ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.26 10.O7.2OOO 28.0 ÁÈÎËÎÃÈß 1744. Ohlsson M. a.o. A Novel Approach to Structure Alignment. - Stanford, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8429,LU TP 00-07). Ñ 133 ÄÈÔÔÅÐÅÍÖÈÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀËÜÍÛÅ ÓÐÀÂÍÅÍÈß 1745. Fogedby H.C. Dynamical Pinning and Non-Hermitian Mode Transmutation in the Burgers Equation. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/51 CM). 1746. Fogedby H.C. Scaling Function for the Noisy Burgers Equation in the Soliton Approximation. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/48 CM). Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 1747. Èíñòèòóò ÿäåðíîé ôèçèêè èì. Ã.È.Áóäêåðà ÑÎ ÐÀÍ. Åæåãîäíûé îò÷åò 1999. - Íîâîñèáèðñê, 2000.- 326ñ.: èë. - (ÈßÔ/Íîâîñèáèðñê/ ). Ñ 322 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÎÒÍÎÑÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ 1748. Barbero A.P.L. a.o. On the Propagation Speed of Evanescent Modes. - Frascati, 2000.- 12p.;9p.il. - (INFN/FM 00/03). 1749. Bernard Ph. a.o. The RF Control and Detection System for PACO the Parametric Converter Detector. - Frascati, 2000.- 12p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/06). 1750. Conte M. a.o. The Stern-Gerlach Interaction Between a Traveling Particle and a Time Varying Magnetic Field. - Frascati, 2000.- 14p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/03). 1751. Fujisaki H. Comments on Microcanonical Algorithm of Charged-Rotating Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Space. - Tokyo, 2000.- 7p. - (RUP 00-4). 1752. Recami E. a.o. Special Relativity and Superluminal Motions: a Discussion of Some Recent Experiments. - Frascati, 2000.- 21p.;5p.il. - (INFN/FM 00/04). 1753. Zamboni-Rached M. a.o. Localized Superluminal Solutions to Maxwell Equations Propagating Along a Normal-Size Waveguide. - Frascati, 2000.- 13p.;2p.il. - (INFN/FM 00/01). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 1754. Olkhovsky V.S. a.o. Tunneling Through Two Successive Barriers and the Hartman (Superluminal) Effects. - Frascati, 2000.- 8p. - (INFN/FM 00/02). 1755. Shimbori T., Kobayashi T. "Velocities" in Quantum Mechanics. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 7p. - (UTHEP 422). 1756. Shimbori T., Kobayashi T. Stationary Flows of the Parabolic Potential Barrier in Two Dimensions. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 12p.: il. - (UTHEP 426). Ñ 323.2 ÇÀÊÎÍÛ ÑÎÕÐÀÍÅÍÈß È ÎÁÙÈÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÉ. ÏÎËßÐÈÇÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÅ ÝÔÔÅÊÒÛ. ÈÍÂÀÐÈÀÍÒÍÎÅ ÐÀÇËÎÆÅÍÈÅ ÀÌÏËÈÒÓÄ 1757. Lee-Franzini J. CP Violation. - Frascati, 1999.- 73p.: il. - (LNF 99/027(P)). Ñ 323.5 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß ×ÀÑÒÈÖ ÏÐÈ ÂÛÑÎÊÈÕ ÝÍÅÐÃÈßÕ 1758. Drescher H.J. a.o. On the Role of Energy-Conservation in High-Energy Nuclear Scattering. - Nantes Cedex, 2000.- 17p.: il. - (SUBATECH 00-07). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 1759. Berger E.L. a.o. Nexpt-to-Leading Order SUSY-QCD Predictions for Associated Production of Gauginos and Gluinos. - Argonne, 2000.- 67p.;22p.il. - (ANL-HEP-PR 00-045,DESY 00-069). 1760. Chalmers G., Erdmenger J. Dual Expansions of N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory via IIB Superstring Theory. - Argonne, 2000.- 39p.: il. - (ANL-HEP-PR 00-055,MIT-CTP 2986). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 1761. Fujisaki H. Thermodynamical Aspect of Charged-Rotating Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Space. - Tokyo, 2000.