ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.12 27.03.00 Ñ 15 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÂÅÐÎßÒÍÎÑÒÅÉ È ÌÀÒÅÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 701. Rouet J.L., Feix M.R. (3x+1)/2 Problem and Its Generalization: a Stochastic Approach. - Nantes Cedex, 2000.- 22 p.:il. - (SUBATECH 00-03). Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 702. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Advanced Radiation Technology Center. TIARA Annual Report 1998. - Tokyo, 1999.- 298 p.:il. - (JAERI-Review 99-025). Ñ 322 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÎÒÍÎÑÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ 703. Buchmuller W., Fredenhagen S. Elements of Baryogenesis. - Hamburg, 2000.- 19p.: il. - (DESY 00-004). 704. Jain B., Van-Waerbeke L. Statistics of Dark Matter Halos from Gravitational Lensing. - Toronto, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (CITA 99-37). 705. Natsuume M., Okamura T. Entropy for Asymptotically AdS&sub(3) Black Holes. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 18 p. - (KEK 99-136,KEK-TH 658,OCHA-PP 145). 706. Van-Waerbeke L. a.o. Lensing Effect on the Relative Orientation between the Cosmic Microwave Background Ellipticities and the Distant Galaxies. - Toronto, 2000.- 6 p.;2p.il. - (CITA 99-36). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 707. Berger E.L. a.o. Longitudinal Spin Dependence of Massive Lepton Pair Production. - Hamburg, 2000.- 11p.: il. - (DESY 00-007,ANL-HEP-CP 00-001). 708. Fulop T., Tsutsui I. A Free Particle on a Circle with Point Interaction. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 14 p. - (KEK 99-115). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 709. Bar O., Campos I. Global Anomalies in Chiral Gauge Theories on the Lattice. - Hamburg, 2000.- 21p. - (DESY 99-188). 710. Bietenholz W. Optimizing Chirality and Scaling of Lattice Fermions. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 13p.: il. - (NORDITA 2000/1 HE). Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 711. Berger E.L., Klasen M. Constraints on the Gluon Density from Lepton Pair Production. - Hamburg, 2000.- 5p.: il. - (DESY 00-006,ANL-HEP-CP 00-002). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 712. Dittmaier S. a.o. Higgs Radiation off Quarks in Supersymmetric Theories at e*+e*- Colliders. - Hamburg, 2000.- 9p.;3p.il. - (DESY 99-177,BI-TP 99/27,EDINBURGH 2000/03). 713. Fabinger M., Horava P. Casimir Effect between World-Branes in Heterotic M-Theory. - Pasadena, 1999.- 25 p.:il. - (CALT 68-2255,CITUSC 00-004,PRA HEP 00/02). 714. Harvey J.A. a.o. D-Sphalerons and the Topology of String Configuration Space. - Pasadena, 2000.- 28 p. - (CALT 68-2254,CITUSC 00-003,EFI 99-49,NSF-ITP 00-02). 715. Kitano R., Oda K. Neutrino Masses in the Supersymmetric Standard Model with Right-Handed Neutrinos and Spontaneous R-Parity Violation. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 20 p.;2p.il. - (KEK 99-137,KEK-TH 661,OU-HET 331). Ñ 324.2 ÍÅËÎÊÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÍÅËÈÍÅÉÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß 716. Ishibashi N. A Relation between Commutative and Noncommutative Descriptions of D-Branes. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 12 p. - (KEK 99-123,KEK-TH 650). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 717. Paczuski M. a.o. Self-Organized Networks of Competing Boolean Agents. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (NORDITA 99/90 CM). Ñ 326 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÑÈÑÒÅÌ ÈÇ ÌÍÎÃÈÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ.ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 718. Anderson P.W., Khveshchenko D.V. Fermi Edge Singularities in X-Ray Response of Strongly Correlated Fermions. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 14 p. - (NORDITA 2000/2 CM). 719. Carter G.W., Diakonov D. The Nonperturbative Color Meissner Effect in a Two-Flavor Color Superconductor. - Copenhagen, 2000.- 27 p. - (NORDITA 2000/7 HE). 720. Feldmeier H., Schnack J. Molecular Dynamics for Fermions. - Darmstadt, 2000.- 97p.: il. - (GSI 2000-03). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 721. Akeroyd A.G. a.o. Charged and Pseudoscalar Higgs Production at a Muon Collider. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 10 p.;2p.il. - (KEK 99-107,UFR-HEP 99/12). 722. Choi S.Y. a.o. Chargino Pair Production at e*+e*- Colliders with Polarized Beams. - Hamburg, 2000.- 16 p.;3p.il. - (DESY 99-198,KIAS-P 99111,IFT Warsaw 99/34). 723. Djouadi A. a.o. The Reconstruction of Trilinear Higgs Couplings. - Hamburg, 2000.- 20p.: il. - (DESY 99-171,PM 99-55,TTP 99-48). Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ 724. Juillet O., Josse S. Influence of the Spin-Orbit Coupling on Nuclear Superfluidity Along the N=Z Line. - Caen, 2000.- 7p.;4p.il. - (GANIL P 00 07). 725. Terazawa H. Are Color-Balled Nuclei Found in Cosmic Rays? - Tsukuba, 1999.- 15p. - (KEK 99-146). Ñ 341 å ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 726. Terazawa H. From "Super-Hypernuclei" to Strange Stars. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 19p. - (KEK 99-147). Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ 727. Chomaz Ph. a.o. Caloric Curves and Energy Fluctuations in the Microcanonical Liquid-Gas Phase Transition. - Caen, 2000.- 4p.: il. - (GANIL P 00 01). 728. Rolander K.W. a.o. Pionic Fusion Close to Threshold: the d(*a, *6Li* )*p*0 Reaction Studied at CELSIUS. - Stockholm, 1999.- 13 p.;17p.il. - (USIP Report 99-08). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 729. Abe M. a.o. Measurement of the Trailing Edge of Cosmic-Ray Track Signals from a Round-Tube Drift Chamber. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 13p.: il. - (KEK 99-132). 730. Kutter T.J. The Water Cherenkov Detector in the Auger Experiment. Performance of a Prototype Detector and the Cross-Calibration of the Energy Determination by the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array and the Haverah Park Experiment. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 117p.: il. - (FZKA 6396). 731. Sasaki M. a.o. Feasibility Studies of the Self-TOF Detector for High-Energy Neutron Measurements in Shielding Experiments. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 15p.;7p.il. - (KEK 99-121). 732. Tawara H. a.o. Response of NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detectors for Gamma Rays. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 9 p.:il. - (KEK 99-120). 733. Wang M.Z. a.o. Beam Test of the BELLE Extreme Forward Calorimeter at KEK. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3 p.;3p.il. - (KEK 99-141,BELLE 272). Ñ 344.3 ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÍÈÊÀ 734. Arai Y. a.o. A Pipeline TDC Module with TMC-PHX1 LSI. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 5p.: il. - (KEK 99-148). 735. Hall G. Front End Electronics Developments for Particle Physics: Paradigm or Paradox? - London, 2000.- 9p.: il. - (IC/HEP 00-1). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 736. Boussard D., Linnecar T. The LHC Superconducting RF System. - Geneva, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 316). 737. Brown P. a.o. Performance of the LEP200 Superconducting RF System. - Geneva, 1999.- 5p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-075 LRF). 738. Bruning O. a.o. A Beam Separation and Collision Scheme for IP1 and IP5 at the LHC for Optics Version 6.1. - Geneva, 1999.- 16 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 315). 739. Burkhardt H. ELFE at CERN. - Geneva, 1999.- 7 p.:il. - (CERN SL-99-071 AP). 740. Casas J. a.o. Signal Conditioning for Gryogenic Thermometry in the LHC. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 333). 741. Ehret K. a.o. Observation of Coasting Beam at the HERA Proton-Ring. - Hamburg, 2000.- 17 p.:il. - (DESY 00-018). 742. Furukawa K. a.o. Accelerator Controls in KEKB Linac Commissioning. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-140). 743. Furukawa K. a.o. Energy Feedback Systems at the KEKB Injector Linac. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-139). 744. Khalatyan N. CDC for Asian Joint Linear Collider. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 6p.: il. - (KEK 99-149). 745. Kikutani E. a.o. The KEKB Bunch Oscillation Recorder. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (KEK 99-133). 746. Ogawa Y. Performance of the Upgraded Injector Linac for KEKB. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 6 p.:il. - (KEK 99-134). 747. Reimbold S. Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen des Einschlusses der schnellen Ionen an Wendelstein-7-AS. - Garching, 2000.- 79 p.:il. - (IPP III/254 Report). 748. Takeda S. a.o. Compensation for Incoherent Ground Motion. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (KEK 99-135). 749. Urakawa J. a.o. Studies on the Beam Orbit Change in ATF Damping Ring. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-122). Ñ 345 ñ ÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÏÎËß È ÑÂÅÐÕÏÐÎÂÎÄßÙÈÅ ÌÀÃÍÈÒÛ. 750. Arima H. a.o. Multipole Analysis for Absolute Magnetic Field Measured by Multi-Probe Pulsed-NMR Method. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (KEK 99-125). 751. Bajko M. a.o. FEM Computations Concerning the Effect of Friction in Two LHC Main Dipole Structure. - Geneva, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 342). 