Ñïèñîê N 40 ÍÎÂÛÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÛ 13.09.00 1. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 1999 49 4 1999 50 1-2,4 2000 51 1-2 2. Neural Networks 2000 13 4/5 3. Nuclear Engineering International 2000 45 552 4. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,A:Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment 2000 421-440 Master Index 2000 441 1/2-3 2000 442 1/3 2000 443 1 2000 447 3 2000 448 1/2-3 2000 449 1/2-3 5. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2000 160 2-4 2000 168 3-4 2000 169 1/4 6. Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 2000 576 1/3 2000 577 1/2 2000 578 3 2000 579 1/2-3 2000 580 1/2-3 2000 581 1/2 7. Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 601-650 Master Index 2000 674 1/2 2000 675 1/2-3/4 8. Nuovo Cimento,A. 2000 112 12 9 PC Magazine 2000 19 13-14 10.Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2000 283 1/2-3/4 11.Physica B:Condensed Matter 2000 289/290 12.Physica C:Superconductivity. 2000 321-330 Master Index 2000 331 2-3/4 2000 335 1/4 2000 336 1/2-3/4 13.Physica D:Nonlinear Phenomena 2000 135 1/2-3/4 2000 136 1/2 2000 142 1/2-3/4 14.Physica E:Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 2000 5 4 2000 8 1-2 15.Physica Scripta. 2000 62 1 2000 Ò86-87 16.Physica Status Solidi (b):Basic Research 2000 220 1 17.Physical Review A:Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics 1999 59-60 Part 1 Subject Index 1999 59-60 Part 2 Author Index 18.Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 2000 61 23-24 2000 62 1-2 19.Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 2000 61 5-6 2000 62 1 20.Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation, and Cosmology 2000 62 1 21.Physical Review Letters. 2000 84 24 2000 84 26(1,2) 2000 85 1-3 22.Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas,Fluids,and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 2000 62 1A,B 23.Physics Essays 1999 12 2 24.Physics Letters,A. 2000 271 1/2-4 2000 272 1/2-3 25.Physics Letters,B. 2000 484 1/2-3/4 2000 485 1/3-4 26.Physics Reports. 2000 332 1/3 2000 333/334 2000 335 1-3/5 27.Physics Today. 2000 53 7 28.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.Ser.A,Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2000 456 1999 29.Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 2000 137-138 30.Progress of Theoretical Physics. 2000 103 4-5 31.Review of Scientific Instruments. 2000 71 7 32.Science News. 2000 157 25-26 2000 158 1-2 33.Scientific American 2000 283 2![]()