Список N56 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 18.12.00 1. Acta Physica Slovaca. 2000 50 5 2. Astrophysical Journal 2000 537-538 1-2 1 2000 542 1 1 3. Astrophysical Journal.Letters. 2000 537-538 1-2 2 2000 542 1 2 4. Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society. 2000 37 4 5. CERN Courier. 2000 40 9 6. Indian Journal of Physics A. 2000 74 5 7. Kerntechnik. 2000 65 4 8. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2000 47 9-10 9. Nuclear Physics News. 2000 10 3 10.Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2000 286 1/2-3/4 11.Physica C:Superconductivity. 2000 339 3 12.Physica D:Nonlinear Phenomena 2000 146 1/4 2000 147 1/2 13.Physica Scripta. 2000 62 5 14.Physica Status Solidi (b):Basic Research 2000 221 2 15.Physical Review A:Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics 2000 62 4 16.Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 2000 62 12-14 17.Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 2000 62 4 18.Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology 2000 62 7 19.Physical Review Letters. 2000 85 14-17 20.Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas,Fluids,and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 2000 62 4А 21.Physics Letters,B. 2000 491 1/2-3/4 22.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.Ser.A,Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2000 456 2002 23.Radiation Measurements 2000 32 5/6 24.Radiochimica Acta. 2000 88 6-7 25.Science. 2000 290 5494-95 26.Turkish Journal of Physics. 2000 24 4-6 27.Автоматика и вычислительная техника. 2000 5 28.Атомная техника за рубежом. 2000 11 29.Библиография 2000 5 30.Вестник МГУ, вычислительная математика и кибернетика. 2000 4 31.Журнал фiзичних дослiджень=Journal of Physical Studies 1999 3 3 32.Краткие сообщения по физике. 2000 7-8 33.Латвийский физико-технический журнал=Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2000 4 34.Мир ПК. 2000 11 35.Наука и жизнь. 2000 11 36.Новое время. 2000 46 2000 48 37.Электросвязь 2000 11