28.0 Биология / Biology


1682.Coskun, Mah. Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Soil in Thrace Region (Turkey)/ Mah.Coskun, E.Steinnes, M.V.Frontasyeva, M.Coskun, T.E.Sjobakk, S.V.Demkina.- Dubna, 2004.- 14 p.: il.- (JINR; E14-2004-179) .- Bibliogr.:18.

1683.Denisov, D.V. On Possibility of Achieving Superconductivity in Water/ D.V.Denisov, S.Yu.Kulikovsky, D.I.Popov, V.N.Samoilov.- Dubna, 2005.- 8 p: il.- (JINR; E5-2005-102) .- Bibliogr.:9.

1684.Feoli, A. Functionals Linear in Curvature and Statistics of Helical Proteins/ A.Feoli, V.V.Nesterenko, G.Scarpetta // Nuclear Physics B.-2005.-Vol.705, No.3.-p.577-592 .- Bibliogr.:37.

1685.Koltovaya, N.A. Sequencing Analysis of Mutant Allele cdc28-srm of Protein Kinase CDC28 and Molecular Dynamics Study of Glycine-Rich Loop in Wild-Type and Mutant Allele G16S of CDK2 as Model/ N.A.Koltovaya, A.S.Guerasimova, D.A.Kretov, Kh.T.Kholmurodov.- Dubna, 2005.- 11 p: il.- (JINR; E19-2005-19) .- Bibliogr.:25.

1686.Kretov, D.A. Sequencing Anlaysis of Mutant Allele CDC28-SRM of Protein Kinase CDC28 and Molecular Dynamics Study of Glycine-Rich Loop in Wild Type and Mutant Allele G16S of CDK2 As Model/ D.A.Kretov, N.A.Koltovaya, Kh.T.Kholmurodov // Modern Problems of Genetics, Radiobiology, Radioecology and Evolution: The Second International Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of N.W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, and the 70th anniversary of the paper "On the Nature of Gene Mutations and Gene Structure" by N.W.Timofeeff-Ressovsky, K.G.Zimmer and M.Delbruck, Yerevan, Sept.8-11, 2005: Abstracts, Papers by Young Scientists.- Dubna: JINR, 2005.-p.127; p.278-280 .- Bibliogr.:14.

1687.Kutlakhmedov, Y.A. Radiocapacity-Characteristic of Stability and Realibility of a Biota in Ecosytems/ Y.A.Kutlakhmedov, V.I.Korogodin // Modern Problems of Genetics, Radiobiology, Radioecology and Evolution: The Second International Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of N.W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, and the 70th anniversary of the paper "On the Nature of Gene Mutations and Gene Structure" by N.W.Timofeeff-Ressovsky, K.G.Zimmer and M.Delbruck, Yerevan, Sept.8-11, 2005: Abstracts, Papers by Young Scientists.- Dubna: JINR, 2005.-p.40.

1688.Polozov, R.V. On a Classification of E.coli Promoters According to Their Electrostatic Potentials/ R.V.Polozov, V.S.Sivozhelezov, V.V.Ivanov, Yu.B.Melnikov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.4.-p.82-90 .- Bibliogr.:20.

1689.Priezzhev, V.B. Self-Organized Criticality in Immune Systems/ V.B.Priezzhev // Modern Problems of Genetics, Radiobiology, Radioecology and Evolution: The Second International Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of N.W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, and the 70th anniversary of the paper "On the Nature of Gene Mutations and Gene Structure" by N.W.Timofeeff-Ressovsky, K.G.Zimmer and M.Delbruck, Yerevan, Sept.8-11, 2005: Abstracts, Papers by Young Scientists.- Dubna: JINR, 2005.-p.43.

1690.Tsyganov, E. Combining Different Modalities for 3D Imaging of Biological Objects/ E.Tsyganov, P.Antich, P.Kulkarni, R.Mason, R.Parkey, S.Seliuonine, J.Shay, T.Soesbe, V.Zhezher, A.Zinchenko.- Dubna, 2005.- 17 p: il.- (JINR; E19-2005-112) .- Bibliogr.:27.

1691.Vinnichenko, A.S. Heavy Metal and Rare Earth Elements Distribution in the Different Components of Rybinsk Reservoir Ecosystem/ A.S.Vinnichenko, M.V.Galinskaya, M.V.Frontasyeva, D.F.Pavlov // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.234 .- Bibliogr.:2.

1692.Горбунов, А.В. Распределение некоторых элементов в биосубстратах рабочих, занятых в производстве минеральных азотно-фосфорных удобрений/ А.В.Горбунов, С.М.Ляпунов, О.И.Окина, М.В.Фронтасьева, С.С.Павлов.- Дубна, 2005.- 23 с.: ил.- (ОИЯИ ; Д14-2005-45) .- Библиогр.:34.