С 332 Электромагнитные взаимодействия / Electromagnetic Interactions


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364.Airapetian, A. Quark Helicity Distributions in the Nucleon for Up, Down, and Strange Quarks from Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering/ A.Airapetian, A.Fechtchenko, G.Iarygin, V.G.Krivokhijine, A.Nagaitsev, I.Savin, V.Shutov a.o. // Physical Review D.-2005.-Vol.71, No.1.-p.012003 .- Bibliogr.:100.

365.Airapetian, A. Single-Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering on a Transversely Polarized Hydrogen Target/ A.Airapetian, A.Fechtchenko, G.Iarygin, V.G.Krivokhijine, A.Nagaitsev, I.Savin, V.Shutov a.o. // Physical Review Letters.-2005.-Vol.94, No.1.-p.012002 .- Bibliogr.:32.

366.Aktas, A. A Determination of Electroweak Parameters at HERA/ A.Aktas, A.Makankine, M.Kapichine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov et al.- Hamburg, 2005.- 16 p: il.- (DESY; 05-093) .- Bibliogr.:35.

367.Aktas, A. First Measurement of Charged Current Cross Sections at HERA with Longitudinally Polarised Positrons/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov et al.- Hamburg, 2005.- 13 p: il.- (DESY; 05-249) .- Bibliogr.:26.

368.Aktas, A. Measurement of Beauty Production at HERA Using Events with Muons and Jets/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov a.o. // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.41, No.4.-p.453-468 .- Bibliogr.:41.

369.Aktas, A. Measurement of Beauty Production at HERA Using Events with Muons and Jets/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov a.o.- Hamburg, 2005.- 33 p: il.- (DESY; 05-004) .- Bibliogr.:41.

370.Aktas, A. Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA / A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov a.o.- Hamburg, 2005.- 23 p.: il.- (DESY; 05-065) .- Bibliogr.:48.

371.Aktas, A. Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov et al. // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.44, No.1.-p.1-11 .- Bibliogr.:49.

372.Aktas, A. Measurement of Event Shape Variables in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov et al.- Hamburg, 2005.- 24 p: il.- (DESY; 05-225) .- Bibliogr.:36.

373.Aktas, A. Measurement of F&sup(cc^-)&sub(2) and F&sup(bb^-) at High Q*2 Using the H1 Vertex Detector at HERA/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov a.o. // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.40, No.3.-p.349-359 .- Bibliogr.:34.

374.Aktas, A. Measurement of Prompt Photon Cross Sections in Photoproduction at HERA/ A.Aktas, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, I.Morozov, D.Nikitin, G.Ossoskov, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov a.o. // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.38, No.4.-p.437-445 .- Bibliogr.:24.

375.Arbuzov, A.B. Radiative Muon(Pair) Production in High Energy Electron-Positron Annihilation. (The Case of Small Invariant Pair Mass)/ A.B.Arbuzov, E.Bartos, V.V.Bytev, E.A.Kuraev, Z.K.Silagadze // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.4.-p.41-52 .- Bibliogr.:28.

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378.Balalykin, N. DELSY - Dubna ELectron SYnchrotron at JINR/ N.Balalykin, P.Beloshitsky, V.Kadyshevsky, V.Kobets, I.Meshkov, I.Seleznev, G.Shirkov, A.Sissakian, E.Syresin, I.Titkova // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A.-2005.-Vol.543, No.1.-p.19-22 .- Bibliogr.:5.
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