Ñ 63 Àñòðîôèçèêà / Astrophysics


1640.Abbondanno, U. Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements for Nuclear Astrophysics at CERN n_TOF/ U.Abbondanno, W.Furman, V.Konovalov a.o. // Nuclear Physics A.-2005.-Vol.758.-p.501c-504c .- Bibliogr.:5.

1641.de Boer, W. EGRET Excess of Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays Interpreted as a Signal of Dark Matter Annihilation/ W.de Boer, A.V.Gladyshev, D.I.Kazakov et al. // Physical Review Letters.-2005.-Vol.95, No.20.-p.209001 .- Bibliogr.:5.

1642.de Boer, W. First Evidence for Galactic Gamma-Rays from Dark Matter Annihilation / W.de Boer, C.Sander, V.Zhukov, A.Gladyshev, D.I.Kazakov // International Conference on Theoretical Physics (2005; Moscow): Abstracts ..., Moscow, Lebedev Inst., Apr.11-16, 2005.- Moscow: PhIAN, 2005.-p.39.

1643.Dimova, M.G. The Kantorovich Method for High-Accuracy Calculations of a Hydrogen Atom in a Strong Magnetic Field: Low-Lying Excited States/ M.G.Dimova, M.S.Kaschiev, S.I.Vinitsky // Journal of Physics B.-2005.-Vol.38, No.14.-p.2337-52 .- Bibliogr.:37.

1644.Grigorenko, L.V. Three-Body Resonant Radiative Capture Reactions in Astrophysics/ L.V.Grigorenko, M.V.Zhukov // Physical Review C.-2005.-Vol.72, No.1.-p.015803 .- Bibliogr.:40.

1645.Muradian, R. The Primeval Hadron: Spin-Mass Relation in Astrophysics and the Regge Paradigm/ R.Muradian // Hadron Structure '96: Proc. of the International Conference, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic, Feb. 12-16, 1996/ Ed.: Martinovic  L., Strizenec  P.- Á.ì.: Á.è., 1996.-p.373-384 .- Bibliogr.:18.

1646.Podgainy, D.V. Quiescent Luminosity of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars Driven by Gyromagnetic Oscillations in the Neutron Star Crust/ D.V.Podgainy, M-G.Park, S.Bastrukov // Hot Points in Astrophysics and Cosmology. Helmholtz International School and Workshop (2004; Dubna): Proc. ..., Dubna, Aug.2-13, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2005.-p.5-13 .- Bibliogr.:21.

1647.Zakharov, A.F. Massive Black Holes: Theory vs.Observations/ A.F.Zakharov // Hot Points in Astrophysics and Cosmology. Helmholtz International School and Workshop (2004; Dubna): Proc. ..., Dubna, Aug.2-13, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2005.-p.332-351 .- Bibliogr.:72.