ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ  БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "КНИГИ"  N.31           14.08.2000

                                    Ф И З И К А

   403. Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics . Vol.1 : Algebra and 
Physics / Ed.: R. Ablamowicz и B. Fauser .- Boston etc. : Birkhauser , 2000. - XXI, 461 p.:il. - 
(Progress in Physics ; Vol.18). -  Bibliogr.: ends of art.                                                                          

   404. Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics .Vol. 2: Clifford Analysis 
/ Ed.: J. Ryan и W. Sprossig .- Boston etc. : Birkhauser , 2000. - XXII, 320 p.:il. - (Progress in 
Physics ; Vol.19). - Bibliogr.: ends of  papers                                                                        

   405. Free Electron Lasers 1999 : Proc. of the Twenty-first International Free Electron Laser 
Conference, Hamburg, Germany, Aug.23-26, 1999 / Ed.: J. Feldhaus и H. Weise. - Amsterdam 
etc.:  Elsevier Science , 2000. - XXVI, 486 p.:il. -  Reprinted from: Nuclear Instruments and 
Methods in Physics Research A, Vol.445. - Bibliogr.: ends of papers.

   406. Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory = Фундаментальные
проблемы физики высоких энергий и теории поля : Тр. XXII семинара по физике высоких 
энергий и теории поля : Proc. of the XXII International Workshop on High Energy Physics and 
Field Theory, Protvino, June 23-25, 1999 / Ed.: I.V. Filimonova и V.A. Petrov. - Protvino : IHEP , 
1999. - 399 p.:il.                

   407. International Symposium on Quasiparticle and Phonon Excitations in Nuclei ( Soloviev 99) 
(1999;Wako) : In Memory of Professor Vadim Soloviev (1925-1998): Proc., Wako, Saitama, 
Japan, Dec. 4-7,1999 / Ed.: N. Dinh Dang и A. Arima. - Singapore etc. : World Scientific , 2000. - 
XVIII, 317 p.:il. - Bibliogr.: end of papers .

   408. LTD-8: Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Dalfsen, 
The Netherlands, Aug. 15-20, 1999 / Ed.: P. De Korte и T. Peacock. -  Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier 
Science , 2000. - XXIV, 514 p.:il. - (Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A ; 
Vol.444, No.1/2) - Bibliogr.: ends of papers.

   409. Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics : Proc. of the 6th Topical Seminar on ..., San Miniato 
(Pisa), Italy, May 17-21, 1999 / Ed.: G. Bruni и др. - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - 
XIII, 398 p.:il. - (Nuclear Physics B. Proceedings  Supplements ; Vol.85) - Bibliogr.: ends of 
papers .

   410. SXNS-6: Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Surface X-Ray and Neutron
 Scattering, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Sept. 12-17, 1999 / Ed.: D.K.G.de Boer и 
A.A. van Well .- Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XII, 288 p.:il. - (Physica B ; 
Vol.283, No.1/3). - Bibliogr.: ends of papers .            

   411. Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology : Proc.of the XIX  
Texas Symposium on ..., Paris, France, Dec. 14-18, 1998 / Ed.: E. Aubourg и др. - Amsterdam 
etc. : Elsevier Science , 2000. - XIV,247 p.:il. - (Nuclear Physics. Proceedings Supplements ; 
Vol.80). - Bibliogr.: ends of papers.               

   412. Workshop on Confidence Limits (2000; Geneva) : Proc., Geneva, Switzerland, Jan.17-18, 
2000 / Ed.: F. James и др. - Geneva : CERN , 2000. - VI,295 p.:il. - (CERN ; 2000-005). -
Bibliogr.: ends of papers.
