19.02.2025 From 7 to 21 February 2025, the JINR Science Library invites everyone interested
to a exhibition marking the 270th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Science Day.
19.02.2025 World Scientific books and journals are available for JINR Scientists.
List of availables publications.
22.01.2025 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 23 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals,
books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2024.
04.12.2024 An exhibition of Publishing House “Fizmatlit” books is taking place in the JINR Scientific Library from December 3 to December 26. The Library presents more than 90 monographs,
text books and collections in various areas of physics, astrophysics, and mathematics are widely presented.
12.11.2024 From November 11 to November 29, 2024, the branch of the Scientific
and Technical Library in the LHEP (Corp.3, 2nd floor) invites you to the literature exhibition "Particle Detectors in High Energy Physic
The full list of literature presented at the exhibition will be posted on the JINR NTB website ((https://ntb.jinr.ru) )
in the "News" section.
20.03.2024 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to the 68th Anniversary
of JINR is organized in the Scientific library from March 22.
07.02.2024 The Exhibition of the literature “300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 8 February.
18.01.2024 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 22 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals,
books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2023.
27.11.2023 On 27 November – 15 December 2023, the JINR Science and Technology
Library invites visitors to the Books of Moscow University Press exhibition.
Readers are offered more than 90 books published in the 21st century.
13.10.2023 The exhibition devoted to the memory of Prof. Eduard Kuraev
is organized in the Scientific library from October 16.
17.08.2023 The exhibition devoted to the 110 Anniversary of the
outstanding physicist Bruno Pontecorvo is organized in the Scientific library from August 21.
13.06.2023 Exhibition of books “Information Technologies.
Artificial Intelligence” takes place at the JINR Scientific Library from 13 to 30 June. Welcome!
06.06.2023 From 5 to 23 June, the branch of the Scientific Library in the LHEP
(building 3, 2nd floor) invites everyone interested to the book exhibition "Particle accelerators -
instruments of scientific discoveries" The exhibition’s materials might be useful for students, graduates, professors, and researchers.
Exhibition literature
13.04.2023 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 110th anniversary of the
outstanding physicist, the first Director of the JINR Laboratory Nuclear Problems Venedikt Dzhelepov
is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from April 10 to April 21.
22.03.2023 The Exhibitions of the literature devoted to the 67th Anniversary of
JINR and 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist,
the founder and first director of the JINR Laboratory of Nuclear
Reactions academician G.N.Flerov are organized in the Scientific
library from March 23.
08.02.2023 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science, and 120th anniversary of the birth
of the outstanding scientists academician I.V.Kurchatov and academician A.P.Alexandrov is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 8th February.
16.01.2023 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in
JINR Scientific Library from 23 January.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2022.
15.12.2022 An exhibition of URSS Publishing House books collected over
the last 5 years is taking place in the JINR Scientific Library from December 5. The Library presents more
than 70 monographs on various areas of physics, books on history and philosophy of natural sciences,
as well as biographies of outstanding scientists.
27.10.2022 The thematic exhibition “The Universe. Cosmology. Dark matter".
opened in the JINR Scientific library from October 24 to November 11. The exhibition includes titles 150
Russian and foreign books, monographs, collections . Welcome to the library for the exhibition of hypotheses and mysteries of the universe!
25.07.2022 Exhibition of books of Publishing house "FIZMATLIT" starts in the JINR Scientific Library from 25 July.
More than 70 scientific monographs and textbooks on various areas of physics received by the library over the past 10 years are presented.
24.03.2022 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 66th Anniversary
of JINR “Science Brings Nations Together” is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 23 March.
8.02.2022 The Exhibition of the literature “Physics. Philosophy. Methodology”
devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 8 February.
18.01.2022 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 24 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2021.
07.12.2021 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding physicist,
academician Victor A. Matveev is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from December 6 to December 20.
About 100 preprints, journal articles, book articles and publications in proceedings of conferences are presented in the exhibition.
27.09.2021 Welcome to the exhibition dedicated to the 230th Anniversary of
Michael Faraday at the JINR Scientific Library
23.08.2021 The exhibition devoted to the 150th Anniversary of the of the birth of Ernest
Rutherford, the founder of nuclear physics organized in the Scientific library from August 23.
In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on the transformation of elements and
the chemistry of radioactive substances. The exhibition presents selected works, individual monographs of E. Rutherford,
conference materials, Russian and foreign books dedicated to his life and work.
Welcome to the exhibition at the JINR Scientific Library!
24.03.2021 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 65th Anniversary of JINR is
organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 23 March. The exhibition are represent literature devoted to the
international cooperation, scientific achievements, and the history and prospects of the Institute's development.
24.02.2021 The exhibition devoted to the 95 Anniversary of the outstanding scientist,
who headed the High Energy Laboratory
for about 30 years, Academician A.N.Baldin is organized in the Scientific library from February 25.
08.02.2021 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 10 February.
02.02.2021 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 3 February.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2020.
