Ñïèñîê N 33 ÍÎÂÛÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÛ 26.08.00 1. Physica Scripta. 2000 61 1 2000 61 2 2000 61 3 2000 61 4 2000 61 5 2. Physica Status Solidi (b):Basic Research 2000 217 1 2000 217 2 2000 218 1 2000 218 2 3. Physical Review A:Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics 2000 61 1 2000 61 3 4. Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 2000 61 13 2000 61 14 2000 61 4 2000 61 6 2000 61 7 2000 61 8 5. Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 2000 61 3 2000 61 4 6. Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology 2000 61 2 2000 61 3 2000 61 5 7. Physical Review Letters. 2000 84 10 2000 84 13 2000 84 15 2000 84 16 2000 84 18 2000 84 3 2000 84 5 2000 84 6 2000 84 7 2000 84 9 8. Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas,Fluids and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 2000 61 1 2000 61 3 9. Progress of Theoretical Physics. 2000 103 1 2000 103 2 10.Reviews of Modern Physics 2000 72 1![]()