752. Bajko M. a.o. Statistical Studies of the Robustness of the LHC Main Dipole Mechanical Structure. - Geneva, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 341). 753. Ballarino A. High Temperature Superconducting Current Leads for the Large Hadron Collider. - Geneva, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 337). 754. Burkhardt E.E. a.o. Quench Protection Heater Studies for the 1-m Model Magnets for the LHC Low-*b Quadrupoles. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (KEK 99-127). 755. Haverkamp M. a.o. Studies of Decay and Snapback Effects on LHC Dipole Magnets. - Geneva, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 336). 756. Hiramatsu S. a.o. Application of Spin-echo NMR to Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-118). 757. Nakamoto T. a.o. Training Characteristics of 1-m Model Magnets for the LHC Low-*b Quadrupoles. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (KEK 99-126). 758. Ohuchi N. a.o. Field Quality of Two 1-m Model Magnets for LHC Low-*b Quadrupole Magnets. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (KEK 99-128). 759. Sugahara R. a.o. Installation and Alignment of KEKB Magnets. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (KEK 99-131). 760. Yamamoto A. a.o. Analysis of Mechanical Tolerances of a Low-*b Quadrupole Magnet for the LHC. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (KEK 99-130). 761. Yamamoto A. a.o. Progress in ATLAS Central Solenoid Magnet. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (KEK 99-129). Ñ 345 ñ1 ÊÐÈÎÃÅÍÍÛÅ ÑÈÑÒÅÌÛ ÑÂÅÐÕÏÐÎÂÎÄßÙÈÕ ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÅÉ. 762. Bager T. a.o. Cryogenic Pressure Calibration Facility Using a Cold Force Reference. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 334). 763. Ballarino A. a.o. A Low Heat Inleak Cryogenic Station for Testing HTS Current Leads for the Large Hadron Collider. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 320). 764. Balle Ch. a.o. Influence of Thermal Cycling on Cryogenic Thermometers. - Geneva, 1999.- 7 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 321). 765. Bangert N., Gayet Ph. Operation of the Four 12 kW at 4.5 K Refrigerators for LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 327). 766. Bezaguet A. a.o. A Facility for Accurate Heat Load and Mass Leak Measurements on Superfluid Helium Valves. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 319). 767. Blanco-Vinuela E. a.o. Linear Model-Based Predictive Control of the LHC 1.8 K Cryogenic Loop. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 322). 768. Camacho D. a.o. Heat Flow Measurements on LHC Components. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 329). 769. Castoldi M. a.o. Thermal Performance of the Supporting System for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Superconducting Magnets. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 335). 770. Chorowski M. Combined Thermo-Hydraulic Analysis of a Cryogenic Jet. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 325). 771. Chorowski M. a.o. Preliminary Risk Analysis of the LHC Cryogenic System. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 324). 772. Claudet S. a.o. Economics of Large Helium Cryogenic Systems: Experience from Recent Projects at CERN. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 317). 773. Claudet S. a.o. Specification of Four New Large 4.5 K Helium Refrigerators for the LHC. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 331). 774. Dufay L. a.o. Characterization of Prototype Superfluid Helium Safety Relief Valves for the LHC Magnets. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 318). 775. Erdt W. a.o. The Cryogenic Distribution Line for the LHC: Functional Specification and Conceptual Design. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 326). 776. Hatchadourian E. Stability and Control of Supercritical Helium Flow in the LHC Circuits. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 323). 777. Kako E. a.o. Improvement of Cavity Performance in the Saclay/Cornell/DESY's SC Cavities. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (KEK 99-143). 778. Kindermann H.P., Stirbet M. The Variable Power Coupler for the LHC Superconducting Cavity. - Geneva, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (CERN SL-99-074 HRF). 779. Lebrun Ph. Cryogenics for the Large Hadron Collider. - Geneva, 1999.- 7 p. - (CERN LHC Project Report 338). 780. Rousset B. a.o. He II Two Phase Flow in an Inclinable 22 m Long Line. - Geneva, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 328). 781. Wu K.C. a.o. Cooling Scheme for BNL-Built LHC Magnets. