Список N 4 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 08.02.2000 1. Computer Physics Communications. 1999 121/22 2. Europhysics News. 1999 30 5/6 2000 31 1 3. International Journal of Modern Physics A: Particles and Fields, Gravitation, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics 1999 14 29-30 4. International Journal of Modern Physics B:Condensed Matter Physics,Statistical Physics,Applied Physics 1999 13 27-28 5. International Journal of Modern Physics C:Computational Physics,Physical Computation 1999 10 5 6. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1999 38 9 7. Journal of Computational Physics. 1999 155 2 1999 156 1 8. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1999 40 12 9. Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 322 46-48 10.Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 22-23 11.Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 22-23 12.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 46-49 13.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Articles 1999 242 3 14.Nature 1999 402 6760-62 15.Nuclear Physics News. 1999 9 4 16.Nuovo Cimento,A. 1999 112 8 17.PC Magazine 1999 18 21-22 18.Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology 1999 60 9,11 19.Physical Review Letters. 1999 83 20-24 20.Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas, Fluids,and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 1999 60 5A,5B 21.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.Ser.A,Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1999 455 1991 22.Review of Scientific Instruments. 1999 70 11 23.Science News 1999 156 19-22 24.Science. 2000 287 5451 25.Scientific American 1999 281 6 26.Semiconductor Science & Technology 1999 14 12 27.Superconductor Science and Technology. 1999 12 12 28.Атомная техника за рубежом. 2000 1 29.Атомная энергия. 1999 87 6 30.Журнал неорганической химии. 2000 45 1 31.Зарубежная радиоэлектроника. 2000 1 32.Известия высших учебных заведений: Физика. 1999 42 11 33.Науковедение 1999 1-3 34.Новое время. 2000 4 35.Программные продукты и системы. 1999 4 36.Радиотехника. 2000 1![]()