- 10p. - (RUP 00-3). 1762. Kobayashi T., Shimbori T. Statistical Mechanics for States with Complex Eigenvalues and Quasi-Stable Semiclassical Systems. - Tsukuba, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (UTHEP 423). Ñ 326 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÑÈÑÒÅÌ ÈÇ ÌÍÎÃÈÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ.ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 1763. Jackson A.D., Kavoulakis G.M. Analytical Results for a Trapped, Weakly-Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensate Under Rotation. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 3p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/49 CM). 1764. Mulhall D. a.o. Geometric Chaoticity Leads to Ordered Spectra for Randomly Interacting Fermions. - East Lansing, 2000.- 6p.: il. - (MSUCL 1158). 1765. Viefers S. a.o. Current-Spin-Density-Functional Study of Persistent Currents in Quantum Rings. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/47 CM). Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ 1766. Ñóìáàåâ Î.È. Î ñóùåñòâîâàíèè è âîçìîæíîì íîâîì ìåõàíèçìå ýôôåêòà Ïðàóòà â ìàññàõ àòîìîâ. - Ãàò÷èíà, 2000.- 8ñ.: èëñ. - (ÏÈßÔ 2366). 1767. Pritychenko B.V. a.o. First Observation of an Excited State in the Neutron-Rich Nucleus *3*1Na. - East Lansing, 2000.- 11p.;3p.il. - (MSUCL 1156). 1768. Pritychenko B.V. a.o. Single-Particle Structure Along the Boundary of the "Island of Inversion": Radioactive Beam Spectroscopy of *3*3Si and *3*4P. - East Lansing, 2000.- 13p.;3p.il. - (MSUCL 1157). 1769. Souza S.R. a.o. Nuclear Isotope Thermometry. - East Lansing, 2000.- 23p.;7p.il. - (MSUCL 1152). Ñ 342 ÏÐÎÕÎÆÄÅÍÈÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ È ÃÀÌÌÀ-ÊÂÀÍÒΠ×ÅÐÅÇ ÂÅÙÅÑÒÂÎ 1770. Åðìàêîâ Ê.Í. è äð. Ãàììà-ìåòîä èçìåðåíèÿ áèîìàññû ðàñòåíèé. - Gatchina, 2000.- 21ñ.: èë. - (ÏÈßÔ 2355). 1771. Serebrov A.P. a.o. Experimental and Calculational Results of UCN and VCN Yields from a D&sub(2)O Ice Moderator. - Gatchina, 2000.- 25p.: il. - (PNPI 2359). Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ 1772. Alkhazov G.D., Lobodenko A.A. Reaction Cross Sections for Exotic Nuclei in the Glauber Approach. - Gatchina, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (PNPI 2361). 1773. Magestro D.J. a.o. Isolation of the Nuclear Compressibility with the Balance Energy. - East Lansing, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (MSUCL 1160). 1774. Thirolf P.G. a.o. Spectroscopy of the 2*+&sub(1) State in *2*2O and Shell Structure near the Neutron Drip Line. - East Lansing, 2000.- 13p.;2p.il. - (MSUCL 1153). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 1775. Äìèòðèåâ Ñ.Í. è äð. Ïîðòàòèâíûé ïðèáîð äëÿ êîíòðîëÿ êà÷åñòâà ñáîðêè äðåéôîâîé êàìåðû ÔÅÍÈÊÑ (Wire Test Instrument Phenix). - Ãàò÷èíà, 2000.- 21ñ.: èë. - (ÏÈßÔ 2358). 1776. Manayenkov S.I. New Method for Data Treating in Polarization Measurements. - Gatchina, 2000.- 49p.: il. - (PNPI 2362). 1777. Mueller W.F. a.o. Thirty-Two-Fold Segmented Germanium Detectors to Identify *g-Rays from Intermediate-Energy Exotic Beams. - East Lansing, 2000.- 7p.;4p.il. - (MSUCL 1155). 1778. Piemonte C. a.o. Influence of the Leakage Current on the Performance of Large Area Silicon Drift Detectors. - Frascati, 2000.- 18p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/04). 1779. Tisnek N. a.o. Silicon p-i-n Detector for Scintillation Light, Elementary Particles and X-Rays Spectroscopy. - Gatchina, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (PNPI 2360). 