Список N7 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 29.02.2000 1. Astrophysical Journal 1999 518 1 1 1999 521 1 1 1999 523 2 1 2. Astrophysical Journal.Letters. 1999 518 1 2 1999 519 1 2 1999 521 1 2 1999 523 2 2 3. Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society. 2000 37 1 4. Chinese Journal of Physics. 1999 37 6 5. Fizika A:Atomic and Molecular Physics,Condensed Matter Physics,Plasma Physics 1999 8 2 6. Fizika B:General Physics,Nuclear Physics,Particles and Fields 1999 8 3 7. Indian Journal of Physics A. 1996 70 2-4 1999 73 6 8. Indian Journal of Physics,B. 1996 70 1-3,6 1999 73 5 9. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics. 1996 27 1-10 10.New Scientist. 1999 164 2215-17 11.Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2000 47 1 12.Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy.Part A. 1996 62 1-5 13.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 1999 351 12 14.Вестник МГУ, вычислительная математика и кибернетика. 2000 1 15.Новое время. 2000 6-7 16.Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. 2000 31 1