06.02.2020 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 10 February.
16.01.2020 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 20 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals,
books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2019.
03.09.2019 The exhibition devoted to the 110 Anniversary of the
outstanding scientist Academician N.N.Bogolyubov is organized in the Scientific library from September 9.
07.02.2019 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science
and the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic law of chemical elements is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 8th February.
16.01.2019 The exhibition devoted to the 90 Anniversary of the outstanding
scientist and a theoretical physicist Chernikov Nikolai Alexandrovich is organized in the
JINR Scientific Library from 17 January.
16.01.2019 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 21 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2018.
01.03.2018 The exhibition devoted to the 90 Anniversary of an academician of the
Russian Academy of Sciences and a world-renowned theoretical physicist Dmitry Vasilievich Shirkov is opened
in the Scientific library starting from March 5.
06.02.2018 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is
organized in JINR Scientific Library from 8th February. The role and importance of science are seen through
the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
18.01.2018 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 22 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2017.
11.01.2018 The exhibition devoted to the 110 Anniversary of the outstanding
physicist and first director of the JINR D.I.Blokhintsev is opened in the Scientific library
starting from January 11.
21.03.2017 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 61st Anniversary
of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library in the Foreign literature reading room from
24 March.
07.02.2017 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian
Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library in the Foreign literature reading room
from 6th February.
11.01.2017 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 16 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2016.
Selected list of e-books in physics of “Cambridge University Press” is available
20.05.2016 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 60th Anniversary
of Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from
25 May.
24.03.2016 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 60th Anniversary
of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library in the Central service hall and in the Foreign
literature reading room from 23 March. The books are represented at the exhibition were published by JINR staff members.
24.02.2016 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 90-th anniversary
of the outstanding physisist A.M.Baldin, a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences is organized
in the branch of the Scientific library in VBLHEP from 24 February.
A.M.Baldin was head of Laboratory of High Energy Physics about 30 years.
20.01.2016 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department
publications is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 22 January. Our users can
get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2015.
The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the general theory of relativity
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from December 7.
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 59th Anniversary of JINR is organized
in the JINR Scientific Library from 23 March.
The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 9th February. The role and importance of science are seen
through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 19 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2014.
The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 7th February. The role and importance of science are seen
through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 20 January.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by
JINR Publishing Department in 2013.
The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the physicist B.Pontecorvo
is organized in the Scientific library from August 26.
The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the outstanding physicist
and first director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems V.P.Dzhelepov
is organized in the Scientific library from April 8.
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 57th Anniversary of
JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 22 March.
The exhibition devoted to the 150 Anniversary of the mineralogist and geochemist who is
considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and radiogeology
V.I. Vernadsky is opened in the Scientific library starting from March 11.
03.02.2013 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian
Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 4th February. The role and importance of science
are seen through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
14.01.2013 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 14 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints,
journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2012.
13.09.2012 The exhibition devoted to the 20th International
Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2012) is organized in the division of JINR Scientific library
(LHEP) (building 215, 4th floor, room No.446) from 17 September 2012.
10.09.2012 The exhibition devoted to the XXI International Baldin
Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems “Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics”
is organized in the division of JINR Scientific library (LHEP) from 10 September 2012.
22.03.2012 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 56th Anniversary of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 22 March.
22.03.2012 The exhibition of the literature is organized in the JINR Scientific library in the Foreign literature reading room from 22 March. The books are represented at the exhibition were received from World Scientific, Cambridge University Press, CRC Press etc in 2011.
01.02.2012 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 6th February. The role and importance of science are
seen through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in
JINR Scientific Library from 23 January. Our users can get acquainted with
the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2011.
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 300 years anniversary of the outstanding Russian scientist M.V.Lomonosov
is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 18 November.
14.10.2011 Trial access to electronic textbooks, guides and manuals
in various fields of science is open on the site ibooks.ru till December 1
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 75 years anniversary of the talented scientist in the field of the theoretical physics G.I.Kolerov is organized from August 3. His name is assigned to the reeding hall of the JINR Scientific Library.
23.03.2011 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 55th Anniversary
of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 23 March.
24.02.2011 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 85-th anniversary
of the outstanding physisist A.M.Baldin, a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences is organized
in the branch of the Scientific library in VBLHEP starting from 21 February. A.M.Baldin was a head of the
Laboratory of High Energy Physics near 30 years.
01.02.2011 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 7th February.
The role and importance of science are seen through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles
19.01.2011 The seminar “OAI repository for scientific publications of JINR researchers”
was held on January 13 at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics.In the framework of the international program OAI
(Open Access Initiative) the electronic open access archive-repository JINR Document Server (JDS) is built up.
The main goal of JDS is to collect in JINR site all the publications of JINR researchers. The documents deposited
in the repository are preprints, journal articles, books, conference papers, conference announcements, theses, annual reports etc.
