С 393 Физика низких температур / Low Temperature Physics


1630.Adam, S. Features of High-T&sub(c) Superconducting Phase Transitions in Cuprates/ S.Adam, Gh.Adam // Romanian Journal of Physics.-2008.-Vol.53, No.9/10.-p.993-1000 .- Bibliogr.:12.

1631.Andreeva, O.Yu. Influence of Inhomogeneity Parameters and Position on Vortex Structrure in Long Josephson Junction/ O.Yu.Andreeva, T.L.Boyadjiev, Yu.M.Shukrinov // Dubna-Nano 2008: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 7-11, 2008: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2008.-p.16.

1632.Andreeva, O.Yu. Influence of Position and Parameters of Inhomogeneities on Vortex Structure in Long Josephson Junctions/ O.Yu.Andreeva, T.L.Boyadjiev, Yu.M.Shukrinov // The International Conference on Theoretical Physics "Dubna-Nano 2008", Dubna, Russia, 7-11 July, 2008: [proc.]/ Ed.: Osipov V.A., V.O.Nesterenko, Yu.M.Shukrinov.- Bristol [etc.]: IOP, 2008.-p.012036 .- Bibliogr.:5.

1633.Boyadjiev, T.L. Created-by-Current States in Long Josephson Junctions/ T.L.Boyadjiev, O.Yu.Andreeva, E.G.Semerdjieva, Yu.M.Shukrinov // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics .-2008.-Vol.83, No.4.-p.47008 .- Bibliogr.:22.

1634.Boyadjiev, T.L. Critical Current of a Long Josephson 0-*p Junction in Magnetic Field/ T.L.Boyadjiev, E.Goldobin // Dubna-Nano 2008: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 7-11, 2008: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2008.-p.17 .- Bibliogr.:2.

1635.Budagov, J. Stress Analysis of the Ti-SS Transition Joint/ J.Budagov, B.Sabirov, A.Sissakian, G.Shirkov, A.Sukhanova, A.Basti, F.Bedeschi, F.Frasconi, S.Linari.- Dubna, 2008.- 8 p.: il.- (JINR; E13-2008-58) .- Bibliogr.:5.

1636.Fardmanesh, M. Investigation of the I-V Characteristics of High-T&sub(c) Superconducting YBCO Josephson Junction Arrays/ M.Fardmanesh, Yu.M.Shukrinov [et al.]  // Dubna-Nano 2008: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 7-11, 2008: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2008.-p.29.

1637.Irie, A. Experimental Manifestation of the Breakpoint Region in the Current-Voltage Characteristics of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions/ A.Irie, Yu.M.Shukrinov, G.Oya // Applied Physics Letters.-2008.-Vol.93, No.15.-p.152510 .- Bibliogr.:21.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3005418 .

1638.Kolganova, E.A. Ultracold Helium Trimers/ E.A.Kolganova, A.K.Motovilov, W.Sandhas // Few-Body Systems.-2008.-Vol.44, No.1/4.-p.233-236 .- Bibliogr.:20.

1639.Kostenko, B.F. Theoretical Evidences for Superheating During Track Formation in High-T&sub(c) Superconductors/ B.F.Kostenko, J.Pribis // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2008.-Т.5, No.3.-p.514-521 .- Bibliogr.:24.

1640.Kozhevnikov, V.F. Evidence for Nonmonotonic Magnetic Field Penetration in a Type-I Superconductor/ V.F.Kozhevnikov, Yu.N.Khaidukov, Yu.V.Nikitenko, V.L.Aksenov [et al.]  // Physical Review B.-2008.-Vol.78, No.1.-p.012502 .- Bibliogr.:23.

1641.Shanenko, A.A. Andreev-Type States Induced by Quantum Confinement/ A.A.Shanenko, M.D.Croitoru, R.G.Mints, F.M.Peeters // Поверхность.-2008.-No.8.-p.30-34 .- Bibliogr.:17.

1642.Shukrinov, Yu.M. Breakpoint Phenomenon in Layered Superconductors/ Yu.M.Shukrinov // The International Conference on Theoretical Physics "Dubna-Nano 2008", Dubna, Russia, 7-11 July, 2008: [proc.]/ Ed.: Osipov V.A., V.O.Nesterenko, Yu.M.Shukrinov.- Bristol [etc.]: IOP, 2008.-p.012034 .- Bibliogr.:13.

1643.Shukrinov, Yu.M. Breakpoint Region Structure in the Current-Voltage Characteristics of Layered Superconductors/ Yu.M.Shukrinov, M.Hamdipour // Dubna-Nano 2008: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 7-11, 2008: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2008.-p.38 .- Bibliogr.:5.

1644.Shukrinov, Yu.M. Structure of the Breakpoint Region on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions/ Yu.M.Shukrinov, F.Mahfouzi, M.Suzuki // Physical Review B.-2008.-Vol.78, No.13.-p.134521 .- Bibliogr.:12.

1645.Бояджиев, Т.Л. Эквивалентные джозефсоновские переходы/ Т.Л.Бояджиев, Е.Г.Семерджиева, Шукринов Ю.М. // Журнал технической физики.-2008.-T.78, No.1.-с.9-14 .- Библиогр.:18.

1646.Москаленко, В.А. Сверхпроводимость металлов с учетом перекрытия энергетических полос: [Физика металлов и металловедение, 1959.- Т.8, вып.4.- С.503-513]/ В.А.Москаленко // Всеволод Анатольевич Москаленко: к 80-летию со дня рождения/ Общ. ред.: Воронов В.В., В.А.Осипов.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2008.-с.15-26 .- Библиогр.:9.