Ñïèñîê N 32 ÍÎÂÛÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÛ 25.08.00 1. Advances in Physics 2000 49 1 2000 49 2 2. American Journal of Physics. 2000 68 2 3. American Scientist. 2000 88 1 2000 88 2 4. Analytical Chemistry 2000 72 3 2000 72 5 2000 72 6 5. Annals of Physics. 2000 279 1 2000 279 2 2000 280 1 6. Applied Physics Letters. 2000 76 1 2000 76 11 2000 76 18 2000 76 4 2000 76 5 2000 76 6 2000 76 9 7. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2000 52 1 2000 52 2 2000 52 3 8. Astroparticle Physics 2000 13 1 9. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 2000 74 1 10.Chaos,Solitons & Fractals. 2000 11 10 2000 11 6 2000 11 7 11.Classical and Quantum Gravity 2000 17 1 2000 17 2 2000 17 3 2000 17 4 2000 17 5 2000 17 8 2000 17 9 12.Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2000 209 1 2000 209 2 2000 210 1 2000 210 3 13.Computer Physics Communications. 2000 124 1 2000 124 2-3 2000 125 1-3 2000 126 1-2 14.Hyperfine Interactions. 2000 125 1-4 15.International Journal of Modern Physics A:Particles and Fields,Gravitation,Cosmology, Nuclear Physics 2000 15 2 2000 15 3 2000 15 4 2000 15 7 16.International Journal of Modern Physics B:Condensed Matter Physics,Statistical Physics, Applied Physics 2000 14 1 2000 14 5 17.International Journal of Modern Physics C:Computational Physics,Physical Computation 2000 10 8 2000 11 1 18.Journal of Computational Physics. 2000 157 2 2000 158 2 19.Journal of Low Temperature Physics 2000 118 5-6 20.Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2000 41 2 21.Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2000 29 1 2000 29 3 22.Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2000 50 3 23.Mathematics of Computation. 2000 69 229 24.Nuclear Data Sheets. 2000 89 1 2000 89 2 25.Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 2000 564 3 2000 566 1,2 2000 567 1,2 2000 567 3 2000 568 1,2 2000 570 3 2000 571 1,2 2000 572 1,2 2000 572 3 2000 573 3 26.Nuclear Physics,A. 2000 662 1,2 2000 662 3,4 2000 663,664 2000 665 1,2 2000 665 3,4 2000 668 1-4 2000 669 3,4 27.PC Magazine 2000 19 5 2000 19 6 2000 19 9![]()