄÐÓÃÈÅ ÐÅÇÎÍÀÍÑÛ ÈÇ ÒßÆÅËÛÕ ÊÂÀÐÊÎÂ. 2672. Affolder T. a.o. Measurement of the Decay Amplitudes of B*0*>J/*qK* *0 and B*0&sub(s)*>J/*q*f Decays. - Batavia, 2000.- 7p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 00/165-E). 2673. Ahmed S. a.o. Measurement of B*>D&sup((* ))*+&sub(s)D&sup(* (* )) Branching Fractions. - Ithaca, 2000.- 27 p. - (CLNS 00/1683,CLEO 00-15). 2674. Alexander J.P. a.o. Measurement of the Relative Branching Fraction of *U(4S) to Charged and Neutral B-Meson Pairs. - Ithaca, 2000.- 11 p.:il. - (CLNS 00/1670,CLEO 00-7). 2675. Ammar R. a.o. First Observation of the *S&sup(* +)&sub(c) Baryon and a New Measurement of the *S*+&sub(c) Mass. - Ithaca, 2000.- 7 p.;1p.il. - (CLNS 00/1681,CLEO 00-13). 2676. Anderson S. a.o. First Observation of the Decays B*0*>D&sup(* -)pp^-*p*+ and B*0*>D&sup(* -)pn^-. - Ithaca, 2000.- 9 p.:il. - (CLNS 00/1682,CLEO 00-14). 2677. Behrens B.H. a.o. Precise Measurement of B*0 - B^-*0 Mixing Parameters at the *U(4S). - Ithaca, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (CLNS 00/1668,CLEO 00-6). 2678. Bergfeld T. a.o. Search for Decays of B*0 Mesons into Pairs of Leptons: B*0*>e*+e*-, B*0*>*m*+*m*- and B*0*>*e&sup(*()*m*). - Ithaca, 2000.- 10 p. - (CLNS 00/1679,CLEO 00-11). 2679. Brandenburg G. a.o. Measurements of the Mass, Total Width and Two-Photon Partial Width of the *h&sub(c) Meson. - Ithaca, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (CLNS 00/1673,CLEO 00-9). 2680. Browder T.E. a.o. A Search for B *> *t*n. - Ithaca, 2000.- 9p.;1p.il. - (CLNS 00/1674,CLEO 00-10). 2681. Edwards K.W. a.o. Study of B Decays to Charmonium States B *> *h&sub(c)K and B *> *c&sub(c0)K. - Ithaca, 2000.- 9p.;1p.il. - (CLNS 00/1680,CLEO 00-12). 2682. Jessop C.P. a.o. Study of Charmless Hadronic B Meson Decays to Pseudoscalar-Vector Final States. - Ithaca, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (CLNS 99/1652,CLEO 99-19). Ñ 63 ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 2683. Äàãêåñàìàíñêèé Ð.Ä., Ñàìîäóðîâ Â.À. Îáçîð ñåâåðíîé ïîëóñôåðû íåáà íà 102.5 ÌÃö: Êàòàëîã NSS102, ÷àñòü II. Çîíà +14.1&sup(î)<*s<+28&sup(î). - Ìîñêâà, 2000.- 68ñ.: èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ 31 2000). 2684. Êàëåíñêèé Ñ.Â. è äð. Îïðåäåëåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ ìîëåêóëÿðíîãî ãàçà ïî ëèíèÿì ìåòèëöèàíèäà. - Ìîñêâà, 2000.- 35ñ.;9c.èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ 39 2000). Ö 840 ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÈÐÎÂÀÍÈÅ. ÎÁÙÈÅ ÂÎÏÐÎÑÛ 2685. Golonka P. a.o. The Tauola-Photos-F Environment for Versioning the TAUOLA and PHOTOS Packages. - Krakow, 2000.- 9 p. - (TPJU 10/2000). 2686. Hahn T. Automatic Loop Calculations with FeynArts, FormCalc, and LoopTools. - Karlsruhe, 2000.- 6 p. - (KA-TP 7-2000).![]()