1780. Wagner A. a.o. Energy Resolution and Energy-Light Response of CsI(Tl) Scintillators for Charged Particle Detection. - East Lansing, 2000.- 15p.;9p.il. - (MSUCL 1150). Ñ 344.3 ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÍÈÊÀ 1781. Åæîâ Â.Ô. è äð. Èçìåðåíèå ÿäåðíîãî àíàïîëüíîãî ìîìåíòà êàëèÿ. 2. Ýëåêòðîííàÿ ÷àñòü óñòàíîâêè. - Ãàò÷èíà, 2000.- 29ñ.: èë. - (ÏÈßÔ 2356). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 1782. Bosotti A. a.o. On Line Monitoring of the TTF Cryostats Cold Mass with Wire Position Monitors. - Frascati, 2000.- 26p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/02). 1783. Farinon S. a.o. Detailed Field Distribution in CMS Winding. - Frascati, 2000.- 10p.: il. - (INFN/AE 00/04). 1784. Farinon S., Fabbricatore P. Stress on Cold Mass Due to the Supporting System of the CMS Coil in the Vacuum Tank. - Frascati, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (INFN/AE 00/05). 1785. Gammino S. a.o. Production of Heavy Ion Beams by Operating Serse in DC Mode and Afterglow Mode. - Frascati, 2000.- 7p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/05). 1786. Inoue T. a.o. Steering of High Energy Negative Ion Beam and Design of Beam Focusing/Deflection Compensation for JT-60U Large Negative Ion Source. - Tokyo, 2000.- 12p.;15p.il. - (JAERI-Tech 2000-023). 1787. Raimondi P., Seryi A. A Novel Final Focus Design for Future Linear Colliders. - Stanford, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8460). 1788. Volpini G. A Model of the Current Distribution Inside the Resistive Joints of the ATLAS Toroids. - Frascati, 2000.- 33p.: il. - (INFN/TC 00/07). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 1789. Ëîïàòèí È.Â. è äð. Èçìåðåíèå äèôôåðåíöèàëüíûõ ñå÷åíèé *p*-p-ðàññåÿíèÿ ñ ïåðåçàðÿäêîé â îáëàñòè íèçêîëåæàùèõ *pN-ðåçîíàíñîâ è ïîðîãà îáðàçîâàíèÿ *h-ìåçîíà. - Ãàò÷èíà, 2000.- 32ñ.: èë. - (ÏÈßÔ 2363). 1790. Berezinsky V., Dokuchaev V.I. Hidden Source of High Energy Neutrinos in Collapsing Galactic Nucleus. - Lecce, 2000.- 14p. - (INFN/TH 00/03). 1791. Bernabei R. a.o. Search for WIMP Annual Modulation Signature: Results from DAMA/NaI-3 and DAMA/NaI-4 and the Global Combined Analysis. - Frascati, 2000.- 14p.: il. - (INFN/AE 00/01). 1792. Gavrikov Yu.A. a.o. The Program of Experiments on Investigation of Mesic Atoms on the Moscow Meson Factory with the Help of a Two Flat Crystal Diffraction Spectrometer (Joint Experiment PNPI-INR RAS, MADIS). - Gatchina, 2000.- 42p.: il. - (PNPI 2367). Ñ 347 ÊÎÑÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ËÓ×È 1793. Aglietta M. a.o. Search for E&sub(*g) *} 5.10*1*3 eV *g-Ray Transients Through the BAKSAN and EAS-TOP Correlated Data. - Frascati, 2000.- 11p.;10p.il. - (INFN/AE 00/03). 1794. Berezinsky V. a.o. Superconducting Cosmic Strings as Gamma Ray Burst Engines. - Lecce, 2000.- 8p. - (INFN/TH 00/02). 1795. Berezinsky V. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Topical Defects. - Lecce, 2000.- 16p.: il. - (INFN/TH 00/01). Ñ 349 ÄÎÇÈÌÅÒÐÈß È ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÇÀÙÈÒÛ 1796. Oya Y. a.o. Results of Preliminary Experiments on Tritium Decontamination by UV Irradiation. - Tokyo, 2000.- 8p.;14p.il. - (JAERI-Tech 2000-010). Ñ 353 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÏËÀÇÌÛ 1797. Ñòåïàíîâ Ñ.È. Ýëåêòðè÷åñêàÿ ïîëÿðèçàöèÿ êàê ïðè÷èíà àáñîëþòíîé îòðèöàòåëüíîé ïðîâîäèìîñòè â ïûëåâîé ïëàçìå. - Ãàò÷èíà, 2000.- 11ñ.: èë. - (ÏÈßÔ 2353). 1798. Ishijima T. Study on Impurity Radiation and Transport of JT-60U Plasmas. - Tokyo, 2000.- 60p.;34p.il. - (JAERI-Research 2000-015).![]()