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 330). Ñ 345 ò ÑÈÑÒÅÌÛ ÀÂÒÎÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÎÃÎ ÓÏÐÀÂËÅÍÈß È ÊÎÍÒÐÎËß ÐÀÁÎÒÛ ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÅÉ. 782. Arnaudon L. Remote Data Acquisition for SPS 352 MHz Superconducting Cavities. - Geneva, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-073 LRF). 783. Furukawa K. a.o. Network Based EPICS Drivers for PLC's and Measurement Stations. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-138). 784. Katoh T. a.o. The Operators' Console for KEKB Accelerators. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-102). 785. Kusano S. a.o. Study of Sharable Applications Using Java and CORBA. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-142). 786. Naito T. a.o. Performance of the Timing System for KEKB. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-145). 787. Naito T. a.o. Timing System for Multi-Bunch/Multi-Train Operation at ATF-DR. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (KEK 99-144). 788. Nakagawa H. a.o. Spill Servo Control by DSP. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (KEK 99-119). 789. de-Vries J.C. a.o. Real Time- and Control Software for the New Orbit Measurement System for the CERN SPS. - Geneva, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (CERN SL-99-069 BI). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 790. Danilov M. a.o. Detection of Very Small Neutrino Masses in Double-Beta Decay Using Laser Tagging. - Stanford, 2000.- 10 p. - (Stanford-HEP 00-01). 791. Fleischer R. Constraining Penguin Contributions and the CKM Angle *g Through B&sub(d)*>*p*+*p*-. - Hamburg, 2000.- 14 p.:il. - (DESY 00-014). 792. Fukuda Y. a.o. Neutrino-Induced Upward Stopping Muons in Super-Kamiokande. - Tanashi, 1999.- 19 p.:il. - (ICRR Report-455-99-13,KEK 99-75,OULNS 99-02,BUHEP 99-16). 793. Hoang A.H. a.o. Top-Antitop Pair Production Close to Threshold: Synopsis of Recent NNLO Results. - Hamburg, 2000.- 21p.: il. - (DESY 00-019). 794. Illana J.I. Resonant Production of Heavy MSSM Higgs Bosons at the Photon Collider. - Hamburg, 1999.- 22 p.:il. - (DESY 99-167,LC-TH 2000-002). 795. Ishihara K. Study of *n&sub(*m)*>*n&sub(*t) and *n&sub(*m)*>*n&sub(sterile) Neutrino Oscillations with the Atmospheric Neutrino Data in Super-Kamiokande: Doctor Thesis. - Tanashi, 1999.- 176 p.:il. - (ICRR Report-457-2000-1). 796. Shiozawa M. Search for Proton Decay via p*>e*+*p*0 in a Large Water Cherenkov Detector: Doctor Thesis. - Tanashi, 1999.- 147 p.:il. - (ICRR Report-458-2000-2). 797. Wang Y.-F. a.o. A New Approach to Background Subtraction in Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments. - Stanford, 2000.- 7 p. - (Stanford-HEP 00-02). Ñ 348 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÒÎÐÛ. ÐÅÀÊÒÎÐÎÑÒÐÎÅÍÈÅ 798. Hayward P.J. a.o. UO&sub(2) Dissolution by Molten Zircaloy. New Experimental Results and Modelling. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 43 p.;38p.il. - (FZKA 6379,INV-CIT (99)-P029). 799. Reactor Pressure Vessel under Severe Accident Loading (RPVSA). Final Report of EU-Project Contract Fl4S-CT95-0002. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 145 p.:il. - (FZKA 6358). 800. Veser A. a.o. Deflagration to Detonation Transition Experiments with Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in Shock Tube and Obstacle Array Geometries. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 48p.: il. - (FZKA 6355). Ñ 349 ÄÎÇÈÌÅÒÐÈß È ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÇÀÙÈÒÛ 801. Berner U. Concentration Limits in the Cement Based Swiss Repository for Long-Lived, Intermediate-Level Radioactive Wastes (LMA). - Villigen, 1999.- 59 p.:il. - (PSI Bericht 99-10). 802. Hayashida Y. a.o. Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code. (2) Calculation of Gamma-Ray Wall Transmission and Reflection Data. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (KEK 99-111). 803. Nemoto M. a.o. Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code. (1) Calculation of Line Beam Response Function for Gamma-Ray Skyshine Analysis. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3 p.;2p.il. - (KEK 99-110). 804. Tayama R. a.o. Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code to Typical BWR Turbine Skyshine. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 3p.;2p.il. - (KEK 99-109). Ñ 63 ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 805. Athreya R. a.o. Weak Lensing Analysis of MS 1008-1224 with the VLT. - Toronto, 1999.- 22 p.:il. - (CITA 99-33). 806. Erben T. a.o. Mass Detection of a Matter Concentration Projected Near the Cluster A1942: Dark Clump or High Redshift Cluster? - Toronto, 2000.- 17 p.:il. - (CITA 99-23). 807. Van-Waerbeke L. Noise Properties of Gravitational Lens Mass Reconstruction. - Toronto, 2000.- 10 p.:il. - (CITA 98-60).![]()