Currently the retrospective publications of JINR authors up to 1956 are deposited. JDS being integrated digital library
system gives to users an opportunity to deposit manuscripts in self-archiving mode, create personal catalogs,
subscribe to alerts and RSS, send comments and arrange discussions on submitted papers.
19.01.2011 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 20 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued
by JINR Publishing Department in 2010.
15.09.2010 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 100-th
anniversary of the outstanding scientist M.G.Mescheryakov, a Corresponding Member
of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is organized in the Scientific library from September 17.
15.03.2010 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 54th Anniversary of JINR
is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 22 March.
01.02.2010 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in
JINR Scientific Library from 8th February. The role and importance of science are
seen through the pages of titles of books, journal articles.
15.01.2010 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 18 January.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2009.
22.10.2009 The Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR Staff Members 2008
12.08.2009 The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the outstanding scientist Academician N.N.Bogolyubov
is organized in the Scientific library from August 19.
23.04.2009 Full text access to the journals of Optical Society of America (OSA) is available now.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Applied Optics
Applied Spectroscopy
Optics Letters
Optics Express
Journal of Optical Networking
Advances in Optics and Photonics
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics
Journal of Lightwave Technology
Journal of Optical Technology
Journal of Display Technology
Chinese Optics Letters
site: http://ntb.jinr.ru “Magazines”
22.04.2009 Full text access to the journals of SPIE Digital Library is available now.
Proceedings of SPIE: c 1990
Optical Engineering: c 1990
Journal of Electronic Imaging: c 1992
Journal of Biomedical Optics: c 1996
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS: c 2002
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing: c 2007
Journal of Nanophotonics: c 2007
SPIE Letters Virtual Journal: c 2005
site: http://ntb.jinr.ru “Magazines”
17.03.2009 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 53rd
Anniversary of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific
Library from 23 March.
03.03.2009 The exhibition devoted to the 130 Anniversary
of the outstanding physicist Albert Einstein is organized in JINR Scientific Library from
March 11.
05.02.2009 The Exhibition of the literature devoted
to Day of Russian Science, and 175th anniversary of the birth of Russian scientist
and inventor D.I.Mendeleev is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 9th February.
19.01.2009 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department
publications is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 22 January.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR
Publishing Department in 2008.
The Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR
Staff Members 2007
20.06.2008 The exhibition devoted to the XIII
International Conference «Selected Problems of Modern Theoretical Physics»
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 23 June. The conference is dedicated
to the 100th anniversary of the birth of D.I.Blokhintsev.
17.03.2008 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 52nd
Anniversary of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 21 March.
04.02.2008 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of
Russian Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 8th February. The role and importance of
science are seen through the pages of titles of books, journal and newspaper articles.
24.01.2008 The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized
in JINR Scientific Library from 24 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books
issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2007.
14.01.2008 The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the outstanding physicist
and first director of the JINR D.I.Blokhintsev is opened in the JINR Scientific library
starting from January 14. The exhibition includes more than 150 titles of the books,
journal articles and conference reports.
9.08.2007 The Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR Staff Members 2006
12.04.2007 A new exhibition is organized in the Foreign Literature Reading Room of the JINR
Scientific Library from 16 April. At the exhibition the proceedings of conferences
published in scientific journals and received by the Library in 2006 are
20.03.2007 The exhibition of literature devoted to the 51st Anniversary of JINR is organized in the JINR
Scientific Library from 22 March. About 100 titles of books, journal and newspapers articles are represented at the exhibition
28.02.2007 The exhibition devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the outstanding physicist V.I.Veksler is opened
in the division of JINR Scientific library (LHE) starting from March 1. The exhibition includes more than 100 titles of the books,
journal articles and conference reports.
2.02.2007 The Exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science is organized in JINR Scientific Library
from 5th February. The Selected papers of Russian scientists are represented at this exhibition. The role and importance of science
are seen through the pages of titles of journal articles.
The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 18 January.
Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals, books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2006.
The exhibition devoted to the XVIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems “Relativistic Nuclear
Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics” is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 25 September 2006.
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 50th
Anniversary of JINR is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 20 March.
The exhibition of the literature devoted to Day of Russian Science
is organized in JINR Scientific Library from 6th February.
The role and importance of science are seen through the pages of titles of books,
journal and newspaper articles
The exhibition of the literature is organized in the JINR Scientific library in the Foreign literature reading room from 30 January.
The books are represented at the exhibition were received from Springer, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press etc in 2005.
On pages of the monographies and collections are discussed the problems of the quantum mechanics, quantum theory of a field,
cosmology and astrophysics, physics and chemistry of heavy and superheavy elements.
The Exhibition of JINR Publishing Department publications is organized in JINR
Scientific Library from 16 January. Our users can get acquainted with the preprints, journals,
books issued by JINR Publishing Department in 2005.
The exhibition of literature devoted to the 49th Anniversary of JINR
is organized in the JINR Scientific Library from 21 March.
About 100 titles of books, journal and newspapers articles
are represented at the exhibition.
The Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR Staff Members 2003
Data Base Liber