ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "КНИГИ" N.34 11.09.2000 М А Т Е М А Т И К А. Ф И З И К А 433. СПИВАК, А.В.. Математический праздник. (Часть 2) / А.В. Спивак - М : Бюро "Квантум" , 2000. 128 с. : ил. - (Приложение к журналу "Квант" ; No.4/2000) . 434. Computational Physics (CCP 99) : International Conference on ..., Atlanta, GA, USA, March 20-26, 1999 / Ed.: B. Boghosian и др - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XIV, 174 p.:il. - (Computer Physics Communications ; Vol.127, No.1) - Загл. предыдущ. конф.: Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics. Bibliogr.: ends of papers . . 435. LT-22 : Proc.of the 22nd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Helsinki, Finland, Aug 4-11, 1999: Pt.1. Invited Papers / Ed.: V. Gantmakher и др - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XXIII, 572 p.:il. - (Physica B; Vol.280, No.1/4) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers 436. Modern Trends in Computational Physics. First International Conference on ... (MTCP 98), Dubna, June 15-20, 1998 / Ed.: I.V. Puzynin и др - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XVII, 185 p.:il. - (Computer Physics Communications Vol.126, No.1/2) 437. Particles in Astrophysics and Cosmology: from Theory to Observation : Proc. of an International Workshop on ..., Valencia, Spain, May 3-8, 1999 / Ed.: V.Berezinsky и др - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - IX, 369 p.:il. - (Nuclear Physics B. Proceedings Supplements ; Vol.81) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 438. PHOTON 99 : Proc. of the International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon, Including the 12th International Workshop on Photon- Photon Collisions, Freiburg, Germany, May 23-27,1999 / Ed.: S. Soldner-Rembold. - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XIV,490 p.:il. - (Nuclear Physics B. . Proceedings Supplements ; Vol. 82) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 439. Quarks'98 = Кварки'98: Труды 10-го Международного семинара : Proc. of the 10th International Seminar, Suzdal, Russia, May 17-24,1998. Vol.1 / Ed.: F.L.Bezrukov и др - Moscow : INR , 1999. - 416 p.:il. - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 440. Quarks'98 = Кварки'98: Труды 10-го Международного семинара : Proc. of the 10th International Seminar, Suzdal, Russia, May 17-24,1998. Vol.2 / Ed.: F.L.Bezrukov и др - Moscow : INR , 1999. - 440 p.:il. - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 441. Spring Workshop on Superstring and Related Matters (1999; Trieste, Italy) : Proc. of the 1999 Spring Workshop on ..., Trieste, Italy, March 22-30, 1999 / Ed.. Greene и др - Singapore etc. : World Scientific , 2000. - VII, 312 p.:il. - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 442. Summer School in Particle Physics (1999: Trieste, Italy) : Proc. of the 1999 Summer School ..., Trieste, Italy, June 21 - July 9, 1999 / Ed.: G. Senjanovic, A.Yu. Smirnov - Singapore etc. : World Scientific , 2000. - VII, 394 p.:il. - (The ICTP Series in Theoretical Physics ; Vol.16) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers . 443. TAUP 99 : Proc.of the Sixth International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Paris, France, Sept.6-10, 1999 / Ed.: J. Dumarchez et al. - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XVI, 544 p.:il. - (Nuclear Physics B. Proceedings Supplements ; Vol.87) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers Б И О Л О Г И Я . 444. Тимофеев-Ресовский Н.В. = Timofeeff-Ressovsky N.W. / Сост.: В.И. Корогодин и др. - Дубна : ОИЯИ , 2000. - 51 с. : ил. - (ОИЯИ ; 2000-143) . 445. Modern Problems of Radiobiology, Radioecology and Evolution. International Conference, Dubna, Sept. 6-9,2000 : Dedicated to Centenary of N.W. Timofeeff- Ressovsky: Abstracts. - Dubna : JINR , 2000. - 230 p.:il. - (JINR ; E19-2000-175). - Bibliogr.: ends of papers![]()