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462.Aaron, F.D. A Precision Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [a.o.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 35 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-005) .- Bibliogr.:43.

463.Aaron, F.D. A Precision Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2009.-Vol.64, No.4.-p.561-588 .- Bibliogr.:44.

464.Aaron, F.D. Combined Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Inclusive e&sup(*()p Scattering Cross Sections at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 60 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-158) .- Bibliogr.:54.

465.Aaron, F.D. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and its Beam Charge Asymmetry in e&sup(*()p Collisions at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 21p.: il.- (DESY; 09-109) .- Bibliogr.:31.

466.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of Diffractive Scattering of Photons with Large Momentum Transfer at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [a.o.] // Physics Letters B.-2009.-Vol.672, No.3.-p.219-226 .- Bibliogr.:31.

467.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of the D&sup(* *() Meson Production Cross Section and F&sup(cc^-)&sub(2) at High Q*2 in ep Scattering at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 21 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-165) .- Bibliogr.:46.

468.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at Low Q*2 and x at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2009.-Vol.63, No.4.-p.625-678 .- Bibliogr.:90.

469.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at Low Q*2 and x at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 46 p: il.- (DESY; 08-171) .- Bibliogr.:75.

470.Aaron, F.D. Multi-Leptons with High Transverse Momentum at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 17p.: il.- (DESY; 09-108) .- Bibliogr.:10.

471.Aaron, F.D. Prompt Photons in Photoproduction at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 33 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-135) .- Bibliogr.:50.

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477.Anselmino, M. Update on Transversity and Collins Functions from SIDIS and e*+e*- Data / M.Anselmino, M.Boglione, A.Kotzinian [a.o.] // HERA 2008: Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop - New Trends in HERA Physics 2008, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, Oct. 5-10, 2008/ Ed.: Grindhammer G., B.A.Kniehl, G.Kramer, W.Ochs.- Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier Science B.V., 2009.-p.98-107 .- Bibliogr.:51.

478.Bystritskiy, Yu.M. Radiative Decays of Pseudoscalar (P) and Vector (V) Mesons and the Process e*+e*-*>*h'*r/ Yu.M.Bystritskiy, E.A.Kuraev, M.Secansky, M.K.Volkov // XIII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908 - 1979), Dubna, June 23-27, 2008= XIII Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Д.И.Блохинцева (1908-1979): Proceedings of the Conference/ International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (13; 2008; Dubna); Ed.: B.M.Barbashov, S.M.Eliseev.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.287-289 .- Bibliogr.:5.

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486.Shvetsov, V.N. Comparison of Calculated and Measured Yields of Medical Isotopes Produced by Bremsstrahlung of Electrons/ V.N.Shvetsov, E.I.Sharapov, G.G.Bunatian // Neutron Spectroscopy, Nuclear Structure, Related Topics: XVII International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei (ISINN-17), Dubna, May 27-30, 2009= Нейтронная спектроскопия, структура ядра и связанные вопросы: XVII Международный семинар по взаимодействию нейтронов с ядрами : Abstracts of the Seminar.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.73 .- Bibliogr.:2.

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